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Chapter 1001 Pioneer Battle, Tuolei + Zhebie VS Chen Qingzhi + Huang Zhong

Chapter 1001 Pioneer Battle, Tuolei + Zhebie VS Chen Qingzhi + Huang Zhong
"Then this matter is settled!"

At this moment, everyone in the hall laughed. In their view, this was a win-win "deal".The current Black Earth Tribe does not have the strength to fight head-on with one of the gods. As for the door, that's okay. With the previous experience, the Wu Clan no longer intends to live with those Taoist priests.

"Next, let's talk about the Saintess Guard."

"Guards?" Wu Yi's eyes lit up. Is this going to give him a big gift bag?Think about Zhao Feiyan and Lu Zhi, their own guard group is enough to support a small-scale battle, and he is not greedy, as long as Zhu Rong's guard group can have half of those two.

"Wulin, after that, your army will be automatically transformed into the Saintess Guard Group. Wu Yu, Wu Nian, Wu Han, and Wu Qin, you four will serve as the Saintess' bodyguards to protect the Saintess." Pan Mu clicked five times in a row. The names of the four witches, one male and four females, the male witch is the fierce man who won the place of Emperor Jiang Shenzhudu Tianshenwei, and the four female witches are all priests.


A guard group of the War Witch Hall!How many people does it take?At this time, Wu Yi was full of joy, wouldn't this be like sending him an army!Sure enough, he is still the generous brother of the Wu clan.Let's look at Wulin, one of the four leaders of the War of the Witch Palace. This is a more powerful general than Shi Wansui now, and after receiving the blessing of the Witch God this time, he will soon be promoted to the holy rank. He will be one of the strongest masters in Calabash City.

etc!Wu Yi, who couldn't help but want to check "Harvest", was suddenly dumbfounded, why couldn't he see the attributes of these five witches?By the way, it seems that the system didn't prompt these people to join his forces, what do you mean?
Priest Panmu continued: "Lord May [-]st, the Saintess Guard is only responsible for the safety of the Holy Maiden, and will not help you fight. At the same time, you have to be responsible for all the military expenses of the Saintess Guard. In addition, the soldiers of the Guard After you die in battle, you need to pay enough pensions, and the tribe will help you complete the establishment!"

What do you mean help me!
Wu Yi's face darkened suddenly, what kind of pension, isn't this the money to buy soldiers!It's just that the payment is delayed. How is this different from the right to recruit soldiers in other neutral forces?Oh, there is still a difference, the soldiers he bought with money, the ultimate ownership is not entirely his.

"It should be so!" Wu Yi did not refuse on this matter. He knew very well what reason the other party would use to block him if he mentioned the matter of the guards at this time.The Saintess Guard only protects the safety of the Saintess?snort!Zhu Rong is different from other saintesses, she is a general, I don't believe it, the saintess is already rushing to the front, how can she squat behind as a saintess guard?

Wu Yi still has some expectations for this saintess guard group. After all, his right to recruit soldiers in the mermaid and sea clam tribes can only recruit ordinary soldiers. It can't be ordinary goods!

"Wulin, you go out to rectify the army first." Pan Mu nodded to Wu Lin, then turned to Wu Yi and said, "What the lord said about preaching in the north, our clan will send priests to follow the lord at will." Let's go together."

"Little things, little things!"

The beliefs in the south were all "sold" to Tianzun Temple, and the Wu clan wanted to open up the situation, so Wu Yi could only encourage them to go to the north.

Things will be simple afterwards. In addition to the Saintess Guard, the Black Earth Tribe will send five more priests to the north to "explore the way", and Wu Yi's affairs in the Black Earth Tribe can be regarded as temporarily over.However, he was somewhat disappointed by the strength of the guard group, which was only [-], but these [-] witch warriors were all ninth-level heavenly ranks, and the deputy leader Lanka was also among them. Biggest ever.

Just when Wu Yi and his party left the Black Earth Tribe with the guards, he received another piece of good news.

——System: Mayi Town was successfully promoted to Mayi City, and the reputation of Mayi City increased by [-].


Just when Mayi Town was finally promoted to the city level in the rush of work day and night, the alien army stationed at the ruins of the Extreme North Fortress officially went south on the still somewhat muddy ground. They had had enough of the harsh environment in the Extreme North And the barren land, waiting all the time made their logistics unbearable.The longer they wait, the more prepared Hongyu Empire can make. Now that they are launching an offensive, although the terrain still has some influence, their advantage is even greater.

After many days of defense, many military forts have appeared on the northern grasslands. The terrain in the north is peaceful and there is no danger to defend. The military forts cannot block the road of foreign invasion, but these military forts can prevent foreign troops from raiding some Since the key areas cannot be defended from the city, the real point of victory is still in the blocking battle on the plain.

After the alien army stepped into the northern part of the Hongyu Empire, millions of troops began to diverge, and more than ten marching routes were divided, starting the road of aggression with the tribe as a unit.The largest and strongest force is undoubtedly the Mongolian cavalry led by Temujin himself.

It is impossible for an army of hundreds of thousands to march in a group, let alone a foreign race that is good at cavalry. Temujin ordered his fourth son, Borjijin Borjijinduo Lei, to be the forward, and the general Jebe assisted him with [-] cavalry. Lead the charge.The direction of Temujin's army was exactly the area where Yue Fei was stationed.

At this time, Liu Bei was still hanging out with Yue Fei, but he had already led an army independently, and he had built a military fort in the northeast of Pegasus City, so it was naturally impossible for him to take any small patrol missions.It was Chen Qingzhi's army that bumped into this forward army. The three brothers Chen Qingzhi, Huang Zhong, and Zhao Yun were highly valued under Yue Fei's tent, but this time Zhao Yun was not there. He is also leading an army alone to deliver Yue Fei task.

It would be too wasteful if Chen Qingzhi and Zhao Yun were allowed to do patrol missions together. It would be too wasteful for Yue Fei to divide Huang Zhong here because of Chen Qingzhi's own lack of force and the imminent imminence of foreign races going south. Under normal circumstances, the three brothers The abilities should all act alone.

Most of the foreign races believed in wolves and eagles, so there was no shortage of air force in the foreign army. Therefore, when Chen Qingzhi's army detected the enemy, they were also exposed.However, neither side intends to give up in this battle. No matter what the reason is, they all want to win this first victory, boost their morale, and at the same time understand the strength of their opponents.

However, the main generals of both sides were not on top. When they decided to fight, they both sent messengers back to inform their own coaches so that they could make timely responses.

Tuolei + Zhebie VS Chen Qingzhi + Huang Zhong!Mongolian Cavalry VS White Robe Army!The big plot of alien race going south that has been warmed up for many days finally kicked off the first battle!
 There will be three more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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