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Chapter 1000 Witch Clan Saintess?

Chapter 1000 Witch Clan Saintess?

Wei Rui was captured by the Central Plains?

Wu Yi, who received the news from Dragon Soul, was depressed. He had cooperated with Dragon Soul to some extent before, and he was the first to look for him after the accident, but what's the use?Although he is confident that with the current strength of Calabash City, he can definitely defeat the Central Plains head-on, but being able to defeat and being able to save Wei Rui are completely two concepts!
Now we can only hope that Wei Rui can persist in not surrendering. As long as it takes a long time, Dragon Soul still hopes to spend a certain amount of money to exchange Wei Rui from Zhulu Zhongyuan, although the probability of this is extremely low.

It has to be said that Wei Rui's incident this time can be regarded as a warning to the Chosen Ones. Although the Chosen Ones' protection of the famous generals was in place before, they were far from cautious enough. There are even more people who only do tasks. With the lessons learned this time, these people will restrain themselves a lot.

In this regard, Calabash City has a greater hidden danger than other forces. He relies more on famous generals than other forces. Once he loses a large number of high-level famous generals, the towering building he has worked so hard to build will also completely collapse.However, if someone wants to turn this hidden danger into reality, it is extremely difficult. The key famous generals under Wu Yi's command either stay in the territory like Kou Xun, or stay in the army like Wei Qing. Those who will go out to act alone from time to time are also existences with strong personal combat effectiveness.

"Lord Wuyi, the priests of the ancestral hall are welcome!" Just after Wu Yi comforted the unlucky president of the dragon soul, Lanka found Wu Yi in the witchcraft hall.

"Ancestral Hall Priest? Can I enter the Ancestral Witch Hall?" The so-called Ancestral Hall Priest is also the Ancestral Witch Hall priest. There is not only one priest, and they are the highest level of power in the tribe.

"The lord was joking, the priests are waiting for you in the War Witch Hall!"

It turned out to be the Temple of the War Witch, so happy for nothing.Although the restrictions of the Zhan Wu Temple are far less exaggerated than those of the Ancestral Witch Hall, Wu Yi has no intention of forcing guards, so Ma Chao and others can only stay in the Wu Gu Hall for the time being.

"By the way, the deputy leader of Lanka, Dutian Shenwei wants to recruit personal guards in the tribe, what should he do? Do you want to apply to the War Wu Palace?" The combat effectiveness of the Wu tribe fighters is still very guaranteed. One hundred Wu tribe guards , can be a decent force if used well.

Lanka shook his head: "The War Witch Palace doesn't care about this. All the personal guards are recruited by Dutian Shenwei from the tribe. What kind of guards can be recruited depends on personal ability!"

is that so?Worthy of being the Wu Clan known as all the people are soldiers!
The Battle Witch Hall can be regarded as the military hall of the Hongyu Empire. There will be four guard regiment leaders and eight priests stationed there. One of the four chiefs of the witch temple, he is also the only one below the holy rank among the four chiefs.

"Brother, did you see what I did just now?" As soon as he entered the main hall of the Zhanwu Temple, Zhu Rong's triumphant voice reached Wu Yi's ears.

"Of course! You are really great!" Wu Yi gave two thumbs up decisively, and at the same time scanned the situation in the main hall. There were nearly twenty priests sitting here, and the four leaders of the guard group all It seems like a big deal to be there.

"Lord May Day, I would like to invite you to come here. I mainly want to talk to you about Zhu Rong." Pan Mu, the priest of the ancestral hall sitting at the head, said. He is also the host of the Dutian God Festival. Yi was extremely suspicious that this guy was a demigod.

Zhu Rong's question?Fuck, don't you want to rob people directly?Wu Yi's heart tightened, now that Zhu Rong has drawn the blood of the witch god to automatically convert to the witch clan, and added the title of "Goddess of Zhu Rong"...

"The priest means..." It is impossible for Wu Yi to hand over Zhu Rong to the Black Earth Tribe, but if the other party wants to force him to stay, he really has no good way at this time. Think about Wei Rui who was just captured by the hostile forces , the so-called neutral forces have no solution to play this trick.

"We want Zhu Rong to be the saint of the witch clan!"

"The saint of the witch clan?" Wu Yi was stunned. He had thought about it a lot, but he had never thought about it. "Holy Maidens" belong to the first order of existence in the power of the gods. The power they hold may not be strong, but their status is definitely one of the highest. They represent the face of the gods to a certain extent.

All through the ages, when saintesses go out, the ostentation is far greater than that of imperial princesses!
"That's right! The blood of the ancient witch god in Zhu Rong's body has been fully awakened. She is the perfect candidate for the holy maiden of the witch clan!" No one knows how much power the witch clan still has left, and only the Black Earth tribe is present in this world. Therefore, The Black Earth Tribe represents the entire Witch Clan to the outside world. After all, the Witch Clan is different from the Monster Clan, and their power division is far less "free" and chaotic than the Monster Clan.

"Then if she becomes a saint, can she only stay in the Black Earth Tribe?" If this is the case, Wu Yi will never accept it. Isn't this tantamount to stealing his heart!

"It doesn't matter, the saintess is responsible for preaching, we will not restrict the saintess' actions, as long as the saintess has time to participate in some important sacrifices of our clan, and pass on the glory of the witch god."

"Haha, so that's the case, there's no problem, I agreed for her! Priest, I think it's better to start from the north of the empire. There happens to be a city in the north, so let's use it as the first stop of the Wu Clan's preaching! "Wu Yi laughed and said, this has no effect on him at all. There is nothing to say about the witch clan wanting to grab some faith and contribute to their poor gods, and in Wu Yi's view, this should not be the key, after all, as long as Given enough benefits, there are countless god-chosen who are willing to help them preach, and the effect is definitely [-] times better than that of a saint. The key should be in the sacrifice!
The title of "Goddess of Zhu Rong" made it easier for Zhu Rong to get the response from the gods, that is to say, her role in the sacrifice was stronger than that of the priest!What is the greatest foundation of the gods?Isn't it the god behind it!Although the gods cannot descend directly now, what about in the future?Moreover, God's blessings, blessings and the like are all good things to enhance the power of power, just like this time the Dutian God Festival.

At this time, all the wizards looked at Zhu Rong, who was on the side. In their eyes, Wu Yi was just an accessory. If Zhu Rong hadn't been too dependent on him, these wizards would have robbed him long ago.

"I listen to Brother Wuyi." Zhu Rong showed a sweet smile, and Wu Yi couldn't help giving her countless compliments in his heart. Sure enough, my brother didn't love this girl in vain.With her title as a saint, he can be regarded as tied to the Black Earth Tribe, which took a lot less effort than he expected.

"Then this matter is settled!"

(End of this chapter)

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