Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 374 How dare you tell the truth in front of Huo Ziyan

Chapter 374 How dare you tell the truth in front of Huo Ziyan
Lu Yanghong probably also knew a little bit about the relationship between the two, but he never gossiped, so he didn't show any expression.

And Yin Chang, originally standing beside Wen Qing, at the corner of the elevator, slowly moved to the middle of the elevator, just blocking Wen Qing and Su Yichen, trying to block his view.

Although considering Su Yichen's height, doing so didn't have much impact, it was just her psychological effect at work.

The 4 people got out of the elevator and entered the restaurant. Lu Yanghong and Su Yichen should have made an appointment in advance, and they were taken to a luxurious private room by the waiter!

Watching them walk in, Yin Chang cursed at Su Yichen's back in the distance, "Scumbag!"

The two sat down in a corner of the hall.

Wen Qing looked up at Yin Chang,

"He and I are a thing of the past long ago, so stop yelling at me like a scumbag!"

"It's not because of you, I'm calling her a scumbag now because of Tai Wen!"

Wen Qing pursed her lips and laughed out loud, "You really are a good young man in the imperial capital who speaks five words, four beauties and three loves, and always complains for women all over the world!"

Not paying attention to the teasing meaning in Wen Qing's words, Yin Chang said angrily, "Why do you think Lu Yanghong has a good relationship with him, and even asked him to have dinner together!"

"He is a shareholder of the company. Because of Tai Wen's relationship, he participated in some of the company's projects and activities. In addition, they are similar in age, so it's normal for them to know and hit it off!"

Yin Chang raised his face and said disdainfully, "What about the shareholders? Huo Ziyan even bought 30% of the company's shares for you. He is now the company's largest shareholder. What's so great about it? He saw that he was flattering Lu Yanghong because of Tai Wen. , so as to help her ascend to the position!"

Wen Qing was helpless, "Su Yichen's status does not need to curry favor with anyone!"

Yin Chang narrowed his eyes, "Why do you always speak for him!"

"I'm telling the truth!"

"Do you dare to tell the truth in front of Huo Ziyan?"

Wen Qing sneered, "Just don't tell him otherwise!"

Yin Chang clicked his tongue in disgust, "Qingqing, you've failed me!"

"Okay, okay, you have worked hard all day, come, order food, I treat you!"

"It's not hard at all. It's you who worked hard. You kept putting on makeup and taking pictures, and I can still see my male god Lu!"

"That's it, that's it, you're almost drooling!"

"How can it be so obvious?"

"Why don't you go into the private room and ask your male god!"


On the first day of work, the first announcement was made. Even though they were excited, both of them were still a little tired. They ordered two simple meals at random, and left the restaurant when they were full on the principle of not being hungry.

The two drove the car out of the parking lot. Yin Chang wanted to take Wen Qing home first. After the car merged into the street, she turned into a remote street with less traffic.

"Aren't you going home? How do you go from here?"

"I came to the city in the morning. It's not too late. The busy streets in the city are crowded with traffic. Although the journey here is a bit detoured, there is no traffic jam, and it will be faster to get home!"

Wen Qing nodded. Although she also had a driver's license, she was basically not in the imperial capital a few years ago, and she didn't buy a car, so the driving route was naturally not as familiar as Yin Chang's.

The car gradually drove to a sparsely traveled road section, and they found some problems while driving.

The first is Yin Chang. Since she is the driver, she naturally found that the rear tires were making a "squeaking" sound, and the car's power was obviously insufficient. She was not very good at handling.

Sitting on it, Wen Qing also noticed a strange movement.
"what happened?"

"It seems that there is something wrong with the tires, I have to stop first!"

(End of this chapter)

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