The best lord of online games

Chapter 1008 Xu Negative and Zhang Ruilin

Chapter 1008 Xu Negative and Zhang Ruilin
It wasn't until night fell that Zhang Yufeng, his son and Xu Negative found Wu Yi again.

"Thanks to the lord's full assistance this time, the curse on my Zhang family can be broken so smoothly, and the dog can be resurrected." At this time, Zhang Yufeng swept away the previous decadence, and the style of a great master was undoubtedly evident.

"Things are over. Brother Ruilin will definitely be able to rise to the sky in the future and make the Zhang family prosperous again." Wu Yi smiled and looked at Zhang Ruilin. This kid still looks a little handsome, but his body is too weak. The effects of the curse.

——System: Congratulations for completing the mission "Resurrection Zhang Ruilin" perfectly. You will be rewarded with "Senior Feng Shui Master Experience Detailed Explanation" +1 and some experience.

Just this reward?
Wu Yi couldn't believe it. Although the "Four Elephants Sealing the Heaven Formation" was part of the reward, was the reward too low compared to this task?

There's no point complaining about that now, though.Wu Yi looked at Xu Negative who was on the other side of Zhang Yufeng. Fortunately, there is still a super prize waiting for him here!
"Unfortunately, this day has come too late. My Zhang family has already withered. Right now, only my father and son are left in the whole family. It will be impossible to restore the original strength in two or three hundred years." Zhang Yufeng sighed, but The son's problem was solved, the Zhang family didn't have to die, and at the same time, there was hope again, and the mountain that had been pressing on him was finally removed.

"Let's not talk about that, I'm not dead yet, and he doesn't need the heavy responsibility of the Guangfu family. However, there is still one thing that needs the help of the lord." Zhang Yufeng glanced at his son and said domineeringly.

"Please tell me, if you can help, I will never say anything!"

"Right now, I still have some things to deal with. It's not suitable for me to take him with me. The Zhang family is already ruined, so the two of them will stay in Calabash City. I'm quite optimistic about the lord's Calabash City."

Hearing such a request, Wu Yi secretly rejoiced, this is to settle the entire Zhang family in Calabash City!Even though Zhang Yufeng has not joined Calabash City in name, there is no big difference.

"Grandmaster won't stay for a while longer?" Wu Yi asked with some regret, and he also wanted Zhang Yufeng to help him crack the mechanism of Lingyun Valley's underground palace.

"It's all old stuff!" As he spoke, Zhang Yufeng turned his head and gave Zhang Ruilin a look, "I'll see the lord soon!"

"I have seen the lord!"

——System: Zhang Ruilin joined Calabash City.

——System: Xu Negative joins Calabash City

"Haha, you're welcome, you're welcome! We're all on our own." At this moment, Wu Yi's face was about to die of laughter. If it wasn't for Zhang Yufeng, he wouldn't care too much about Zhang Ruilin, but Xu Negative, this is definitely a super character.

Xu negative:

Race: Terran

Identity: Citizen of Calabash City, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: thunderous

Title: The First Female Fortune Teller - +20% of her own ability, +10% of the fortune of the territory, +20% of the attractiveness to special talents, +10% of the talent effect of special talents in the territory.

First-class fortune-telling master - divination success rate +20%, divination cost -10%, increase the territory's ability to resist natural disasters by +5%, and increase the favorable celestial phenomenon effect of the territory's area (relative title effects cannot be superimposed).

Talent: Wheel of Destiny - divination success rate +25%, has a great chance to predict the attack that will cause damage to oneself in advance, own dodge ability +45%, can shield other fortune tellers from the people, things and things in their territory For fortune-telling, the shielding effect is based on the abilities of fortune-tellers on both sides.The special ability "Fate Rotation" can be used at special times. (Destiny reincarnation: There is a certain probability that the words spoken will come true.)
Specialty: Physiognomy - able to see through the talents and specialties and other related abilities of characters whose ability does not exceed 10% of her own ability at a glance.

