The best lord of online games

Chapter 1015 High Price Artwork

Chapter 1015 High Price Artwork

After listening to Huo Guang's explanation, Wu Yi became more and more confused. A large part of the current crisis of the Hongyu Empire stems from discord among the people. This is well known to the world, and it is not a secret. It is impossible for a super empire that has been around for a long time to only have this strength on the table.

But so what?These things are too high-end for the current God's Chosen, so high-end that they can be completely ignored.

Among the three kings, the last two Wu Yi have never heard of them before, and they have a little contact with King Hong, mainly because of the business relationship between Hulucheng Business and King Hong's residence, but that's all.

"Does that have anything to do with what you said?"

"Currently, the three major palaces are recruiting talents from the two major academies. Those who have graduated and those who have not graduated are almost wiped out!"

Wu Yi's face became a little ugly. Compared with the three palaces with hereditary princes, Calabash City is still far behind.

"Aren't they not involved in military affairs?"

"That was before!"

Yes, what was the Hongyu Empire like before, and what is it like now?It can only be said that the current Xiao Chenguang can't suppress the royal family!This time, I can try to visit Hong Wang, there is always no harm in having more connections at the top.

"I have two friends in the college. I've been lobbying them recently. There should be some hope!" Seeing Wu Yi's disappointed expression, Huo Guang continued.

"Okay! I will prepare some gifts for you here. You try your best to lobby, it doesn't matter whether you succeed or fail." Wu Yi was overjoyed, as long as there is hope, he didn't ask the other party's identity in detail, which would seem too much A philistine, anyway, as long as he succeeds, he will know it naturally. As long as he is from the Secular Academy, it doesn't matter whether he is a historical celebrity or an aboriginal.

While Wu Yi was talking with Huo Guang, the literary fair on the other side had reached its climax, and celebrities showed off their talents one after another. It was a blessing to see the chosen ones, especially those who have a hobby of collecting in real life. People who are more and more almost want to pounce on and grab one or two works to put back in their collections.

Since Huo Guang is here, it makes no sense not to show his hand, and Wu Yi has no intention of dragging Huo Guang until the end of this essay meeting.When Huo Guang appeared on the stage, Zhuge Liang came over to thank him again, and then asked about his elder brother Zhuge Jin's recent situation.I have to say, brother pig's temperament is really hard to hate.

Afterwards, Wu Yi sat across from Wu Jiutian, intending to enjoy the literary meeting with many big names.

"It seems that Huo Guang is already in your pocket!" Wu Jiutian arrived before Wu Yi, and reminded him through private chats that someone planned to poach his corner.

"It's stable!" Wu Yi said with a smile and raised his glass.As the saying goes, one bird is worse than a thousand birds in the forest. At this literary conference, counting the aborigines, there are more than [-] talents. These are the targets of the God's Chosen, but how many of these people are there? What about those who already have a "main family" like Zhuge Liang?No one knows this!
"How about we join forces this time?" Wu Jiutian can fully represent Changshan League, and it doesn't matter who has the talent, so this time, no representative of Changshan League came.

There are so many talents, it is impossible for one person to eat them all, and it is inevitable to join forces, so as to share the pressure and share some information.However, just when Wu Yi was about to respond, a guy dressed in a very strange bag rushed up not far behind Wu Jiutian.

"You two big brothers, we need to join forces, don't leave the younger brother behind."

"This is..." Wu Yi looked at Wu Jiutian, so he interrupted so directly, it couldn't be a stranger!
"Xue Miracle's cousin, Liang Xiaoyi!" Wu Jiutian glanced at the flamboyant young man with disgust and said helplessly. Xue Qiqi was a bandit before, and now he is a traitor. It is impossible for him to enter Kowloon City, so So I chatted with her privately in advance and asked her to help take care of his wonderful cousin.

Wu Yi took a look at this... Well, a somewhat unrestrained cousin, this is probably the easiest character to see through the character, the funny breath can be felt even ten feet away, this kind of guy often does things like It's quite unreliable, but one good thing is that this kind of people are often not thoughtful, as long as they see the right way, they are easy to get along with.

"Yes!" Wu Yi nodded with a smile. How can we say that everyone is a deadly alliance? Joining hands is just a way of saying, just like Purgatory and the Three Realms who are not sitting here. If anything happens in this matter in the future, the two sides will Can you just draw a knife and do it?Of course, the most important point now is that everyone has no entry point, even Wu Yi who has some friendship with Sansheng.

The works that appeared in the essay meeting were hung up one by one, and Wang Xizhi had the most fans present, taking pictures of all kinds of nostalgia, among which casual players accounted for at least [-]%, and they were not young, and they were all so-called successful people in reality .

Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, Wu Daozi's paintings, these are hard to find in reality, even if it is a virtual item, there are not a few people who are willing to spend a lot of money for it, but these things seem to be not for sale!

"Mr. Wang, I wonder if there is any meaning for you great sages to auction the works at the literary fair? The proceeds from the auction can be used to help civilians who lost their homes in the war, so that this literary fair will be more meaningful." A gray-haired, stature The chubby God's Chosen, who was wearing luxurious clothes, got up and suggested, his eyes fixed on Wang Xizhi's words from time to time, revealing a trace of fanaticism.

"Everyone, look..." Wang Xizhi was a little moved, turned around and asked.

"It's a good proposal. I have no objections." Wu Daozi was the first to jump out to support his good friend in this kind of fame-gaining matter.

Afterwards, everyone also expressed that they had no opinion, after all, it was not harmful to them.

Auctions like this are naturally carried out by Shi Sui. Even the works of those aborigines who are not well-known among the chosen ones have been auctioned at a high price. After all, this is also a way to attract favor, and it is still a He sold Wang Xizhi's favor.However, the most intense competition is undoubtedly Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and Wu Daozi's paintings.

At this time, even Wu Jiutian made a move, which surprised Wu Yi somewhat.

"Are you interested in this too?" In the auction, you can't use other materials to exchange prices like private transactions. This is quite a luxury for the lord.

"It's not me who is interested, but my grandfather is interested. If I can buy it, it should make him happy for a long time."

Wu Yi smiled, and didn't say any more. Now there are more and more tourist parties in "The Prosperous Age". These people have made outstanding contributions to the stability of the gold price in the game.

Wu Yi has noticed the way of high-priced artworks a long time ago, but there is only one sculpture of Kuai Xiang in Calabash City that can barely be sold.From this point of view, the value of Wang Xizhi and Wu Daozi is much higher than that of some top players.

(End of this chapter)

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