Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 375 She only knows that she can't let go at this moment, absolutely can't let go

Chapter 375 She only knows that she can't let go at this moment, absolutely can't let go
There is no parking lane here. They were about to get on the bridge, but now they had to stop. If something happened to the car in the middle of the bridge later, it would be even more troublesome.

Fortunately, there are usually no people on this road, and there are not many cars. Yin Chang parked his car on the right side of the road.

The road is not wide, and the street lights are not very bright. Although it is not too late, it is just after 6 o'clock in the evening, but the night in late autumn is already dark early.

Wen Qing looked at Yin Chang, worried that when she got out of the car, the vehicles behind her could not be seen clearly, which would cause danger, and said,
"I'll go down here to have a look first, you move over slowly, get off on my side, be safe!"

Yin Chang nodded, Wen Qing picked up the car remote control, came out from the right, and turned on all the car lights.

After getting out of the car, they immediately realized that something was wrong.

Suddenly, a silver-gray van drove over quickly in front of them and stopped in front of their car.

Before they could react, two tall men got off the car and rushed over to grab Wen Qing.

At this time, Yin Chang just moved to the passenger seat on the right. When he saw Wen Qing being caught by them, his first reaction was that someone was going to kidnap him.

Without even thinking about it, she directly opened the door on the right. Wen Qing was still struggling at this moment, and did not take a long distance. Yin Chang's right hand directly grabbed Wen Qing's wrist.

The man's strength is so strong that both Yin Chang and Wen Qing feel a little out of strength.

In order not to break free due to weakness, Yin Chang held the steering wheel in the car with her left arm. She felt that the joints of her arm were almost broken by the steering wheel, but she couldn't care about anything. Who is this man, where did he come from, who arranged it, she doesn't know what they are going to do to Wen Qing, she only knows that she must not let go.

One of the men behind Wen Qing suddenly made a voice, "You pull out the woman inside together, it was said that this manager also wants it!"

The words exploded in Wen Qing's ears. She reacted and remembered that the car that was driving to the restaurant was normal. There was a sudden problem with the tires just now, and it must have been deliberately done by someone during their meal.

This is a premeditated kidnapping, the target is not only her, but also Yin Chang.

She looked at the hand that was firmly grasping her wrist. Yin Chang's nails had already scratched her flesh and blood, which showed how tightly she was grasping.

The originally beautiful fingernails were about to turn up at this moment, and even the flesh and blood could be vaguely seen.

Wen Qing yelled, "Yin Chang, let go, close the door and drive away! Otherwise, both of us will be in danger!"

Her wrist was already painfully pinched by her, Yin Chang's fingernails were almost lifted off, and the hand that was twisted by the steering wheel, one can imagine how painful it was.

But Yin Chang still stubbornly shouted, "Don't let go! Can't let go!"

At such a moment, Yin Chang didn't know whether it was dangerous or not, and she didn't know what the consequences would be if she was caught by them. She only knew that she couldn't let go at this moment, and definitely couldn't let go!

Wen Qing saw that the man next to her had let go of her, stretched out his hand to Yin Chang and tried to pull her out.

Even though Yin Chang's arm was tightly wrapped around the steering wheel inside, but the man's strength was too great, it probably won't take long for Yin Chang to lose his strength.

Regardless of other things, Wen Qing lowered her head and bit the hand of another man who was grabbing her, using all her strength.

(End of this chapter)

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