The best lord of online games

Chapter 1013 "Stealing people" stone ghost

Chapter 1013 "Stealing people" stone ghost
After getting off the imperial city, Wu Yi headed towards the west city while playing with the black shell and copper coins specially used for divination.Intermediate-level fortune-teller, he can be called a model among funny people. Even if he is divination in one direction, he is always on time, not to mention that he is only a deputy, and now he only has the most basic "divination" skills attached. , In addition, the dodge ability of a small number of characters has been improved. Apart from this, the abilities of other fortune tellers are all missing.


Shi Fen, no matter how many times you read it, people will involuntarily look sideways at this name full of slots.However, here, the name cannot be complained casually, because the owner of this name is a grand master of organs and one of the guardians of the imperial mausoleum of the contemporary empire.

Wu Yi honestly handed over the greeting card and Zhang Yufeng's autographed letter, and waited quietly outside the door.

There are quite a few players in Kowloon City who want to develop upper-level contacts, but compared to the huge Kowloon City and its terrifying population base, the players here are just a drop in the ocean, and the Chosen Ones without a noble are not allowed to enter Kowloon City. But it's still there!Therefore, no matter how famous Wu Yi is now, it is quite difficult to meet someone who wants to break up with him in Kowloon City.

"Marquis Lao, long time, the master welcomes you!" A moment later, an old man dressed as a housekeeper greeted him with a smile.

After paying homage, Wu Yi followed the butler into the Shifu, the mansion of a great master of the government. You can tell how many pits are hidden in it. This place is probably one of the most dangerous places in the entire western city of the imperial capital.

"I already know what Zhang Laodao means, so let me, my disciple, accompany you!" As soon as Wu Yi entered the main hall, before Wu Yi could observe carefully, the old man sitting in the main seat spoke, and by the way pointed to the station. Beside him, there was an old man who didn't look much younger than him.

"I'm writing Moyan, I've met the Marquis."

Wu Yi didn't expect the Great Master to personally act. This kind of people not only reached the peak in their respective industries, but most of them are of high authority. Like this Shi Fen, he is the guardian of the imperial tomb. Under normal circumstances, he would not Leaving Kowloon City.

The disciple of the great master, shouldn't be bad, right?I hope I won't be as cheating as Chen Yufeng!Wu Yi sized up Mo Yan who was standing beside Shi Fen, and finally fixed his eyes on the small black badge on his chest, feeling overjoyed.

"It turned out to be the Grandmaster, so I'm being so polite! After that, I will rely on the Grandmaster to act."

"I will do my best!"

The organ master, should be enough, right?
I don't know if it is possible for this grandmaster to poach corners. As long as he reaches the level of a grandmaster, no matter what industry he is in, it will definitely be of great use to the territory, not to mention that it can also improve the hidden fortune attribute of the territory.

And just when Wu Yi entered the Shifu, nearly a hundred players gathered in the South City of Kowloon City, Wangfu.Ever since Wang Xizhi and Du Fu showed up at the Pegasus City Qiqing Meeting, many people have been following them, but the news was cut off afterwards, but they were dug out from Kowloon City not long ago.

This news was kept well at first, but today it can't be kept no matter what.

"Wang Xizhi, Du Fu, Wu Daozi, the three sages jointly held a literary meeting. This is a scene that can only be seen in "The Prosperous Age"."

"Yeah, without mentioning Du Fu, any piece of work by the other two would be outrageous in reality even if the price was sky-high. I had already planned to go to the north. Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't go so fast." Zodiac sign The Pisces stared at the Sansheng in front of him and kept looking at him. Compared with other people in their studio, this guy prefers to have fun and liveliness. His territory has always been taken care of by his assistants, and he is free and easy in the game.

"That's good, but an invitation letter actually costs three hundred gold coins. Nima is simply robbing people!"

"Is there any way to do this? Who let Shi Chong get into Sansheng's circle! That guy is known for his love of money in history, but without him, would we have the opportunity to participate in this grand event?"

This is also the reason why so many players can be gathered in a short period of time. Selling invitations publicly is definitely a miracle. If the invitations are sent out privately, it is impossible for anyone other than the person who dug out Wang Xizhi's residence to get it. information.

The poor secrecy of the player group is obvious to all. As long as three or five people get the news, it will become an open secret immediately.

"Presumably there will be more people coming soon. Compared with us, those local tyrants who can't get a work for the Book Sage in reality will definitely settle for the next best thing and realize their dreams in the game. "The first time to "buy tickets" to enter the palace are all permanent residents in Kowloon City, and at least half of them are from major guilds.

"Tsk tsk, if you can subdue one of the three saints, just selling their works will be enough to make a fortune."

"This difficulty is probably equivalent to the level of subduing Zhao Yun. Maybe it will be even more difficult. If the three saints get married again, the picture will be so beautiful that I dare not think about it!"

Think about Sun Simiao in Calabash City, and Li Bai in Changshan League. The role of special talents is no less than that of commanders and counselors. According to the people who committed crimes in the Seven Leagues, even Mi Heng, the "spraying god", is extremely sharp.Commanders, military generals, the abilities of these types of people may overlap, or if there is a character who is equal, it is better to have a celebrity with special talents, and the effect will be greater. This has already been achieved in the player circle. consensus.

"Zhuge Liang and Mr. Zhuge from the School of Governance are here!"

While the group of God's Chosen were discussing in low voices below, the voice of roll call in front of the mansion instantly drew everyone's attention.

"May! Prime Minister Zhuge!"

"My brother pig is here too!" Many people stood up and looked over, only to see a handsome young man in white robes walking in under the guidance of the servants.

"Fuck, you're crazy, Zhuge Liang is also in the imperial capital?"

Yes, crazy, but the lord is crazy, whether it is Sansheng or Zhuge Liang, as long as you catch one, you will make a lot of money.People with guild backgrounds immediately sent a message to the bosses of each family. This lineup is enough for them to come all the way to pay a high price to brush their faces.

In the chaos, the surging mood of the God's Chosen hadn't calmed down, and the voice of roll call at the gate of the mansion came again.

"Huo Guang and Mr. Huo of the School of Governance are here!"

"Huo Guang?"

Compared with Zhuge Liang, the name Huo Guang made the God Chosen people have different thoughts in their hearts. Everyone knows that Wei Qing, Wei Zifu, and Huo Qubing are all in Calabash City. Huo Guang jumped out at this time. chance?
"This School of Governance is a little bit tricky!"

"Of course, that's one of the two most legendary academies in the Hongyu Empire. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a way to get in."

(End of this chapter)

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