The best lord of online games

Chapter 1020 "Heavenly Creation" in progress

Chapter 1020 "Heavenly Creation" in progress

"Fengling Avenue! There are a large number of paratroopers on Fengling Avenue, hurry up!"

"Idiot, then chop those giant-toothed wolves!"

Yunmeng City was in chaos, and the city defense army and God's Chosen were completely out of touch. Due to the sudden incident, it was difficult for the two sides to make a perfect distribution. God's Chosen has complex forces, and there is no way to integrate everyone in a short period of time.

Players who died in battle at the beginning could only temporarily hide in the resurrection area and wait for the time of "death focus" to pass. After the undead penalty was increased again, no one dared to continue to rush in the "weak" state.

"Why is there no strong army in Yunmeng City?" Mo Yun's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot at this time. There are many defenders in Yunmeng City, more than 20. It is not a problem to be blocked for three to five days.but now……

In street fighting, it is difficult to fight without a strong army. What's the use of having a large number of people? Can you squeeze through!

"It's normal! The strong army is placed on the plain. The empire's plan is to block all the foreign races in the north for a decisive battle. If they are not blocked and the foreign races flow to the central part, then... tsk tsk." Changsun Wuji said calmly.

This plan is still very good, as long as it can be delayed for a day or two, reinforcements will naturally arrive, but no one can imagine that the city defense barrier of a first-class city can be broken so quickly.

"Let's find a way to break the space blockade outside, otherwise we will die."

No matter how fast the reinforcements are on the plain, at least one day will be needed, but with the current situation, Yunmeng City will be filled in less than a day.

"I'll go to Zhu Yuanzhang to discuss this matter. If we form a joint team, the chances of success will be higher." Mo Yun didn't want to lose in the first battle, which would be a big blow to the guild's reputation.Even if you fail, you must show your style!

"It's best to hurry up. If you drag it on, I'm afraid you won't even be able to break through the city gate."

"I see!"


119 Ash Road!
"This is it!" Wu Yi looked at the three-story gray stone house in front of him. Most of the people living here were unsatisfactory blacksmiths. Would Song Yingxing really be here?
Although he is on a mission, he is not ignorant of the ever-changing war situation in the north. As long as there is important information, the success of the studio will be reported to him as soon as possible, including Li Jue and Hu Er who were sent to the Qitiantai before. sweat.

Wu Yi took two steps forward and knocked on the old door.

After a while, there was a sound of banging in the room, and then, the door opened wide, and a somewhat scruffy-looking figure appeared in front of Wu Yi, with messy gray hair and no robes on his body. a positive shape.

"Who are you? I don't welcome outsiders here!" The uncle who opened the door stared at Wu Yi and sprayed directly.

Wu Yi didn't explain, and took out the note directly. If he wasn't sure about the identity of the other party, Wu Yi really wanted to slap her on the face.

"Oh, I left this one a year ago, and I almost forgot about it." Song Yingxing took the note, scratched at his messy hair, twisted it into a ball, and threw it in a corner of the room.At this time, he finally began to seriously look at Wu Yi in front of him, "Since you can unlock the mechanism of Lingyun Valley, you must have some skills. My name is Song Yingxing, and I am a researcher who likes to mess around."

Song Yingxing, really Song Yingxing!Finally got to see this big baby!

"I met Mr. Song on Wuyi in Xiahulu City!" At this time, Song Yingxing's scruffy image suddenly became a personality in Wu Yi.

"May Day in Calabash City? Is that the Chosen Lord who is said to be highly valued by His Majesty?" Song Yingxing looked at Wu Yi again.

"It's right here!" See, this is the benefit of prestige.

"The lord who guards one side! Then you are willing to help me with some small things. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to. I will give you some gadgets as a reward for you to crack the mechanism of Lingyun Valley."

Apparently, Wu Yi's identity made Song Yingxing change his original decision, and made the mission biased to another branch.

"Mr. Song, please tell me!" Wu Yi didn't know Song Yingxing's current level, but as long as the quest line continued, he would have a chance.

"I plan to compile a book that integrates farming, handicraft production, magic and theology, but it is too difficult to complete with my own strength, if you want..."

"I am willing!"

Before Song Yingxing finished speaking, Wu Yi had already answered first, and his reaction speed was faster than when he was holding a wedding ceremony.

Assist Song Yingxing in compiling "Heavenly Creation of Things"!How can such a good thing that falls from the sky be missed! The "Heavenly Creation" in "The Prosperous Age" covers a wider range than the history. Once this book is written, Song Yingxing will not say that he will directly enshrine the gods. There should be hope for a great master.

Now think about Sun Simiao, he has no clue about his journey as a great master. Isn’t compiling a book a good way? Think about "Thousand Gold Prescriptions", "Thousand Gold Wing Prescriptions" and "Tang Xin Materia Medica"!As long as he ascends to the position of grand master, the elixir will be the most outstanding specialty of Calabash City.

"Well, please help me collect a hundred forging blueprints first."

——System: You have accepted the chain task "Assist Song Yingxing in compiling "Heavenly Creation", the first link is "Forging Basics", collect one hundred different forging blueprints, including at least ten sets of forging blueprints, and the time limit is seven days .In the chain of tasks, if you fail any link, you will lose 50.00% of Song Yingxing's favorability.The final mission reward is unknown.

One hundred different forging blueprints, the forging level of Calabash City is not bad, even if you can't make up one hundred copies, as long as you collect one in the market, it is not difficult. The most difficult part of this task should be ten copies For the set blueprints, Calabash City should be able to come up with six, seven, or eight sets. Can find allies to exchange.

There should be many rings in this task, as long as you fail a ring, the favorability will be reduced by 50.00%, which means that Song Yingxing has no chance with him.

"Mr. Song, why don't you and I move to Calabash City temporarily? The masters and scholars of the academy should be able to help, and the environment is quiet and safe." Anyway, considering the current situation in the south, Song Yingxing It's not safe here, and he can't guarantee that Song Yingxing's mission will not have other lines. Only by abducting people to Calabash City can he guarantee his "monopoly" advantage.

"Alright!" Song Yingxing nodded and agreed after a little consideration.

"Do you have to take everything in the house away? I'll call some people to help." Overjoyed, Wu Yi prepared to help Song Yingxing move.

"No, just bring the materials I've compiled with you."

 Embarrassing, last night it was too late, I mistyped Kublai Khan's generation in confusion, it has been changed, thank you for reminding me.

(End of this chapter)

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