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Chapter 1009 Bai Qi: Sorry, my hand slipped

Chapter 1009 Bai Qi: Sorry, my hand slipped

Not long after Li Jue's army was destroyed, Bai Qi received the news. He already had some complaints about cooperating with other races. Now that these barbarians dare to provoke him, how can he bear it?

Wrong type!
Bai Qi can't wait to slap these three words on the opponent's face, rise up!
"Marshal, be impulsive. These alien races are just guns in the hands of the prince. Let them consume the strength of the empire. The north must belong to us. There is no need to tear ourselves apart with them at this time." Li Ru repeatedly dissuaded him. He has no psychological burden on interracial cooperation, and he pays more attention to the overall situation.

"It's okay, didn't they say they made a mistake? I slipped my hand, isn't that normal! It's going to be fine." Bai Qi's cold tone could almost freeze the entire plain, so firm that people couldn't give birth. I doubt that in the army, his decision cannot be controlled by a small military division.

Li Ru smiled wryly and shut up. Indeed, what Bai Qi said is correct, nothing will happen, just as the other party predicted that they would not dare to go to war in an all-out way. Under the current situation, it is also impossible for the foreign race to fight against them desperately. .But this matter undoubtedly planted a big nail in the hearts of both parties, and there will probably be many troubles in the future. In his opinion, these are completely avoidable.

It is not difficult to get the Jurchen army. After all, they are going south along the defense line of Xuerong City. If they turn west at this time, it will be a bit troublesome for Bai Qi to block them, but Nurhachi obviously did not expect revenge to come so soon.

In order to achieve faster results, Nurhachi carried out a second division of troops after defeating Li Jue. Except for him as the leader and a series of famous generals of the Aixinjueluo clan, they followed the original route.The second branch took Niu Hulu as commander in chief, and headed westward all the way.The third branch, led by Tong Jia Hu Erhan, continued to turn east, intending to attack Meteor City with Xuerong City and take advantage of it. This was also one of their agreements with the Underworld Temple to jointly attack the Hongyu Empire.

But obviously, at this time, Hu Erhan, who had already invaded the defense line of Xuerong City, was out of luck.

Under the investigation of all parties, Bai Qi quickly locked in this alien army of 5 people. Bai Qi directly dropped the short-legged infantry, led the cavalry, air force, and French troops, and combined [-] people at full speed. kill the past.On the way, from time to time, they rushed with the strength of the army, and only the top commanders dared to do so.

Seeing the banner of Xuerong City, Hu Erhan didn't move around this time, he was also afraid that the two sides would really fall out, and it would be a real tragedy if they were double attacked by Hongyu Empire and Xuerong City.In fact, the Xuerong City Legion that they defeated before was not dead, and more than 1000 were captured alive as slaves.

However, just because he doesn't move, doesn't mean the other party doesn't move either!The rain of arrows and spells that covered the sky and the sun directly covered their heads, and what was even more frightening was that the opponent directly mobilized a large number of troops, and a golden saber was thrown across the sky.

"I am the Fourth Jurchen Army, my own, my own! Don't fight! Don't fight!" Hu Erhan ordered the guards to shout, and at the same time mobilized the army to defend. Strength also has advantages.

However, the reality is completely different from what he expected, and he is not an opponent at all!The sword condensed by the strength of the army cut through his defense like tofu.

"Not a single one!"

At Bai Qi's level, without a commander at the same level, do you want to overwhelm him just by strength?dream!
"General of Xuerong City, don't you care about our agreement?" Hu Erhan was in a hurry, it was really a wrong step, a wrong step!The opponent's attack was as violent as a mountain roar and a tsunami, and he couldn't hold back his formation at all.The own side obviously has the upper hand in strength, and the basic quality of the soldiers is also similar, but why is this so?Is there really such a big gap between him and the opponent's commander?
It's a pity that Bai Qi doesn't want to talk to him at all!
"It's freezing cold, the soldiers shot and killed some friendly soldiers, which is completely forgivable, don't you think so, military advisor?" Bai Qi glanced at Li Ru beside him, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face, Marshal Bai, who usually has a refined air, now feels like a demon king in hell.

"What the commander said is true!" Li Ru knew how to get along with this extremely powerful coach, not to mention that the opponent's ability was so strong.The two most powerful commanders in Xuerong City, Han Xin has nothing to say, he is very utilitarian, as long as he is given the right, he has nothing to worry about along the way.But for this handsome Bai, Li Ru said that he didn't quite understand.


On the northern plains, the empire rushed to build dozens of military forts during the snow disaster. The troops in the military forts were strong and weak, and they were mostly used for support. The defense power was at most equivalent to that of a town. class.

In a short period of time, when there was no rush to react, as many as seven or eight military forts were taken down by the aliens like lightning. However, the aliens did not garrison the military forts, but only plundered the population and supplies in them, and continued to go south .

At the same time, in Black Prison City, Xiang Yu, as he promised, an army with Lian Po as the coach, Sun Ce as the forward, and Jia Xu as the military adviser began to march westward, attacking the alien races in the south.What made the chosen ones more concerned was that a special character appeared in this army, Sun Ce's younger sister, Sun Shangxiang, and a team of her exclusive female soldiers.

At this time, Sun Shangxiang was still a cute little lolita, but with Zhu Rong in front, everyone was familiar with this kind of little lolita going to the battlefield, and the only thing that was curious was her strength.As for Sun Quan, he doesn't know if he has become an official, but even if he becomes an official, he should be in charge of internal affairs. With his ability, he can only be abused on the battlefield.

As for Xiang Yu himself, he is still in retreat, and he is now hitting the critical moment of the legend.

Xiang Yu's actions undoubtedly made Yue Fei, who was originally in the same situation as him, change his opinion of him a lot. In Yue Fei's mind, Xiang Yu can still save him, at least this person is different from Li Shimin, who has no national concept. A batch of logistics supplies were specially sent to Hei Prison City as a reward.

Of course, Xiang Yu said nothing about this. In his heart, beating foreigners and being loyal to the empire are completely different things!
And just when the Northern War was in full swing, the heroic city in the northeast finally raised the anti-flag as expected. Li Shimin originally didn't plan to jump out so early, but when the military salary system came out, his treasury instantly It exploded.If you don't go against it now, there are only two possibilities, either the army under your command changes, or the army starves to death!
However, the empire had already arranged a large army to stare at him, and it was not so easy for him to fight out.

(End of this chapter)

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