The best lord of online games

Chapter 1016 Double Spy Zhao Kuangyin

Chapter 1016 Double Spy Zhao Kuangyin

The literary meeting of the Wangfu finally came to an end when Wu Daozi's painting was fixed at a sky-high price of [-] gold coins. Before that, Wang Xizhi's painting was even bought by an unknown fat man at a price of [-] gold coins. For the gods.

Wang Xizhi, who had a "big hair" smile, was not stingy, and then held a banquet in the mansion, and said that all the proceeds from the auction would be donated to Marshal Yue in the north for military expenses against foreign invasion.

Wu Yi also intends to take the opportunity to improve their relationship. Since he has the advantage of liking, he shouldn't waste it. Moreover, he also wants to find out the details of the aborigines who were invited to participate in the cultural meeting.However, unfortunately, Wang Xizhi, Wu Daozi, and Du Fu all said that they would go north to support the imperial army in resisting alien races, and would not stay in the imperial capital any longer.

Such a result gave Wu Yi a big headache. If they were still in the palace, he would still have an advantage, but if they went to the north, this small advantage would disappear.

During the dinner, when Wu Yi was discussing countermeasures with Wu Jiutian, a system message caught his attention.

——System: Ma Yunlu successfully trained a ninth-tier special unit—the Rouge Flying Cavalry, which rewarded command +5 and raised his level to ninth-tier.

The Rouge Flying Cavalry, which is the treasure that Ma Teng prepared for his daughter, should be a female cavalry from the name, but I don’t know how powerful it is. If the characteristics of the ninth-level cavalry do not have outstanding abilities, such troops are not in Calabash City. will stand out.

As for Ma Yunlu, she is still too immature. Now she has five more command points, but she is only 75, not even a second-rate, and her force is only just [-]. I hope she can grow by leaps and bounds in the current battle, otherwise she will probably be Can only be a mascot.

In terms of famous generals, although Wu Yi also has some careful thoughts, such as reusing female generals, but they must be strong themselves!After all, the current Gourd City is not what it used to be, and now the number of famous generals in Gourd City has increased. If Ma Yunlu can't show her value, it is impossible for him to waste rare resources on her.

Let's talk about everything after the baptism of war!At the moment, Wu Yi has the urge to send Ma Chao to the seminary for further studies. He has always held a quota in his hand, and he does not ask Ma Chao to become a peerless commander. As long as his command value can be raised high enough, then Enough is enough, after all, in the later stage, the combat effectiveness of such a person with both high martial arts and martial arts is quite exaggerated.


After the incidents of the Ghost King City and the barbarian ghost lord, after the discussion of the big bosses in the Temple of the Underworld, they began to increase troops to the Underworld. After all, the Underworld is the foundation of the Temple of the Underworld, and there must be no chaos at this time.The location of the reinforcements was naturally their lackey, the wizard city controlled by the great lord of ghosts and witches.

If the great lord of ghosts and witches is killed by those big lords again, the underworld will be completely unstable. At that time, even if the Temple of the Underworld doesn't want to, it must first start a war in the underworld to solve the rear problems, but in this way, Most of their arrangements in the Hongyu Empire in the early stage had to be abandoned.

At the same time as the increase in troops, the Underworld Temple also sent envoys, intending to win over the golden ghosts in Mangui City. As long as they can control the two cities, the balance of the underworld can still be barely maintained.But who would have thought that the weakest lord in history was surprisingly tough. Not only did he not accept the invitation of the Temple of the Underworld, but he continued to make trouble for the Temple of the Underworld in some small places.

The golden ghost has become a new generation of "anti-ghost" fighters!
However, the more he was like this, the more determined he was to the four great lords who had doubts in his heart, this guy is a spy!However, it is not the spies who are targeting them, but the spies who destroy the rule of the Temple of the Underworld in the underworld!
But such a result is what the four great lords are very happy to see. With the golden ghosts attracting firepower in front, the attention of the Temple of the Underworld will be relatively reduced on them. After all, they do not want to start a war with the Temple of the Underworld. However, If given the chance, they definitely wouldn't mind driving the Underworld Temple out of the Underworld!


In the west, after Zhao Kuangyin built the city for a long time, Fengyao City once again appeared on the coast of the West Sea. However, it is no longer called Fengyao City, but Xihai City.

At the moment when Xihai City was built, Zhao Kuangyin personally led the army to destroy the army stationed on the border of the original demon city in Moshan City, and at the same time hoisted the banner of the Hongyu Empire.At this time, Zhou Yu also led the entire Xihai Fleet to station along the coast of Xihai City to escort Xihai City.

As soon as the news spread, the world was shocked.

Zhao Kuangyin, those were the first group of people to serve King Moshan. Even rebuilding the city on the ruins of Fengyao City was supported by King Moshan. The army that he wiped out was to help him fight against the West Sea Fleet.But who would have imagined that such a person stabbed Moshan City in the back, and the Hongyu Empire did not have any doubts about it. Not only that, the Hongyu Empire also granted Xihai City to Lao Zhao as a territory.

By this time, if you still don't understand the tricks, then you really owe your IQ. After rebelling and then surrendering, how can it be so simple.

Double agent!

This is the only possibility!Zhao Kuangyin was originally a nail placed by the Hongyu Empire in Moshan City, or Zhao Kuangyin used this identity to continuously suck the "blood" of Moshan City and Hongyu Empire!Think about what Lao Zhao was like when he left the Northwest battlefield?What is it like now?

This speed of development is simply a rocket!

No wonder Zhou Yu didn't care about Zhao Kuangyin's construction of the city on the ruins of Fengyao City, and tried to look like he was restrained by the sea monster.

Xiao Qiheng was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he got the news, and killed Lao Zhao's family members who stayed in Moshan City without saying a word, but how many of those so-called family members were related to Lao Zhao?
Counterattack?Now there is an entire Xihai Fleet parked beside Xihai City, if they dare to counterattack, they will definitely be blasted to pieces!You know, the strongest battleship of the Hongyu Empire is in the West Sea Fleet!It is obviously much easier to bomb the targets on the coast than to bomb those sea monsters hiding in the water.

Originally, the rebel camp in the west was doing well, but after this incident, it became confusing in an instant. Moshan City didn't pay much attention to the West Sea Fleet before. The landing navy lost the cover of the battleship's artillery fire, and its combat power was at most [-]% left!But it's different now, Zhao Kuangyin holds an elite army of about [-] in his hands, if the defense force is not enough, the old nest will be in danger.

Old Zhao played Infernal Affairs sharply, which is one of the few things right now that can be called good news for the empire!

(End of this chapter)

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