The best lord of online games

Chapter 1005 Everything is ready

Chapter 1005 Everything is ready
"The military salary of bow soldiers of the same rank is about 5% higher than that of regular infantry, while that of French soldiers is 10%-20% higher."

Wu Yi looked carefully at the large military salary schedule with a heavy head. Once the update was completed, he would need to pay the army's salary for a week.Take a regular ninth-tier infantryman as an example, he has to pay 25 silver coins as a military salary every week. Don't look at it too much, it is one gold coin after a month, and this is only the price of a ninth-tier infantryman!For example, the Habayashi Army with the most expensive military salary needs up to [-] silver coins per person per week, and the [-] Habayashi Army needs [-] gold coins for the military salary every month!
Now it is impossible to fight against which arm is stronger, the cooperation of multiple arms is more important, and the combat team built by the same military salary is always better able to deal with complex forms than a single-armed army.However, in general, elite soldiers are still more cost-effective than crowds. Although commanders are more cost-effective for low-level soldiers, in terms of attributes alone, Wei Qing's forty sixth-level soldiers are definitely stronger than a single Habayashi army. War is much more than simply fighting attributes, and it is not a turn-based system. If you hit me once, I will hit you again, and you have to consider the materials and armaments consumed.

For every nearly 20 troops in the entire gourd, nearly 20 gold coins are needed for military pay every month, which is nearly [-] per week!
Nima, isn't this forcing the lord to go to war!

If there is no war, it is tantamount to losing money every day for nothing. Although the military salary is not mandatory to be paid in coins, as long as you have a little brain, you will definitely not be able to pay attention to this matter.Arrears of military pay will weaken morale and reduce hidden loyalty. On the battlefield, if the opponent's military adviser "instigates rebellion", can you still fight?

Rob!Can only grab!
This article is not only for the lords of the chosen ones, the aboriginal army is also affected by this article, that is to say, if the aboriginal army wants to fight, it is also impossible for the aboriginal army to be as poor as before.Moreover, it is not impossible to recover part of the military salary sent out. In order to live better, do you have to use the military salary to buy some high-quality pills and food that can provide BUF?
Under such a setting, the soldiers will become more and more humane. However, this sudden change will probably force some militaristic forces to jump out in advance.With the rich treasury of Calabash City, even if there is no income for a month or two, it is not unbearable.

After a careful study, Wu Yi followed suit and went online. The most important thing now is to make some adjustments based on the content of this update, such as how to set a more appropriate ratio of money and goods for military pay, and strengthen the marriage of young men and women in the territory, etc. .However, just as Wu Yi walked into the hall, he met Concubine Xue Rong who was waiting quietly. She was waiting for the transformation of the bone dragon in Chiyan Town recently, and she would be the last batch to go north with the ship.

However, there was a female vampire who was very similar to her sitting beside Concubine Xuerong, and she suddenly became more and more indifferent.

"This is... your sister?"

Wu Yi knew that Concubine Xue Rong had such a younger sister. She met her once, and it seemed to be Xue Rongxuan. Unleash the potential of the two sisters!After adding the setting of military pay, her role will go online directly. After all, skeletons don’t need to pay military pay, and even the bones of the bone dragon level only use the military pay equivalent to ordinary ninth-level infantry. One of the affordable sources of troops.

However, how could she suddenly come to Calabash City?Where did it come from?
"What's going on?" Wu Yi asked repeatedly.Since the copycat version of the gate of the underworld was closed, his connection with the underworld has been completely severed. Even if he wants to open it again, Zixu is not there. Zixu was able to open that passage in the first place, but Zixu did half of his efforts here.

"The great lord has reopened the channel connecting the underworld to the main world, but the exit at the other end of the underworld has been changed to Dark Soul City. I'm afraid that my lord might misunderstand, so the great lord asked me to come and inform first." Xue Rongxuan stood up and replied. , she is colder than her sister, the typical iceberg beauty, coupled with the exotic vampire style, is enough to make a lot of nerds lick the screen.

Not to mention, a space channel suddenly opened in the Corpse Refining Cave under Tianzun Temple, but it frightened the old Taoist Mingying who was sitting in Tianzun Temple.

"Changed to Dark Soul City?" Ever since he cooperated with Lord Longling, he is not ignorant of the structure of the underworld. Dark Soul City seems to be the territory of Lord Shadow, why did he suddenly change there? up?

"That's right! The Great Lord has now reached cooperation with the three Great Lords Dark Blood, Shadow, and Demon Bone. Not long ago, he killed the Great Ghost Lord in Ghost King City. You can rest assured about the affairs of the underworld. This time the passage is also more The stability is enough to support the exchange of holy rank powerhouses."

Fuck!Beheading a great lord, that is a demigod!It seems that he has done a big thing unintentionally, directly changing the pattern of the underworld.Sure enough, with ten times the benefits, anything can happen, and it has to be said that the Temple of the Underworld is a bit unlucky in this matter.

"That's fine, as long as it doesn't affect the transaction, I have no objection." The large amount of military pay made Wu Yi pay more attention to this smuggling business. Since the underworld is so powerful, he doesn't have to worry about the temple of the underworld anymore. Now, you can let Concubine Xuerong lead the army of undead to kill on the battlefield.

"This is a gift from the great lord to your lord!"

"The great lord is really too polite, please go back and report to the great lord, I will fully cooperate." Wu Yi smiled and took the small, green treasure box.

"The little girl will leave first. A large number of special products from the underworld have been prepared in Dark Soul City, and they will be delivered soon."

The transactions between the two worlds are divided by the general ledger anyway, and there is no question of who eats more and who eats less in private. The higher the total profit, the more Calabash City will naturally get.

After sending Xue Rongxuan away, Wu Yi opened the treasure box in his hand, which was the size of a fist, exuding a bloody halo, like a spar of the heart.

Red Lich Heart!

I didn't expect Longling to send this thing to him, awesome!Clutching the treasure box tightly, Wu Yi was excited. As a result, Zhang Yufeng finally got the last item Zhang Yufeng needed to revive his son. He has probably completed this task, and the rest is to wait for Zhang Yufeng's help. As a result, it has reached this stage, and he will fail if he doesn't know it.

Master Feng Shui!Xu negative, the number one female physiognomy!
Wu Yi seemed to have seen these beckoning to him, this is a super talent who can increase the background of the territory.

After notifying the former head of the underworld of the Shangmeng, Wu Yi started looking for Zhang Yufeng throughout the city.

 Sorry for the urgent matter, I can only use my mobile phone to post a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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