Chapter 1002


There was no change of direction, no slowing down, both sides were cavalry, and the commanders of both sides were confident enough in themselves, the ground roared under the iron hooves, and mud splashed.

When the two vanguards were still more than two arrows away from each other, the Mongolian cavalry all picked up the longbows hanging on the side of the horses, drew arrows from the quiver behind their backs and put them on the bowstrings.Amidst the sound of bowstrings and the sound of piercing the air, a black rain of arrows rose into the sky.

Riding and shooting!This can be said to be one of the strongest characteristics of the Mongolian cavalry. They can shoot at high speed. Although the shooting speed and range are not as good as Gongsun Zan's Baima Yicong, the power is definitely not comparable to that of Baima Yicong.With the current charging speed of the cavalry on both sides, it is impossible for this kind of attack outside the range to fail.

If you want to avoid this wave of arrow rain, you must destroy the formation of the charge, and the price is much higher than bearing a wave of arrow rain.Under the rain of arrows, the [-] white wave soldiers held up their silver spears without fear, and unfolded their white cloaks, like a white cloud floating across the plain, while above, a "dark cloud" pressed down.

And in this rain of arrows, a faster sharp arrow passed through the rain of arrows and pointed directly at Chen Qingzhi who was in the army formation!
In order to maximize the lethality of the legion's charge, Huang Zhong, a holy general, served as the "arrow" of the army and charged at the forefront.Chen Qingzhi couldn't detect this attack, but Huang Zhong, who was also proficient in archery, naturally couldn't be unaware. The white-robed army couldn't mount and shoot at such a speed, but it wasn't difficult for Huang Zhong .

Huang Zhong grabbed the Bihai Bow, saying that this precious bow was given to him by Yue Fei. When the bow was fully drawn, an arrow wrapped in green shimmer shot up into the sky. The arrows and arrows intersected. It turned into dust in the air and drifted away with the wind.Then, a rain of arrows like a black cloud fell on the white-robed army.However, a game is a game after all, as long as you don't get hit, and you happen to trigger the one-hit kill effect, with the background of the white-robed army, there is a high probability that you can resist the next wave of arrows without damage.

"Huh?" Zhebie looked at the green arrow that exploded and frowned slightly. From his name, he was a purer archer than Huang Zhong. Therefore, Huang Zhong could be used as the "arrow" for the cavalry to charge, but he definitely did not meeting.Without any hesitation, Jebe raised his hand and opened his bow, shooting seven arrows in an instant. The seven arrows almost lined up in a straight line in the trajectory of the flight, connected end to end. This time, the goal has not changed, and it is still the right commander!
Huang Zhong, who has amazing eyesight, immediately turned green when he saw this scene. He never expected that there would be such a master of archery in the enemy army. If it were normal, he would not be afraid of such an archery duel, but right now the enemy cavalry It was in sight, and he had run out of time.

"Ah!" Huang Zhong yelled, and opened his bow with all his strength, but when the two armies collided, he only managed to get four arrows, and the remaining three arrows pointed directly at Chen Qingzhi's vitals.


At the moment when the two cavalrymen under the extremely fast charge collided head-on, there was a dull sound, followed by a group of cavalrymen being crushed under the hooves of the horses, and trampled into flesh by the latecomers.For the cavalry regiment's hedging, if there is no corresponding attribute bonus, then the fight is based on the basic attributes. Those who can survive will survive, and those who are knocked off the horse will die. It's as simple as that.Among the thousands of horses, even if the ninth-rank legendary unit falls from the horse, it will be trampled to death!
And when the cavalry of both sides collided together, the three "fish that slipped through the net" intercepted by Huang Zhong were captured by Chen Qingzhi with the strength of the army. With his current personal strength, he could not catch these three arrows, but under the support of the army , It is too difficult to behead a first-class commander.In war, unless you have crushing strength, the best way to behead or capture the enemy's commander is to destroy the troops in his hands first. Of course, it is not meaningless to keep targeting the commander to attack. In this way, it can continuously force and draw the strength of the army, weakening the combat effectiveness of the army.

Huang Zhong did the same thing after entering the enemy's formation. It was already very difficult for him to suppress the enemy's sharpshooter, so he chose the same method as the same side, attacking the enemy commander directly.

Look at the confrontation between the two cavalry, is it half a catty?

No!The white-robed army had the advantage. Except for the Temujin Guards, the Mongolian cavalry were not strong enough to be able to shoot and ride unparalleled, and to charge invincibly.But this advantage cannot be turned into a victory in a short time!

When the two forward armies were fighting fiercely, the main armies of both sides were also coming in this direction. If the foreign race wanted to seize the north, it would inevitably collide with the Hongyu Empire's army head-on, and the Hongyu Empire wanted to To drive the aliens back to the extreme north again, a frontal charge is indispensable. Since this is the case, neither side has any reason to avoid this battle.

After the most tragic charge, both sides lost the momentum of the charge, followed by bloody killings with knives and guns, but the morale of both sides was extremely high, and they continued to rise under the sacrifice of Pao Ze.With the continuous consumption of the vanguard's strength, the role of the commander is continuously reduced, and the role of the military commander is continuously enlarged. At this time, Jebe can no longer snipe the opponent's commander. He must stop the man who is almost killed. To the enemy general in front of Tuo Lei.

At that moment, Jebe flew up in the battle formation, condescendingly pointed the arrow in his hand at the brave enemy general.I didn't fly before, because I was afraid that the commander of the opponent would directly mobilize the strength of the army to cooperate with the general to kill him in one fell swoop. The power can no longer pose a fatal threat to him.

But at this moment, Chen Qingzhi signaled to withdraw the troops. It wasn't because he was heartbroken over the casualties of his subordinates, but because the foreign reinforcements had arrived first!

The troops of the Hongyu Empire are very diverse, far from having as many cavalry as foreign races, so the speed of support will naturally be slower.

The White Robe Army deserves to be the elite trained by Chen Qingzhi himself. Under such a situation, they can quickly complete the army, but even if they retreat, they can't retreat without thinking. Otherwise, in the pursuit of the Mongolian cavalry, retreating is tantamount to the destruction of the entire army .

With Huang Zhong blocking the opponent's sharpshooter's attack, Chen Qingzhi "dragged" the Mongolian cavalry slowly towards the south while fighting and retreating.


After a while, there was an ear-splitting roar from the ground, both from the north and the south. The number of cavalry in the imperial army was indeed not as good as that of the foreign races, but there was a legion under Yue Fei's command that could definitely arrive at the same time as the foreign races.

Back Weijun!Yue Fei's pro-army is usually in charge of Yue Yun!

At this time, at the end of the southern horizon, a tall "Yue" flag can already be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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