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Chapter 1003 Yue Fei's Star Scattering Formation

Chapter 1003 Yue Fei's Star Scattering Formation
When the reinforcements from both sides came into view, the combined number of the two vanguards was less than 5000, and most of them died in the first wave of impact.At this time, their deadlocked battlefield will start a new round of battle, a battle of more than [-] levels.And the two forward armies, if they choose inadvertently, are likely to be completely crushed by the ensuing battle!
At this moment, a door of space suddenly opened above the battle zone. Seeing this scene, Zhebie was shocked. He didn't care about pestering Huang Zhong anymore, and raised his hand to shoot the "Screen-opening Arrow" at Huang Zhong. After passing through the space door, he quickly flew down to Tuo Lei who wanted to drag Chen Qingzhi to death.

When a group of arrows shot at the space gate, a huge silver hammer protruded from the space gate, and all the arrows were sent flying, followed by a young general with red lips and white teeth walking out of the space gate, the space gate flickered He got up and became extremely unstable. When another majestic body squeezed out, the door of space was also closed.This is also because the troops below are exhausted too badly. Otherwise, with the strength of the army, it is impossible for the gate of space to open at this position!
Yue Yun and Xiong Kuo Hai!

These two are both holy ranks, the kind who can fight a series of ordinary holy ranks by themselves, and they have already proved their strength on the battlefield.

"Pursue! Kill the enemy general!" Chen Qingzhi ordered immediately, no matter how much the blow is lost, as long as he wins, it will greatly boost morale. Right now, there are already two more people fighting fiercely, so Chen Qingzhi naturally does not want to give up this great opportunity. Opportunity.

However, at this moment, a red fire cloud suddenly appeared in the blue sky, followed by patches of "fire meteors" falling from the fire cloud, covering the entire previous combat area.Obviously, the other party also had the same idea. At this time, if the three major generals of the holy rank chased away, not to mention the only missing white-robed army, even Chen Qingzhi, the forward general, was likely to die in battle. More than a thousand soldiers could mobilize The strength of the army can no longer make him resist such an attack.

Will Chen Qingzhi win or lose when he trades for Tuo Lei?
Whether it is victory or defeat, it is impossible to change like this!
As a righteous brother, Huang Zhong flew directly to Chen Qingzhi, while Yue Yun and Xiong Kuohai defended against the falling bolides in the air. With this delay, Zhebie had already run away with the tow mine.

"Let's retreat first, and fight again when Marshal Yue arrives!" Huang Zhong arrived at Chen Qingzhi's side, and casually harvested the retreating Mongolian cavalry with his bow.

Chen Qingzhi's eyes were red as he stared at the alien army pressing down from a distance, tightly holding the silver gun in his hand, he uttered a word with great reluctance: "Withdraw!"

The white-robed army retreated in an orderly manner. This battle can only be called a draw, but the two sides have a general understanding of each other's strength, so it cannot be said that there is no gain.

The army of the Back Weiqi is more majestic than the white robe army. This elite army has already been promoted to the legendary level in the battle of strangling the rebels, and has become another trump card of the empire. It is precisely because of this that Yue Fei's status can be improved. so fast.

However, when Chen Qing withdrew, the Beiwei cavalry led by Yue Fei had already stopped. After meeting Chen Qingzhi, the army turned around, but the speed was very slow. At this speed, it was impossible to get rid of the pursuit of the foreign army behind. Yes, or in other words, Yue Fei didn't even think about running, he was just waiting for the infantry regiment behind.

This area is not too far away from the military fort built by Yue Fei, at least not as far as the aliens descending from the ruins of the extreme northern fortress.

