The best lord of online games

Chapter 1014 Veteran "Three Kings"

Chapter 1014 Veteran "Three Kings"

"Three Sages, Zhuge Liang, Huo Guang, Ji Kang, Shi Chong?"

Tianyan Studio has staff who are responsible for collecting information on the forum. When Wu Yi received this news, he almost vomited blood.

Nima, do you want to be so foolish!There are five people involved with him, Zhuge Liang didn't mention it, and there is no way to dig it back for the time being, but on Huo Guang's point, there must be a lot of people who want to poach his corner.As for the Sansheng, that's the long line he put... well, it's the long line that he hasn't found a way to attack. Once it breaks out like this, it will no longer be his exclusive news.

Sense of crisis!A strong sense of crisis!

Wu Yi's initial arrangement for coming to the imperial capital this time was to visit Yunlin first, then Shi Fen, and finally Wu Zhao and Wang Xizhi, but now...

"Three hundred gold coins and an invitation letter, damn, this stone ghost wants to get rich with this, right?"

Mo Yan will temporarily follow Wu Yi for three days. Shi Fen is more talkative than expected. He thought he still needs to do some tasks to get help.Wu Yi took Mo Yan directly to the "Prince's Mansion". With his friendship with Sansheng, he didn't need to "buy" invitations at a high price. However, after being so popular, many people must have gathered in this literary meeting.

After handing over the greeting post, Wu Yi was personally welcomed into the mansion by Wu Daozi, how could this guy eat and drink for nothing in Calabash City for so long.

"I didn't expect my lord to come to the imperial capital. With my lord here, this literary meeting will definitely be a lot more exciting."

As a landlord, Wang Xizhi is extremely enthusiastic towards every guest. Of course, this enthusiasm is limited to the guests he invites and those he has acquaintances with, excluding the ticket sold by Shi Chong.

"Mr. Wang is serious. I'm just here to join in the fun. You don't think I'm presumptuous!"

Here, besides the historical celebrities mentioned earlier, there are also many unknown aborigines. However, since Wang Xizhi can get the invitation, he must have some skills.

"Where is it, my lord, please take a seat!"

The arrival of Wu Yi and the attitude of the Three Sages towards him made the God Chosen present feel like they are facing a formidable enemy. Enthusiasm represents goodwill. Although goodwill does not represent the final result, it does represent an advantage!

This is the capital of the empire, even if the rebel camp has a super camouflage method, it is difficult to enter here. It has the strongest city defense system, and there are many masters. If this place can be easily mixed in, then the Hongyu Empire will be over.

There is only one God Chosen sitting here that Wu Yi is familiar with, Wu Jiutian!
After knowing Wu Yi's identity, on the other side, Huo Guang also finished his conversation with his friend and walked over quickly.

"Little nephew Huo Guang, I have met Lord Marquis!"

Compared to Huo Qubing's bravery, Huo Guang looks more like a scholar, no, it should be said that he is a scholar himself, and among the many celebrities present, he does not look outstanding.

"Haha, your elder brother has mentioned you to me many times, but unfortunately, I have been to the imperial capital several times before, but I couldn't get into the School of Governance."

Military Academy!School of Governance!These two academies are known as the cradle of the commanders and famous ministers of the Hongyu Empire. Apart from teachers and students, even the royal family cannot enter at will.The existence of these two academies is no secret to players at present, but so far, no one has successfully conquered them.

"By the way, when will you graduate?" Now that his territory is getting bigger and bigger, the demand for political talents is also getting bigger and bigger. Therefore, Huo Guang is very important to Calabash City, not only because of his ability, but also because of his ability. connections!

Huo Guangneng greeted him as a junior, which was a reassurance for Wu Yi. This corner was at least much tougher than Zhuge Liang.

"You should be able to finish your studies within this month!"

"Okay! I'll get someone to pick you up then." For Calabash City, this is indeed good news.

"Sir, this..."

Even if Huo Guangdang wanted to refuse, such behavior would not be conducive to his integration into the Calabash City system, but he was stopped by Wu Yi with a wave of his hand.

"Don't rush to refuse. In the imperial capital, Calabash City also has a lot of contacts that need to be moved around. After you graduate, you can just help strengthen these contacts." Wu Yi walked with Huo Guang to an empty room on the left side of the courtyard while talking. In the small gazebo, on the other side, Du Fu is already writing a poem.

"By the way, is there any student who graduated with you recently at the School of Governance?"

"My nephew understands what your lord means. In fact, I have already paid attention to this aspect a long time ago. However, I am afraid that this class will be difficult."

"Why?" Wu Yi was not reconciled, he hadn't gotten one from Huo Qubing before, now Huo Guang is also going to fail?Do you want to be so pitiful!There are no mediocrities in the two major colleges, and it is not bad to just pick one. Besides, the current Calabash City is not as good as it was before, with a leap in prestige, status, and strength. Just like this, there are no students from the two major colleges who are willing to give in?

"Does your lord know about the 'Three Kings'?"

"'Three Kings'? Isn't it the 'Four Kings'?" Wu Yi was a little confused. Since the fall of Emperor Wu, Xiao Chenguang was honored as a great treasure, and followed the rebellion of the four princes headed by Xiao Mingsheng, which was called the Rebellion of the Four Kings.Although one has been hung up now, it is not necessary to remove all the names.

"No, I'm talking about King Hong, King Gong, and King Prison, the three oldest princes of the Hongyu Empire. They hold at least one-third of the power of the royal family in their hands."

The veteran three kings of the Hongyu Empire?

Hongwang, Wu Yi knows that taking the meaning of "Hongyun", the Hongwang's house with shops, contacts, and channels all over the Hongyu Empire is his. This Hongwang can be said to be the biggest God of Wealth in the entire Hongyu Empire. Comparable, a typical example of an incomparably rich country!

But who are the other two?Never heard of it!He is recruiting people in Calabash City, does he have anything to do with these three princes?

"My lord may not understand that these three kings are hereditary titles, which have been passed down from the founding of the Hongyu Empire to the present."

"Hereditary?" Wu Yi was a little dumbfounded, Hongyu Empire has a hereditary prince?He has never heard of this before, as far as he knows, even if the emperor's own son is granted the title, a piece will be cut off every generation after that. Still able to enjoy the benefits of the clan.

The hereditary one-word king, it seems that the water of the royal family is deeper than imagined!No wonder Xiao Chenguang would be so sad after becoming emperor.

"People from the three major palaces never get involved in political affairs. When each of the three major palaces holds a secret force, not to mention the financial resources of the Hongwang Palace. Your Excellency should also know that the Gongwang Palace controls the Royal Tomb Guardian Group. How powerful is it?" Everyone knows it. However, among the three kings, the Prison Palace is the most mysterious. I have been in the imperial capital for so many years. If I hadn’t heard a mention from a member of the royal family before, I would never have known that there was such a man in the empire!”

(End of this chapter)

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