Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 368 You Think I'm Difficult To Serve, Unhappy

Chapter 368 You Think I'm Difficult To Serve, Unhappy


"Well, very happy!"

"Are you happy working with Lu Yanghong?"

Wen Qing reacted to the man's words for a while, and gradually realized that he was digging a hole for herself again, "It's okay, that's it."

"A newcomer, it's the first announcement, you don't need to play tricks, you don't need to try your luck in various studios, and the arrangement is still the top superstar in the imperial capital. You just say that it's okay, you are really a big name!"

The woman was lazily leaning on the sofa, holding a bear doll in the hand that was not holding the mobile phone, which she had brought with her when cleaning things from her apartment.

"You think I'm hard to serve, unhappy?"

After Wen Qing left New York, Huo Ziyan also moved back to Eric's villa because of the convenience of doing business. At this time, he was also sitting on the sofa in the room, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard Wen Qing's words.

But before he could speak again, the woman's lazy voice came from the receiver again.

"If I say I am happy, will you be more unhappy?"

The man's low but hearty laughter came from his throat.

It didn't last long, and the phone suddenly fell silent again.

For a moment, she didn't know if there was something wrong with him, and when she was about to ask, a man's voice came from her ear, and the deep tone was obviously different from just now.

"Aren't you going to tell me about your meeting with Tai Wen today?"

Wen Qing's smiling face froze in an instant. She didn't feel that she wanted to deliberately hide anything from Huo Ziyan, and the content of her meeting and chatting with Tai Wen had nothing to do with Huo Ziyan herself. She didn't think it was necessary to deliberately explain it. What's more, when it comes to other people's privacy, although she didn't emphasize anything to herself, she wouldn't talk to a third person either.

It's just that she is more concerned about another issue at this moment.

"Am I spying on me?"

"Surveillance?" The man repeated the two words from the woman's mouth.

"Of course, I live in your villa now, I spend your money, I have a special car when I go in and out, and even the job opportunities are the most top-notch, and I'm being watched. That's what you said about me during the day, too heartless !"

"Wen Qing..."

The man's voice carried obvious anger and heavy breathing that sank instantly.

But soon he suppressed it, thinking that what Wen Qing said this morning is my private matter, in fact, after careful consideration, he did intend to probe into her privacy because of this.

"Feng Zhe's car was parked at the entrance of the hospital. When you were going out, he happened to see that Tai Wen had always been unfriendly to you. When you suddenly got together, Feng Zhe mentioned it to me. Is this considered surveillance?"

He patiently explained to Wen Qing, even though he knew it was not the case.

Indeed, after Wen Qing talked with him on the phone in the morning, he deliberately asked Feng Zhe to pay attention to the people who met her. After all, he didn't like a group of people like Mu Baoman and Wen Lang who would obviously make her feel bad, repeatedly appearing in her The original intention of being around her to affect her mood was for protection, but when it was called surveillance, it seemed to have a little more meaning.

The meaning Huo Ziyan expressed to her was obvious. The two of them passed by the door so obviously, and were seen by Feng Zhe. Because of Tai Wen's behavior to her in the past, Feng Zhe paid special attention to explaining to Huo Ziyan, there is nothing wrong with it.

Originally, he was the person Huo Ziyan arranged by his side, no wonder Feng Zhe would ask whether he should be with her when he returned to the company at noon, it was probably this man's instruction.

(End of this chapter)

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