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Chapter 1019 Bird droppings siege method

Chapter 1019 Bird droppings siege method

In Lingyun Valley, Wu Yi took Mo Yan into the underground palace, and once again came to the first test. This is just an opportunity he shared from Changshan League, not sold out to him, but after so long, it is obvious that Zhao Ziyun is right. There is no way here either.

"It's such an exquisite mechanism!" Mo Yan kept sighing as he looked at the mechanism disc.

"Grandmaster, is there a way to open it?" Wu Yi asked in a low voice, whether it is subtle or not has nothing to do with him, the key is to open it!
"Well, wait, let me take a look first." Mo Yan stood there and continued to look at it for a while, then nodded confidently, "It's a little troublesome, but it can still be opened!"

As Mo Yan spoke, he began to move the cubes on the disc.

Wu Yi heaved a long sigh of relief, as long as he can open it, if the Grandmaster can't do anything, then this task really has to be given up, after all, Shi Fen will not leave the imperial capital right now.

The cubes moved in the disc and made bursts of "clicking". After a while, Mo Yan stopped and stepped back, and crisscross golden lines appeared on the disc, dividing grids one after another on it, followed by , The surroundings also shook, and with a roar, the discs separated in a jagged shape, and a passage leading to the front appeared.


What is this ghost?

Wu Yi originally thought that this was a secret place where Song Yingxing lived in seclusion. This is only the first level, and there are still many levels waiting for him.But what appeared in front of him... What kind of underground palace is Nima?

The secret room is not big, only about five meters long and wide, and there is nothing in it except a big rusty iron box.

This iron box is not small, but it is impossible for Song Yingxing to be packed in this box!
Could it be that Zhao Ziyun's clue is wrong?
Wu Yi walked into the secret room with a dark face, the iron box was not locked, opened the lid, and there was... a note?
A two-finger-wide note in such a big box?You are so funny to me!Wu Yi felt that he wanted to vomit blood, and originally thought that there would be a little reward to recover some losses.

There were not many words on the note, but a string of addresses: No. 119 Yanhui Road, Molten City.

As the number one city in the southern part of the empire and the largest forging city, Wu Yi still has a certain understanding. Yanhui Road is a civilian area. Where can Song Yingxing be?However, there is hope if there is a follow-up, it is better than giving a small reward to end the mission.

"Marquis, since the matter here is over, I will take my leave first!" Mo Yan followed and said.

"Don't! Grandmaster Mo, I've already made arrangements for you in Calabash City. It's not too late to go back after playing for two days." Wu Yi hurriedly persuaded him to stay, this is a grandmaster, if he just flies like this, is he so willing?
"Thank you Marquis for your kindness. I still have disciples who need to be taught, so I really don't want to play."

"Okay then!" Wu Yi sighed regretfully, he felt that he didn't invite a master, but a locksmith!When the time comes, open the door, then pack up and leave.

The other party's attitude is so firm, there is no way to stay, and they can only send a generous gift to maintain the relationship.

Wu Yi looked at the note in his hand a little depressed, and hoped that there would be good news for this trip to Molten Fire City!


Temujin led the army to separate routes to the south, assaulting the defense lines of the imperial army, looting villages and towns with weak defenses, and at the same time containing the defensive forces of the imperial army.The lightning march can only be dominated by cavalry, air cavalry, priests and a small amount of logistics.And the rear army was led by his grandson, Kublai Khan, and surrounded the most important city in the north—Yunmeng City!

Undoubtedly, Yunmeng City was one of the best choices for them to settle in the Hongyu Empire. The army besieged the city, blocked the space transmission ability of the city, and began a fierce siege.

The means used by the foreign races to break the extreme northern fortress are gone, and their war equipment is relatively backward compared to the Hongyu Empire, but they have many special means of attacking the city.

A flock of birds covering the sky and the sun flew above Yunmeng City. These birds were somewhat similar to crows, covered with jet black feathers, even the pecks and claws of the birds were all black.The flock of birds flew over the open barrier of the city, and dropped, or more accurately, pulled down a piece of dark green bird droppings like rain.

When the bird droppings "hit" on the enchantment, a more miraculous scene appeared. These bird droppings actually "neutralized" the enchantment, and the enchantment continued to darken. Obviously, this attack method is effective , but the effect is quite outstanding.

Bird droppings siege?
All the Chosen Ones who saw this scene felt that their dog eyes were about to go blind. This was the first time they had seen such a strange way of attacking the city. It was an eye-opener!
Although the defenders of Yunmeng City have never seen such a disgusting siege method, as long as these birds are knocked out, there will be no problem!The magic tower in the city was fully opened immediately, and all the magicians of the legion were also lifted into the air. A large swath of magic devoured the flock of birds, and countless corpses fell straight from the magic light curtain.

At the same time, the alien army on all sides of the city also took advantage of the situation and directly pressed up, starting a full-scale attack.The corpse of the strange bird slapped on the enchantment, and it melted into a pool of dark green liquid in an instant, and the liquid melted into the enchantment, making the light curtain of the enchantment continuously dim.

What kind of species is this!

These strange birds are very fragile, but as long as you let them fly above your enchantment, the result is the same whether you fight or not. The only way is to destroy them on the way forward.After this time, if this siege method is to be effective, it needs more perfect cooperation and a lot of cover.But it's too late to say anything now, the city defense barrier of Yunmeng City was easily breached by this weird method.

With the loss of the city defense enchantment, a large number of flying units entered the city, and the internal and external cooperation made this siege battle fall into a melee in a blink of an eye.

The troops of the Mieyi League are also stationed in Yunmeng City. After all, with the location of Yunmeng City, there will definitely be many battles. It is a good place to gain experience. Yes, there was another person who appeared with the Mieyi League.

Zhu Yuanzhang!
The tyrants in the history books killed countless people. However, as the founding emperor, his ability is quite outstanding. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty can be regarded as a typical example of "the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies."

It's a pity that Zhu Yuanzhang didn't have too much power in his hands at this time, with only [-] troops, only [-] were cavalry, less than [-] legion magicians, and the rest were infantry.

The Mieyi League's full support of Lao Zhu at this time is undoubtedly the fastest way to make them famous. Relying on the Mieyi League alone, in the battle against alien races, the upper-level power will be slightly insufficient, but if it is united with Zhu Yuanzhang, then It's completely different.

The script has been written long ago, but the current situation is completely different from what they expected. Yunmeng City seems to be in danger!
(End of this chapter)

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