Temujin did not give up on the fast and slow cavalry that was clearly tempting him. They, the groups that were driven away by the Hongyu Empire, were able to solve the Arctic fortress so easily. This ally does not want the Hongyu Empire to continue to exist, or to say that it does not want the power within the empire to be concentrated in the hands of one person. Generally speaking, their goals have a certain commonality, and this good The allies gave him a defense map of the northern part of the empire!
Although he didn't fully trust this ally, he knew that if the Hongyu Empire wanted to stop them in an all-round way, it would be impossible to concentrate all of its forces in one place. As long as he was not facing the entire Hongyu Empire, what fear would he have? ?
With the blood of this imperial army, establish my hegemony!
The Mongolian cavalry is mighty, even if there is a division, there are 20 troops here. As for the cavalry, they don’t know how to attack the city and get rid of it. Even if those rubbish seventh-order cavalry are understood as infantry on horseback, they will be used as cannon fodder at that time. As long as they roll around a couple of times, the foreign army is enough to gain a foothold in the territory of the Hongyu Empire.

After a burst of raids, the Mongolian cavalry finally caught up with Yue Fei's army, but at this time Yue Fei had already joined the infantry regiment and spread out an army formation on the plain.

"Kill them all!"

The Mongolian army uttered a cry like a wolf. General Mu Huali led the Temu Guards and cavalry to charge from the front. Shuchitai and Borshu led the two-winged army to look for opportunities from the side. The priests behind had already chanted an ancient spell.

Temujin raised his left hand, and the power of the army gathered in the sky, quickly condensing into a majestic and mighty golden-armored god-man, straddling a giant wolf, holding a sword in his hand, and the whole battlefield was shaken by it.At the same time, above Yue Feijun also condensed a golden-armored god-man, with a dragon on his feet and a big gun in his hand.

Temujin VS Yue Fei!

Compared with the small fights of the vanguard army before, this can probably be called the first battle of the foreign race going south!

The two incarnations of the power of the army first met in the sky above, and the entire sky was reflected in gold.These two gods and men both have the combat power of demigods, but they don't have domains. This is why demigods rarely show up in big battles, because as long as the top commander has enough power in the army, even demigods can It is easy to lose.

With the strength of the two great armies, the gods and men fought equally, and it was impossible to tell the winner from here, the key still depends on the bottom!
A torrent of cavalry rushed into Yue Fei's army formation, the expected horse riding formation did not appear, instead the cavalry who rushed in fell in pieces, like wheat that was cut down during the autumn harvest.The infantry formed a perfect coordination, cutting down the horses first, then killing the knights, and interrupting the enemy's strongest charge point by the back-mounted cavalry.

Spread the stars!
In history, Yue Fei has the strongest army to restrain the cavalry, which is also the root of Yue Fei's ability to lead the infantry to overthrow the kidnappers of the Kingdom of Jin head-on.

However, Temujin is much stronger than the generals of the Kingdom of Jin that Yue Fei fought against in history. At this time, Temujin is at his peak, no!It should be said that he is stronger than in history at this time!
Different from the scattered formation when the "kidnapper horse" rushed forward, it was almost impossible for the soldiers in the front row of the scattered star array to survive under the horseshoes of the Mongolian cavalry. While the Mongolian cavalry was cut down one by one, The Star Scattering Formation was also pierced through several layers.However, at least Yue Fei blocked the strongest blow of the Mongolian cavalry with a pretty good casualty ratio.Once the cavalry loses speed, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving in the star formation. Therefore, this casualty ratio will continue to decrease.

The two wings of the Mongolian army also circled to the side, riding and shooting at Yue Fei's army, and the eagle cavalry guards in the air also killed at the same time, and the war broke out in full swing!However, with the army formation as the foundation, Yue Fei's army is like a solid bunker, and he is not afraid to shoot at the opponent at all.As for air combat!Compared with other races, the Hongyu Empire's legal units have an absolute advantage.

However, after a short fight, Temujin quickly saw the situation clearly. The opponent was not a weakling, so it was completely unnecessary to fight like this. He should use his powerful mobility to drag the opponent to death!In the endless plains, cavalry is always more advantageous, and it is not difficult to find opportunities.

Just a few minutes after the battle, a long horn sounded from behind the Mongolian army. After hearing the horn sound, the Mongolian army in front immediately began to divert, bypassing Yue Fei and rushing to other directions.

Do you dare to chase?

 There will be another update in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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