Chapter 1021

"Only seven sets?"

This is the exact answer Wu Yi got after asking Ye He, the highest-level blacksmith in Gourd City. It is hard to find a master. The status of a master is already equivalent to that of an ordinary duke. A great master, even the emperor wants Be careful dealing with presence.

It is not difficult for a master to develop single-piece forging blueprints with the bonus of the Comprehensive Armament Research Institute, but it is more than ten times more difficult to develop suits.

"Is there a way to develop three sets of blueprints within seven days? It doesn't matter how strong it is, and it doesn't matter whether the attributes are practical or not. Are you sure?"

"My lord, there is absolutely no such possibility!" Ye He yelled with a bitter face. Thank goodness for a set.

"That's it!"

Including the Shenwei suit, there are only seven sets, and three more sets have to be found.He didn't hesitate to hand over the Shenwei suit to Song Yingxing. As long as Song Yingxing took it, the final compiled "Heavenly Creation" would also be in his hands, and it would not be leaked at all.

As soon as Song Yingxing arrived in Calabash City, Wu Yi had already arranged for the mansion and servants. By the way, he also invited Li Gang, Pan An, and Kou Xun to accompany him, as long as he kept Song Yingxing steady and kept him from running around for the time being.

According to the routine of the first round of tasks, there will most likely be tasks related to Baigong in the future. The first round of tasks is not difficult, but there is no need to complete them immediately. In seven days, not only to collect forging blueprints, but also to Take the opportunity to collect some things related to Baigong to make the follow-up tasks easier.

go north!

After stabilizing Song Yingxing, Wu Yi has been idle for the time being. All he needs to do is to find allies through private chats for tasks related. Huo Qubing dragged a large group of people to march, and the speed is not fast. Now he is going north, maybe he can catch up The next big fight.Double merit, the current battle against alien races is undoubtedly the best time to level up!

Looking at Huo Qubing again, he led an army of [-] to the expedition, with Ma Chao as the vanguard. The Legion and the Guardian Legion of the Saintess, in addition to the chariot team, Dao soldiers, archers, singing and dancing, etc., there is no cannon fodder, they are all elites.

Soy sauce like Ma Yunlu was directly assigned the task of guarding the long-range army. This is the safest task on the battlefield.This time Ma Teng also joined the army, so the military administration of Mayi City was completely entrusted to Wang Meng.

In order not to affect the morale of the army, Concubine Xue Rong's undead army formed an independent army. As the rear army, she will control the situation of the battle and choose the timing to enter the field.Of course, after becoming independent, none of her undead will receive bonuses from Huo Qubing's coach.

It is impossible for such a mixed army to march faster!
"Don't worry, have you confirmed your location?"

Zhao Xueyin, who was following the army, leisurely replied to the private chat message, who was the recipient of the reply?Of course it was Zhao Ziyun!This guy wants to take advantage of the early stage of the war to make a big hit and boost the guild's reputation first.

"How can you not be in a hurry, you think it's easy to find a soft persimmon!"

People like Temujin, Nurhaci, Murong Chui, and Murong Ke didn't dare to touch them at all. If they wanted to make a splash, they could only look for targets with relatively weaker abilities and fewer troops.After searching by a large number of spies, Zhao Ziyun finally identified a target that looked good.

Huns, Helian Bobo!
Compared with Mongolia and Jurchen, in the hearts of players, the Huns are the real aliens!Think about the war between the Han Empire and the Xiongnu, it seems to have become a national hatred.Although it was later said that the Huns merged into Mongolia and Xianbei, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not, as long as they stare at the Huns, it must be true.

However, relying solely on part of his Changshan League and Wujiutian Lingquan City's strength, it is obvious that they cannot support this Huns army, so they can only join forces with Hulu City.

In the current battle between the empire and the alien race, there is no one that can be called a real victory. If they can take down the Hun army headed by Helian Bobo, it is conceivable that before the next big victory, This victory will occupy the headlines of the major media pages.With such a prestige blessing, it is enough to make Chang Shanmeng's guild ranking rise again.

"Then you send a team of planes to lead the way."

Airplane, the player's joking name for the flying unit, when the power of the army is not activated, the player's private chat is still quite useful.

"It's already on the way."

The armies of both sides needed formulas, and with the endless plain terrain, it was not so easy to achieve the set goal, at least not to say that two-on-one could be two-on-one.

While the two sides were marching towards the predetermined area, Wu Yi also rode his little donkey out of Mayi Town and flew towards the direction of Huo Qubing's army.


Yunmeng City

After discussing with Zhu Yuanzhang, Mo Yun of the Mieyi League immediately formulated a plan. A coalition army with Zhu Di as the commander and Ding Yanping, Deng Qiang, and Niu Gao as the generals rushed out from the east gate to destroy the enemy army. A totem pole used to block space teleportation.As long as the teleportation function of the city is restored, and relying on the support of the military teleportation array, Yunmeng City should be able to support it until a large number of reinforcements arrive.

It has to be said that the foundation of the Mieyi League is quite good. Ding Yanping, one of the three eccentric heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, has guaranteed force, and with the eldest grandson's family, as a new guild, it is already quite powerful.As for Zhu Di, Deng Qiang, and Niu Gao in the combined army, they belonged to Lao Zhu.

Niu Gao is known as a blessed general. This attribute has not been verified in the game. I hope that this time the goddess of luck will also be on their side!
The street fighting in the city is still going on fiercely. Judging from the casualties of both sides, the alien race is much more serious. But as far as the war is concerned, whichever side dies less is not the dominant side. As a defensive battle, one to three casualties Is it an advantage?Once the four walls are taken down, the casualty ratio will be filled in an instant.

Zhu Yuanzhang came forward to find the general who defended Yunmeng City. He is an aboriginal commander. Therefore, his ability is completely blank in the circle of God's Chosen, but I believe he still has it. After all, Yunmeng City is located in the north. The position is still quite critical.At this time, it is impossible for the empire to allow an idiot to sit here.

With the assistance of the guarding army, the east city gate was half opened, and the firepower of the energy cannon and the magic tower cleared a path for them, but they could only rely on themselves to fight farther away.


 Sorry, it's too late, there is no third update today, the author is adjusting recently, trying to stabilize the daily update of 15 words before NO.4.It is impossible for the author of Wanbaqian, first try to get rid of the hat of the [-]K Klan.

(End of this chapter)

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