The best lord of online games

Chapter 1006 Nurhachi: Sorry, I made a mistake

Chapter 1006 Nurhachi: Sorry, I made a mistake

When Temujin and Yue Fei fought briefly and led the crowd to invade deeper in the northern plain, the second Jurchen army, which can also be said to be the strongest Jurchen army, led the Eight Banners army led by Aixinjueluo Nurhachi. Travel the line of engagement with the rebels.

Almost all the clans outside the pass went south this time, and those who stayed behind were old and weak, women and children, and they made up their minds to take root in the Hongyu Empire and never leave.If such a large number of troops were to gather together, not only would the efficiency be extremely low, but conflicts might break out between them, and money and food would not be able to support them.Therefore, the division of the army is inevitable, not only for the various ethnic groups to act separately, but also for some major clans to conduct a second or even third division of troops.

"Commander, a small group of cavalry was found a hundred miles to the southeast, about [-] cavalry!" The army marched, and the scout cavalry on both land and air routes were scattered far away, so the one who could report immediately was the air cavalry .

"Haha, I didn't expect prey to come to my door so soon." Nurhachi helped his horse and laughed, with a strong killing intent in his tone.

"Father commander, it seems that the banner on the opposite side should be the rebel forces supported by the Temple of the Underworld. We have an agreement with the Temple of the Underworld, and we will not take the initiative to start a war. This..." Huang Taiji remonstrated with some worry.

"Huh! On the battlefield, things change rapidly. Even if allies make mistakes, it happens from time to time. What's more, it's just an agreement. It's enough to say sorry for making mistakes afterwards. The Temple of the Underworld needs our strength and will not turn our face." Nurhachi said confidently.

"Father Marshal is right, but it's just a paper agreement. Now that our army has entered the customs, why bother with him!" Dorgon's disdainful voice came from the other side.

"No! This agreement is still very useful. It can help our army gain a foothold on the territory of the Hongyu Empire faster!" Nurhachi looked at the clear sky thousands of miles away, feeling the chill in the wind. of fertile land.

"There is not much money and food in the army. Divide up and plunder. Dorgon will deal with the small prey. Remember, capture anyone who can be captured. Don't kill indiscriminately. We need slaves, a lot of slaves!"

"Yes, handsome father!"

As for the unlucky guy who was targeted by Nurhachi, it was Li Jue of the Xiliang Army during the Three Kingdoms period, and his five thousand cavalry!Due to the so-called "secret agreement", the rebels' combat methods are much more daring than the imperial side, but they obviously miscalculated.The sad Li Jue and his subordinates also became the first legion to be wiped out in the alien race going south.

However, unlike the uncompromising war between the foreign race and the empire, their sacrifice was successfully exchanged for an apology of "Sorry, I made a mistake".


After returning to Calabash City, Zhu Rong and his entourage did not stop any longer. They went directly to Mayi Town via the teleportation array. The battle in the north was imminent. Huo Qubing didn't intend to defend, and he was not good at defending. He wanted to take the initiative to attack!Calabash City's Eye of Time and Space will cooperate with him when necessary.

As for the [-] saintess guards, they are cheating. Originally, Wu Yi planned to let them go north with the next batch of convoys to escort supplies, but these witches disagreed with everything. In their words, their duties It is to protect the safety of the saint, not to be too far away from the saint.In desperation, Wu Yi could only bleed heavily, and letting them go through the teleportation array was a lot of money, especially now that the military salary system has just been updated and all the lords are tightening their money.

But fortunately, the Saintess guard group does not belong to Gourd City, so the military salary will naturally not fall on him, otherwise, this guard group organized by the ninth-level heavenly group of Wu clan fighters is also a big expense. .

After sending off the people who went north, Wu Yi finally found Zhang Yufeng who was facing silently with Xu Negative in Calabash City.

"Great Master, good news, good news!" Wu Yi held the treasure box and accelerated his steps.

"Oh, could it be..." Seeing Wu Yi's exaggerated appearance, both Zhang Yufeng and Xu Ling's expressions suddenly became tense, and their eyes were fixed on the treasure box he was holding.

"That's right! I finally lived up to my trust and found the last material that the grand master needs - the heart of the Red Lich." Wu Yi smiled and opened the treasure box, and the unique red light of the heart of the Red Lich It came out instantly.

"Okay, okay, okay! It really is the heart of the Chilian Lich! Lord, I won't say much about my thanks. After I understand this matter, I will definitely not forget your lord's kindness." Zhang Yufeng was excited After grabbing the treasure box, the blood-red light reflected on his face, making him look a little crazy.

"Below"!This is the first time Zhang Yufeng used this word in front of Wu Yi. It is almost impossible to make a great master bow his head. If he can reach this point, no matter whether Zhang Yufeng will stay in Calabash City or not, at least he will be tied to it. Go to Calabash City!

"Grandmaster, you are being polite. Brother Ruilin's business is the most important thing. If there is any need, I will fully cooperate." Wu Yi said with righteousness on his face, but he was extremely happy in his heart.

"No need, the preparations are already in place, the next step is to depend on God's will!" Zhang Yufeng looked at the sea of ​​clouds churning over Calabash City with some regret.

Zhang Yufeng's eyes were sharp, and he turned to Wu Yi and said, "Lord, please temporarily close the city defense barrier of Calabash City."

Close the city defense barrier?

Wu Yi was slightly taken aback. The city defense barrier never closed on its own initiative. After all, this thing can not only defend against foreign enemies, but also has a certain effect on resisting natural disasters.But Zhang Yufeng shouldn't be able to revive his son for ten days and half a month, right?At present, there are no enemies that can threaten Calabash City, and the city defense barrier will not have much impact if it is closed for a few days.

"I'll do it right now!"

The city defense barrier is mainly supported by the magic tower. To close the city defense barrier, the magic tower must be closed. When the opened magic tower is not enough to maintain the city defense barrier, the barrier will naturally cease to exist.

A group of people followed to Zhang Ruilin's cemetery, and all irrelevant civilians in the surrounding area were temporarily transferred.Zhang Yufeng's feng shui formation in the cemetery began to place the few rare materials obtained through Wu Yi's hands.

"Thank you, my lord, the little girl's promise will definitely be fulfilled!" Standing beside Wu Yi, Xu Neg said in a soft voice, watching Zhang Yufeng's movements.

"Miss Xu, don't worry, no one will restrict your actions in Gourd City!" This is one of the rewards he cares about the most. Xu Negative, at the moment, makes up for a blank character in Gourd City's divination.As long as there is her, Calabash City will be somewhat like a "small country". However, all this depends on the results of Zhang Yufeng's side, but the enchantment is like this, and the fact that Xu negative joined Calabash City will not change.

(End of this chapter)

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