Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 367 If He Was By Her Side At That Time, His Eyebrows Would Be Gloomy

Chapter 367 If He Was By Her Side At That Time, His Eyebrows Would Be Gloomy

"Do whatever you want, I guess the relationship between me and Huo Ziyan will not be hidden for a long time, just let nature take its course!"

"Well, I'm so happy to think that I will be able to see male god Lu often in the future. I really hope that you can shoot this commercial for a while longer!"

Wen Qing, "..." walked forward quickly, not bothering with this nympho!

Yin Chang rushed forward to hold Wen Qing in his arms, "Of course the most, most, happiest thing is that I can finally work with you!"

Wen Qing directly patted her on the head, "Pretend, you just pretend, you said you don't have a boyfriend now anyway, if you have the ability, turn your nympho into a love ambition, get your male god, and you can do it every day in the future Seeing him, sleeping together at night and waking up together in the morning, wouldn't it be better!"

Turning her head to look at Wen Qing, with a look of contempt on her face, "You said that you were defiled by Mr. Huo after you were with him now, or you were just a coquettish before, I didn't see it, two people fall in love, your brain The plot in it is to sleep together at night and wake up together in the morning, right! Tsk tsk tsk! You also said that I am a nymphomaniac, I think you are really a pervert!"

Wen Qing got used to it, and didn't mind Yin Chang's words. She joked with a smile, "Well, well, I wish you and your male god a pure love story that doesn't aim to sleep!"

"Come on, I don't have the ambition and charm to control such a monstrous national male god. Just look at it from a distance. I can't bear the title of national rival, but Qingqing..."

Glancing at Wen Qing's beautiful slapped face,
"Look at your amazing face that I've seen for so many years. If Huo Ziyan treats you badly, you should kick him and chase after my male god. At that time, I can still see him every day. That's the same!"

Wen Qing rolled her eyes and was about to refute her.

"It still doesn't work, if that's the case, Huo Ziyan will definitely not let my male god go, forget it, you don't want to ruin him!"


Wen Qing was too lazy to chat with this self-talking nympho.


After taking a shower at night, she put on home clothes and sat on the sofa in the room. Wen Qing stared blankly for a while with her mobile phone in her hand.

Thinking of the chat with Huo Ziyan during the day, what she blurted out to him, even on the phone, he could feel the man's depressed mood at that time, if he was by her side at that time, his brows and eyes would definitely be gloomy.

Thinking of it, Wen Qing couldn't help but pull her lips and smile.

I looked at the time, 20:06.

It's morning in New York. According to Huo Ziyan's living habits, although he doesn't want to get up early like in the imperial capital, he has already washed up and is eating breakfast.

It won't be long before he will call.

Or take the initiative to call him to apologize.

Thinking about it, just as she was about to make a call, Huo Ziyan's call rang, which was still a step late.

Without thinking about it, Wen Qing connected the phone.


"The call was answered so quickly!"

"I'm about to call you too!"


Wen Qing bit her lips, "Ziyan, don't take what I told you today, I just wasn't in a good mood at the time!"

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

Wen Qing seldom apologized to this man. Did this suddenly make the atmosphere a little awkward.

When thinking about what to say, I heard the man's deep and pleasant voice, with a slight smile that Wen Qing could feel.

"Well, I got it! Besides the hospital, where did you go today?"

Huo Ziyan would call Wen Qing every day, and there was nothing specific to talk about, the main thing was to ask her what she did every day in the imperial capital.

Wen Qing never asked about Huo Ziyan's affairs in New York, probably she deliberately avoided it because of a pimple in her heart, and every time she simply greeted him, telling him not to work too hard.

Thinking of her job, Wen Qing couldn't hold back her excitement and said, "I went to the company with Yin Chang today, and they arranged jobs for us!"

Then simply told Huo Ziyan all the work arrangements that Zhang Xinkai told her in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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