Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 365 No matter how much you think about the fate

Chapter 365 No matter how much you think about the fate
"Wen Qing, for so many years, besides Su Yichen, you are the person I have paid the most attention to, a competitor I have always imagined, but only after we broke up with him did I realize that everything is just my own obsession. Thinking, if I didn’t take such a detour persistently, would you be completely different today?”

Wen Qing was a little taken aback when she heard the words, as if she thought for a while before answering her,

"Actually, between Su Yichen and me, we will be separated one day without you. You just appeared at this time!"

Yin Chang, "But if it wasn't for me, at least at this stage when the Wen family's accident happened, he wouldn't ignore your matter, so you wouldn't be with Huo Ziyan now, would you?"

Wen Qing was speechless for a moment, sorting out the causal relationship Tai Wen said in her mind.

As she expresses, everything happens for a reason.

But she had never thought about how it was related before this.

It's as if the first time I saw Huo Ziyan in a bar in New York was because his father was seriously ill, and Su Yichen was about to make a marriage contract with her at the same time.

if not……

Then everything could really be different.


"There is nothing if!"

No matter how much you think about destiny, it's nothing but mediocrity.

"Wen Qing, I once again apologize for all the bad words and deeds I have done to you in the past, and I hope you will avoid detours like mine. I don't know what will happen to you and Huo Ziyan in the future, and how far your relationship is now, but if you It’s just a purely transactional relationship, so let me give you some advice. If you find someone you really want to spend your life with in the future, no matter how difficult or difficult it is, you must tell him this experience without reservation, so that you Choose at the same time, don't repeat my mistakes!"

Wen Qing raised her eyes to look at her, obviously she still looked so young and beautiful, but her eyes, illuminated by the lights of the coffee shop, showed a look of burnout.

"Do you regret?"

"In what way?"

After the question was uttered, as if she knew Wen Qing's thoughts again, Tai Wenfu said again, "You want to ask me if I regret this part of the past!"

Wen Qing didn't speak.

"I don't regret it. The entertainment industry is so complicated. Back then, I had nothing but my youth and this barely visible past face. I didn't have a good family background, I didn't have knowledge, I didn't have any background. I wanted to persevere until the end, even without him. , it may not be so clean now, even if we try our best to keep it clean, we may not have the achievements and aura we have now."

"Probably in the end I didn't have enough courage to appear by Su Yichen's side again! Maybe I could only be in a corner where no one was around forever, complaining about myself and lamenting the injustice of fate. But now, after going through all this, I also understand that he and I are not the same No matter how possible, apart from regret, there will be no unwillingness or complaints!"

On the way to make an appointment with Yin Chang for the restaurant, Wen Qing kept thinking about what Tai Wen said to her last,

"If I knew early in the morning that Su Yichen and I would eventually break up, if I could do it all over again, the time we were together, I would definitely not be like the past, facing him every day with a suspicious and entangled face, I would be happy , try our best to make every day we spend together a beautiful memory.”

(End of this chapter)

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