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Chapter 1022 Divine Martial Array Map

Chapter 1022 Divine Martial Array Map
When Zhu Di led his army to fight out from the east gate, a large army also gathered at the west gate, obviously planning to use two prongs to increase the chance of success.

However, all the defense forces of Yunmeng City were local famous generals of the Hongyu Empire. For these people, the God's Chosen had no information. Therefore, more people paid attention to Zhu Di's team.After the previous update, the power of the army has the effect of shielding the Chosen One. In this kind of siege battle, the Chosen One's organizational ability is far weaker than that of the aborigines.

As the emperor on horseback, Zhu Di's ability is unquestionable, and with the three fierce generals opening the way ahead, the army moved very fast, leaving a trail of blood behind.There are a total of 64 totem poles used by foreign races to block Yunmeng City, which are divided into eight directions, and there are eight in each direction. As long as all the totem poles in one direction are destroyed, the blockade can be lifted.

But will things be so easy?
When all the enemy troops were attacking the city, this team that was attacking outside the city was too conspicuous. Soon, Zhu Di and his party would be intercepted by an enemy army, and the giant formed by the strength of the army would directly kill them. The holy rank Deng Qiang who charged at the forefront flew away and disappeared into the sea of ​​people besieging the city like a cannonball.

However, he should not have died, otherwise his soul would enter the Prayer Terrace immediately, and the players in Yunmeng City would also know about it immediately.

Zhu Di's face sank like water, and he looked at the enemy generals on the small mound in the distance. At this point, his mission this time can already be declared a failure. He can also gather the body of the God of War with the strength of an army, but at this time he The troops under his command are insufficient, and there is no condition for him to fight.It can be seen from a Deng Qiang who was blown away when he met him, that the strength of this god of war has surpassed the holy rank. With such an opponent, even if the entire army is wiped out, it is impossible to rush to the target area, let alone Said it was broken.

"Death!" Deng Qiang's roar came from a distance, and that burly body rushed directly into the sky, and the spear swept across, killing a group of Golden Eagle knights.However, there is also a master among the alien races. While he was rising into the sky, he killed three holy-level powerhouses from different directions.

Even if the quality of these saint-level masters is not as good as Deng Qiang's, but three-on-one, plus a super commander, Deng Qiang is likely to attract hatred here!

You must retreat to the fire range of the city defense as soon as possible, otherwise, everyone who leaves the city will die here!

At this time, Zhu Di couldn't care about that much anymore, and immediately mobilized the army to the maximum. Niu Gao and Ding Yanping were not even in the holy rank, but the parallel import saint rank was definitely not their opponent.

But Zhu Di's opponent this time is obviously not an unknown person, Wu Liang is united, the son of the famous general Subotai, both father and son are awesome, they are the existences that swept the world at that time.

In Wu Lianghetai's eyes, this enemy army of ten thousand people is nothing more than a little mouse that he can play around with.


The golden god of war in the air directly stepped down on Zhu Di's army, and directly scattered the legion power that Zhu Di used to protect the entire army, and at the same time, countless soldiers were killed and injured.

Since the command value reaches 30.00, the commander has the ability to transfer the power of the army. The higher the command value, the higher the ratio that can be transferred.When reaching the first-class level, the commander can extract up to 30.00% of the overall combat effectiveness of the soldiers into the strength of the army. With [-]% less overall combat effectiveness, the soldiers have dropped by more than one level!
Therefore, the power of an army is a double-edged sword, and if it is not used properly, it may ruin the entire army!
Zhu Di obviously planned to exchange [-] soldiers for them to return to the city safely!They were not too far from the city, and the road cleared behind them had not yet been submerged by the besieging crowd.

The sound of gunfire and shouts of killing rang together, and the casualties of both sides were constantly being refreshed. Unfortunately, there are no troops from the Temple of the Underworld, otherwise, a sea of ​​corpses and bones would be quickly discovered, relying solely on the undead system in the hands of the players. Magicians and special creatures are useless at all.


With a loud noise, the pale black light curtain blocking the city in the west suddenly disappeared, and a burst of cheers erupted in the city.

It worked!
Zhu Di suffered a disastrous defeat outside the east city, but he managed to attract part of the attention of the foreign race, and won a chance for the team in the west.As for the exaggerated movement before, there are definitely masters hidden in the breakthrough team in the west. At the same time, it is also confirmed from the other side that the aborigines are no worse than the famous generals in history!

The space blockade was broken, and the teleportation array in Yunmeng City returned to normal for the first time. The Lord Yunmeng sent a large number of messengers with letters of help, and went to the military forts and cities on the northern front through the military teleportation array.After a while, a steady stream of reinforcements poured out from the teleportation formation. They were all eighth or ninth-tier troops. They couldn't be said to be weak, but the gap was a bit bigger than expected.

Why is that?
The foreign race has already pressed into the city. At such a critical juncture, why not send the strongest legion to support it?The teleportation array is the same as the door. The number that can pass through a unit of time is certain. Naturally, the stronger the arms, the greater the effect.

The doubtful God's Chosen can't get an answer to this question for the time being, and sticking to the teleportation array is the only thing they can do. Keeping the teleportation array intact is the only hope for this battle.

Kublai Khan did not forcibly destroy the city wall. After all, what they needed was a base city that could stand, not a piece of land.Therefore, the siege engine, which would cause huge damage to the city wall, was not pushed up. Instead, the ballista was used to hit the special wall-nailing arrows on the city wall, so that the soldiers could climb up from the bottom of the city to the top of the city like climbing a ladder. .

Most of the walls of the most tragic northern city have been lost, the gates of the city have been broken, and the suppression of the energy cannon has been lost.

The north and the south are in a hurry at the same time, and the casualty ratio between the offensive and defensive sides is constantly being shortened. The morale of the alien army is like a rainbow, but the morale of the defending army has begun to decline, which is undoubtedly worse.

At this moment, there was a slight roar that strangely overshadowed the shouts of killing on the battlefield, golden lights shot straight into the sky, turned into light rain and scattered in Yunmeng City, and the huge word "Shenwu" condensed in the air, Then it slowly disappeared.At this moment, every soldier defending the city was covered with a layer of faint golden light, their strength instantly increased, and their morale rose.

Divine Martial Array Map!

This is not the gate of Taoism, but the map of the military formation, the military formation that Emperor Wu swept across the world!

This thing is recorded in many books of the Hongyu Empire. The "Shenwu Formation Diagram" drawn by Emperor Wu has been kept in the royal treasury, but he did not expect it to appear in the hands of the general who defended Yunmeng City.

The military formation map is more useful in war than the Daomen formation map. Right now, only the exclusive military formation has appeared on the famous generals in history. This is the first time I have seen the military formation map.With the continuous escalation of the war, more and more rare treasures began to appear.The chosen ones need to pay attention to not only the attributes, talents, and specialties of famous generals, but also titles, military formation maps, exclusive books, and special books on military tactics, strategies, and political strategies.

(End of this chapter)

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