Occupation: Fortuneteller
Level: Holy Rank (sealed, currently equivalent to ninth rank)
System: 0
Wu: 0
Wisdom: 92
Politics: 69
Skill: Divination of Destiny - It takes a certain price to perform a special divination. (under seal)
Equipment: Destiny Coin (Legendary) - Divination success rate +25%, special divination cost -25%, divination ability shielding effect +25%.Comes with the special skill "Half of Fate". (One-half of fate: when the coin faces up, the gain effect of your side +50%; when the coin faces up, all the enemy's magic attacks have a 25% chance of failing, physical attacks hit -50, The energy cannon has a 25% chance of failing to fire.)
Such a strong attribute! An intelligence of 92, which can be regarded as the highest attribute of a famous general in Calabash City at present, there is no one, followed by Xiao Mahe tied for second with a force of 92.But what about her rank?The seal of the holy rank is the ninth rank for the time being?
This is the first time he has seen such a weird situation, and looking at Xu Negative's "Destiny Divination" skill, could it be that Xu Negative has performed some special divination before, and the level is the price paid?How long does it take to seal it?
Looking at Xu Negative's title, talents, and specialties, they are all perfect. The title of the first female fortune teller is stronger than the bonus of historical beauty, "talent effect +10%"!This is extremely sharp for both the army and internal affairs. As for the "territorial fortune +10%", he said that he didn't understand it for the time being.

The ability of the fortune teller is more to supplement the territory, not as intuitive as the attribute of the commander. The ability of the fortune teller is still too weird in the game. With Xu negative, at least he has the ability to defend.Moreover, Xu Negative also has the "cheat" ability to see through the abilities of characters, but it does not exceed 10% of her own ability. What is the calculation of this 10%?It can't be the single highest attribute of a famous general, can it?It is even more impossible if it is the sum of the attributes of famous generals.

However, what really surprised Wu Yi was that Xu Negative actually brought a piece of legendary equipment!
Looking at Zhang Ruilin again, this unlucky guy who was just a gift in Wu Yi's eyes, the tragic figure of the year who "died" for two years after his debut.

Zhang Ruilin:
Race: Terran

Identity: Citizen of Calabash City, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: Well known

Title: Heaven's Blessed One— Zhang Yufeng stole the blessings of heaven and earth to bless him with his Fengshui ability.Luck +50%, you can turn bad luck into good luck when you are in trouble, and the affinity of the power of the earth veins +25%.

Genius Feng Shui Master - Feng Shui array effect +25%, Feng Shui-related learning and comprehension +25%, bottleneck breakthrough rate +10%.

Talent: Life and Death Yin - Potential +10%, Growth Speed ​​+10%.

Specialty: Training - one of the inheritance background of the Feng Shui family Zhang, able to train Taoist soldiers into special arms Feng Shui masters.

Occupation: Feng Shui master
Level: Tier [-]

System: 5
Wu: 5
Wisdom: 5
Politics: 5
The attributes of such a weak chicken!Only level six!However, there is still one thing that is quite perverted about this guy, that is the title of "Heavenly Blessed One" and his specialty of "training".

There is nothing to say about the specialty of "training". It should be related to the fact that the Zhang family is a family of Fengshui masters. Wu Yi is still very happy to have one more Fengshui master in the territory. The title of "Heavenly Blessed One" was completely imposed on his son by Zhang Yufeng. This should be one of the gains brought about by this resurrection. In Wu Yi's opinion, this title is somewhat similar to the effect of "Fortune General". Things are pretty ethereal even in the game, and it's hard to guarantee when it will work, but obviously, a lucky person will definitely outperform an unlucky one.

Wu Yi has never seen a talent with such simple attributes, probably because he is only at the sixth level now. Generally speaking, it is quite good. The famous generals have five points each, which means that Zhang Ruilin has the potential to cultivate all-round talents .Maybe in the future, he will really be able to cultivate a real "Fortune General". After all, people like Cheng Yaojin and Niu Gao have their own limitations.

"I found an underground palace before going down, but it was a pity that it was blocked by the powerful mechanism layout. I don't know if the grand master can help." Wu Yi didn't want to miss Song Yingxing. As long as Song Yingxing has Song Yingxing, the foundation of Calabash City can be upgraded again. This is crucial in the current situation, especially since the battleship Ganguan in Penglai City has been launched. There is a scientist who, in his opinion, is the fastest way to improve the shipbuilding technology of the territory.

"Mechanism, let me introduce you to a person, you go to him, in the world, there are not many institutions that can hinder him."

"Then thank you, Great Master."

(End of this chapter)

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