The best lord of online games

Chapter 1018 The Victorious Murong Ke

Chapter 1018 Murong Ke
"Kill!" Yu Wencheng shouted loudly, his eyes fixed on Sun Ce who was also wearing golden armor, and the mount under him accelerated again, his position was already somewhat out of touch with the army behind him.

Compared with Sun Ce's domineering aura, Yu Wencheng is more inclined to tyranny. Under the influence of talent, it will have a strong deterrent effect on the enemy. When morale is low, the army dare not face him head-on.However, his ability like this is based on strong force, and he is not good at commanding troops. The characters in the Sui and Tang Dynasties are all powerful and inhuman, like Li Yuanba who can chase a large army by himself Hammer fiercely, but there is no record of commanding troops, so the potential for commanding will naturally be reduced.

Force also has the benefits of force. As long as you can blow up the opponent head-on and capture the flag, the brave general can end the battle faster than the commander-in-chief.

It doesn't matter whether a brave general is out of touch with the legion, as long as you are sure that you can hold the strength of the opponent's legion, then everything is not a problem!

Alien cavalry are good at cavalry, and they can shoot even when charging at full speed. The cavalry and shooting of a ten thousand army is quite spectacular.

Under the rain of arrows, Sun Ce decisively mobilized part of the army's strength as a defense. Although this would weaken the overall combat effectiveness of the soldiers, he still has the advantage in terms of strength. As long as he can step over in the first wave of confrontation, Then this battle is over.


In the second wave of arrow rain, Yu Wencheng directly bumped into Sun Ce in the most violent way, and the golden halberd directly hit the golden halberd in Sun Ce's hand. The huge force from the long halberd suddenly made Sun Ce's face change drastically.This huge force directly stopped Sun Ce's charge, and the accompanying heavy blunt damage made Sun Ce grunt.

What a powerful force!
Sun Ce had only seen such perverted power in his master Xiang Yu. As for Li Yuanba who had already left the north with Li Shimin, he had only heard about it, and he had never actually seen it.

Sun Ce's heart sank. Once an opponent of this strength is dominated by the opponent, he is likely to be crushed until he explodes.

Sure enough, after Yu Wencheng stopped Sun Ce with one blow, he took advantage of the momentum of the charge to push Sun Ce forward.The cavalry behind Sun Ce were charging forward, but he was pushed back. In a flash, the cavalry behind him smashed into a ball in an instant, and there were countless deaths. Fortunately, Sun Ce was strong enough. It is also a fine product, otherwise, in just a short moment, he would have already pounced.

But luckily, he had to get rid of the current situation, otherwise, in a short while, the formation of his army would be completely chaotic, and when he was rushed by the enemy, there would be no chance of a comeback.


With the power of Yuwen Chengdu, Sun Ce roared, and at the same time the power of the army was on his body. At this time, Sun Ce's command value was not high, but he had just stepped on [-], and he had no more than [-] people under his command. The strength of the army that can be mobilized is extremely limited.But the addition of this little army power is enough to get Sun Ce out of the current crisis.

Sun Ce, whose strength had risen sharply by a quarter, made a move, and the flying horse under his driver flew up violently. Below him, he could only continue to destroy his army formation, shift the battlefield, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, but instead The best thing to do right now.

However, how could Yu Wencheng act in accordance with Sun Ce's thoughts? The moment Sun Ce escaped his oppression, Yu Wencheng also changed his moves. Suddenly, some cavalrymen were swept into the sky by the tornado, and some cavalrymen were torn apart by the golden gust of wind, and spread to the surroundings, completely disrupting Sun Cejun's charge formation, causing thousands of casualties, many of them were killed by friendly troops. trampled to death.

Sun Ce's eyes sank in the sky, and he rushed towards the enemy without looking back!

At this time, it is meaningless to go down and find the enemy general to fight one-on-one. The chaos of his army cannot be changed. Such a chaotic formation cannot stop the enemy's charge at all.That being the case, let's just slaughter all the soldiers and see who kills the fastest.

Taking advantage of the strength of the army on his body, Sun Ce directly rushed into the enemy army that was already close at hand, and suddenly a group of people turned their backs.

Yu Wencheng is following the path of the ultimate general, so the addition of his army comes from the lieutenant general and the military flag. In a battle of about ten thousand people, it is impossible to suppress a general of Sun Ce's level with the strength of an army.

When the main generals of both sides killed the Quartet, the armies of both sides finally fought, and the military advisers of both sides were so angry that they almost vomited blood. This is selling teammates, is there any reason!
After all, Sun Ce was a step too late. The Xianbei cavalry took advantage of the momentum of the charge to stride forward in his army. However, this advantage was extremely limited. If they continued to fight, there would only be one result, that is, both sides would be hurt, or both sides would be independent. All the following will be wiped out!But at this point, I can't stop.

At this moment, after Yu Wencheng had blown up a group of enemy troops, he stepped into the air and turned his head to kill Sun Ce!

Although Yuwen Chengdu's fighting method is very rough, it has to be said to be quite effective. First, he will gain an advantage in the overall situation, and then he will stare at the opponent's main general. Are two defeats afraid of injury?That also depends on you being able to block my offensive!This method is very incomprehensible in the battle of the forward army, but if it is on the home battlefield where the number is [-], then don't even think about it. If you rush up like this, be careful not to be directly overwhelmed by the opponent's coach.


In a loud noise, the mount under Sun Ce was almost smashed and climbed off. At this time, the strength of the army on Sun Ce had disappeared. The force value of the two sides may be similar at this time, but it has to be said that in terms of pure personal combat power , or Yu Wencheng is even stronger.

"Young General, hurry up!" Sun Ce's military adviser shouted loudly. The battle between the two sides was too fast, and it was impossible to drag the army from the rear to arrive. Moreover, he was afraid that Sun Ce would not be here if the delay continued. At one point, he didn't want to die either.


Sun Ce's eyes were red, and his lips were bleeding from his bite. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed unable to break through the opponent's blockade. At this time, the number of soldiers under his command was less than five thousand.

"Major General, let's go!" The military division began to retreat under the protection of Sun Ce's personal guards.

Unwillingness filled Sun Ce's heart. If he was alone, he would never back down, but when he thought of the younger sister in the back, and the Sun family in Hei Prison City, he couldn't die!

"Retreat!" Sun Ce roared in great grief and indignation. After paying a certain price, he got rid of Yuwen Chengdu and rode his horse back.

"Haha, kill! No one will be left behind!" Yu Wencheng laughed loudly and waved his troops in pursuit.

The strength of Sun Ce's holy rank is there, and it is difficult to keep him, but it is impossible for those defeated troops to escape, including the vanguard army division, the entire army was wiped out.

Sun Ce found the main force led by Lian Po in embarrassment. The complete annihilation of the vanguard dealt a big blow to the morale of the army.On the other side, Yu Wencheng also returned to the Chinese army and reported to the coach Murong Ke.

Lian Po!

Murong Ke!
One is one of the four commanders of the Warring States Period, and the other is the former Yan Mingzhan who has won every battle and has never lost a single battle!

The confrontation between them can definitely be called the strongest battle between Yue Fei and Temujin after their brief contact!
 Embarrassing, Chengdu is actually blocked, so I can only add a dot in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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