Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 366 Not only Yin Chang's eyes lit up immediately, even Wen Qing was quite surprised

Chapter 366 Not only Yin Chang's eyes lit up immediately, even Wen Qing was quite surprised

When they arrived at the restaurant where they met Yin Chang, before Wen Qing got out of the car, Feng Zhe in the driver's seat said suddenly.

"Miss Wen, you go back to the company after dinner, I will accompany you!"

Wen Qing paused, she didn't expect Feng Zhe to say that, she just thought about it, probably because the entertainment company was complicated, when she went to sign the contract for the first time, she had a dispute with Tai Wen in the public area, Huo Ziyan knew about it, it should be Mentioned it to Feng Zhe.

"I still don't need it. I'm going to arrange work today. You are Huo Ziyan's bodyguard. Some people know you. It's not good to stand aside. Don't worry, Yin Chang is with me. You can go to dinner by yourself. You can move freely in the afternoon." , I will call you in advance when I go back!"

"Okay! Miss Wen can find me anytime, I'm right here!"

After lunch, Wen Qing and Yin Chang went to Lixing Entertainment Company.

Tang Boxing has already returned to the imperial capital. Although Huo Ziyan did not come back, Huo Ziyan had already asked Tan Yi to prepare for the temporary appointment of the spokesperson for the jewelry image before going to New York.

But after all, it is the publicity of a big international brand, and some flat photos must be taken first, sent to the upper management of the company, and then the contract is formally signed.

Since Tang Boxing had just returned to the imperial capital and was busy with work, he was in a meeting when they went.

They then went to the office of Zhang Xin Kaizhang, manager of the artist coordinating department on the 17th floor, to learn about the specific work details.

Manager Zhang informed her that she had to spare any time during these three days, because the actor who signed the commercial contract this time was Lu Yanghong, and the schedule was relatively tight. See if he had time, and then notify her to take a photo together.

When they heard the words Lu Yanghong, not only Yin Chang's eyes lit up immediately, but even Wen Qing was quite surprised.

After all, first-line superstars like him usually work with cast members like Ma Shiyi. Even if they are a little worse, at least they should be famous stars like Tai Wen, and they rarely partner with newcomers like her.

Of course, when they thought about it, they also knew that Huo Ziyan and Tang Boxing had done their work in private.

Zhang Xinkai knew from the very first time he signed the contract that the girl in front of him had a lot of background, and now he saw that it was indeed the case.

But in the end, he has worked in the position of Lixing Entertainment for many years, and he has seen a lot, and he didn't show too much surprise, he said in a business-like manner.

"You can encounter such a good opportunity when you work for the first time. You are cooperating with big international brands and the first-line superstars of the company. You must study hard and perform well. , or the outside media and marketing, there will be many eyes looking at you, and there will naturally be different voices. These are all normal, and the mentality is calm and stable. The most important thing is to do a good job and satisfy advertisers and investors. In order to block these voices, we will not worry about not having better resources in the future.”

"Understood, Manager Zhang, I will work hard and not let you down!"

After leaving the company, both of them were in a good mood. After all, this was their first job in life, the first time they worked together, and the starting point was still so high.

"Manager Zhang is really nice. He probably knows that I came in because of my relationship. Since I didn't gossip, flatter, or ridicule, my attitude is always neither humble nor overbearing. Give me some reminders and suggestions!"

"That's for sure, otherwise it's impossible to achieve this position! Do you think he will think it's Tang Boxing's relationship? After all, I thought so at the beginning!"

(End of this chapter)

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