Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 373 I saw his photo many years ago in New York, it was the original

Chapter 373 I saw his photo many years ago in New York, it was the original
"When I was in New York, Huo Ziyan's image was already greatly reduced in my heart, so I, Lu male god, are the most perfect!"

Just after finishing speaking, Yin Chang saw that Wen Qing's face paused, a little unnatural, and suddenly felt that he had talked too much, and felt like biting his tongue off.

"Lu male god is quite perfect, but the facial features are too perfect, like a perfect handicraft!"

Yin Chang breathed a sigh of relief when Wen Qing changed the topic, and just happened to talk about someone she was interested in again, so he nodded quickly in agreement.


Wen Qing smiled slyly, and changed the topic again, "Everything that is too perfect is generally not real, his face should be made out of it, but the doctor's skill is so good that ordinary people can't see it! "

Yin Chang, "...I think your face is also perfect, why don't you say you made it yourself!"

Wen Qing, " are a nymphomaniac, right? Of course I am pure and natural!"

"Then your Huo Ziyan is so handsome, why don't you say he's straight!"

Wen Qing pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I saw a photo of him many years ago in New York, and it was the original version!"

Yin Chang looked contemptuous, "Call me a nymphomaniac, look at your unashamed appearance, it's still 'the original', a typical look of protecting the calf, tsk tsk tsk, you're done, you're done!"

The two talked and laughed and got into Yin Chang's car.

"Do you want to go back to eat? I'm starving to death, I ate the company's box lunch at noon, let's go out to eat together!"

"Okay, I'll call Mama Li and talk about it!"

When she called the villa, Wen Qing informed Li Ma and Feng Zhe that she would send herself home after having dinner with Yin Chang outside at night.

After hanging up the phone, Yin Chang's car started.

The two went to a relatively high-end western restaurant nearby.

When I parked the car and walked into the elevator, I didn't know if there were not many restaurants nearby, but this one was very famous, or it was just a coincidence.

They met the male protagonist Lu Yanghong who had been discussing on the road just now, and there was another person beside him, they both knew each other, Su Yichen.

Wen Qing suddenly remembered that Su Yichen's company is not far from the office building where the photo was taken just now.

Both sides nodded.

On the way here, Su Yichen also heard that the heroine of Lu Yanghong's advertisement today was Wen Qing. He remembered that the last time we met was at the dinner party of Lixing Entertainment Company half a month ago.

The four stood in the elevator, knowing it shouldn't be, but Su Yichen couldn't help but glance at Wen Qing. The woman's face should have been simply removed from makeup, but there was still a little makeup left over from the photoshoot. The straight hair is also slightly rolled up, with some curvature.

She used to be extremely beautiful, but this kind of light makeup added a bit of star flavor, adding to her a sense of elegance.

It seems that with Huo Ziyan's blessing, she has developed very well in the entertainment industry.

Seeing her, Su Yichen's mind flashed another woman who had also worked hard in the entertainment industry, and the expression on her face became pale.

The three people next to this gaze naturally noticed it.

Wen Qing stood quietly, occasionally looking over from the corner of her eyes, and noticed that when she saw Su Yichen again this time, his overall state seemed a little depressed, thinking about it, it should be a matter of breaking up with Tai Wen, no matter whether it was established or not. As a result, whether you accept it or not, after all, you have also suffered a certain blow.

(End of this chapter)

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