The best lord of online games

Chapter 1004 Online Update

Chapter 1004 Online Update
The entire Hongyu Empire has been paying attention to the movements of the alien race. When the alien race officially went south, almost all the northern forces received the news immediately. With that kind of exaggerated military strength, they couldn't hide it even if they hid it!

At this moment, the entire north became jittery, and the Chosen faction had two completely different ways of dealing with it. The Chosen from the rebel camp was full of surprises and ready to send troops at any time. After a long time, they finally waited for this opportunity for them to rise.The chosen ones of the imperial camp completely closed their respective territories, preparing for the next first battle. This battle is related to their future choices. If they are really powerless, they will not hesitate to follow the rebellion. For these people Everyone has "confidence"!
Temujin meets Yue Fei!
This is undoubtedly the most focused battle at the moment. Who will be stronger, Temujin or Yue Fei?There are probably many who will be more inclined to Temujin, after all, this record is too abnormal.But the result of this battle between the two sides is confusing. Who won?
When Wu Yi and his party had just walked back to Elongtan, a system message made him stop.

——System: Due to the escalation of the war, the system will be updated online in 3 minutes. Please check the official website for specific update content.


The sudden update at this time should be a major event. It is better to understand clearly and prepare in advance. After all, the foreign race has already called.

"Zhu Rong, take them back to Calabash City first, brother still has some things to do." Originally, Wu Yi wanted to hand over the power to Shi Wansui, who was more stable, but considering that he could not command the Saintess Guard, he could only let him go. Zhu Rong is on the move, but fortunately, this girl will not mess around in major matters.

Zhu Rong pulled his face and said "Oh".

The alien army came faster than he expected. Zhao Xueyin frightened him when he notified him. The incident of Dutianshen Festival almost affected the layout of the whole north. The people he brought out this time were all generals in the northern battlefield. ah!It should be just in time to catch up with the teleportation formation now, and the saintess guard group must also go to the north with Zhu Rong.

Wu Yi immediately used the Moonlight Donkey's skills to return directly to the Marquis' Mansion of Calabash City, and then went offline directly. With the strength of Zhu Rong's team, even if there were hostile forces who wanted to kill him, they would not have the ability to eat it, so he was not worried at all.

After logging on to the official website, the content of this update has been clearly listed one by one. There are really many changes or additions, which can be regarded as a big move.And the first one is the weakening of infinite resurrection of players.

15. The Chosen loses one experience level each time he dies, and within 30 minutes after being revived, there will be a negative state of "Death's Gaze", all attributes will drop by [-]%, and he will die again within the duration of "Death's Gaze", death The penalty is doubled, and the duration of "Reaper's Focus" after resurrection is doubled.At the same time, after the God Chosen is resurrected from the battle, his famous general attribute will be temporarily sealed, and he needs to complete the corresponding unblocking task to unblock.

This is the second time that the player's death penalty has been strengthened. In the previous update, the player was only given a weak state after resurrection, preventing the player from continuing to participate in the battle immediately after the resurrection.But now, if you die again in a weak state, you will drop two levels at a time, and the duration of the weakness will double, and you will lose four levels when you die in a weak state for the third time. Most rogue tactic.

The trick of infinite resurrection is not available in the wild, so the attribute of the named general will be more disgusting to advanced players.Once the player's level reaches the ninth level, the strength enhancement brought by the level increase will become quite limited, unless it can break through to the holy level!At this time, apart from the equipment, what widens the gap between them is the attribute of the famous general.

This can be regarded as a bit of a cut to the player's continuous tactics with "resurrection" as the core, but in this way, the advantage of the guild will be much smaller.

Look at the next one.

[-]. The power of the army adds the function of temporarily blocking the private chat system, guild system, and team system of the God of Choice.

This kind of shielding ability was also used in the game before, but it required the use of large strategic equipment. Now, with the power of the army, the player's communication advantage will be endless.However, in terms of influence, it is far less than the first one.

These two changes have great advantages for a lord like Wu Yi, but the third one almost made him smash the equipment.

[-]. Aboriginal soldiers will receive military pay on a weekly basis, except for puppets and some undead. Arrears of military pay will seriously affect the morale of soldiers and hide their loyalty. Serious cases may lead to military mutiny.Different ranks and different arms need to pay different military salaries.

"Military salary?" Seeing these two words, Wu Yi felt dizzy instantly. In his power structure, the army of players is only auxiliary, or in other words, the main force is the army of aborigines. Now all the regions under his command There are nearly 20 soldiers in total, which is already the result of his streamlining his troops and simplifying his administration. At least five of the top ten guilds are even more exaggerated than his strength.

In the past, it was a one-time "buyout". As long as the training fee was paid, the food and grass would be paid at most halfway through. Now the military expenditure has been directly doubled.

In this way, the spring of the puppet unit has come!

There were no puppet units that appeared on the battlefield on a large scale before, because the cost was too high, but now it is completely different, and the fragments of the puppet units after being exploded can be recycled, and then some materials can be decomposed.

Wu Yi frowned and continued to look down.

[-]. The assets of the citizens of the territory are independent, and the taxation of the territory is set by the lord's camp or by himself.Friendly reminder, excessive taxation may cause riots among the local people, please be careful.

This article has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is naturally that the income that the lord can directly obtain from the territory is much less, but the advantage is that after the independence of the resident assets, it can promote the commercial development of the territory. Even if the territory is closed to the outside world, it will not be successful. There is a pool of stagnant water.Moreover, after the independence of assets, the production enthusiasm of the people should increase a lot. Whether it is a loss or a profit depends on the industry of each territory, but it must be a loss at the beginning.

After slashing ordinary players and slashing lords, four consecutive content are weakened. This update is really quite unfriendly.When he saw the last item, Wu Yi's face as black as the bottom of a pot finally eased a lot.

[-]. Accelerate the growth rate of ordinary aborigines from childhood to adolescence.

This is equivalent to adding a way to increase the population of the territory. Although the growth rate of children in "The Prosperous Age" was much faster than the reality, it is impossible to cultivate a baby into a talent in two or three years. This is why the old man , Young is what the lord hates the most, it's really useless.Just like the children Wu Yi first received from Calabash Village, they are still children now.The lord didn't care about the marital situation of the subjects at all, anyway, he wouldn't be able to live until the day when the child grew up.

But it's completely different now. With this one in place, the population pressure on the lords will not be so great in the future, and the source of population will no longer only be foreign plunder.

Although it was cut badly, but since it has been announced, there is no need to change it, no matter how complained, it can only be accepted.

(End of this chapter)

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