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Chapter 1023 The First Surrender Appears

Chapter 1023 The First Surrender Appears

After the previous growth, the Moonlight Donkey not only gained the ability to move without being restricted by the terrain, but also improved a lot in speed. After confirming the position many times in the air, Wu Yi finally successfully found Huo Qubing's army.

Now, among the five holy ranks of Gourd City, cursed priest Ning Tianhao used to serve as Wei Qing's bodyguard, but now Li Mi, who is also a holy rank, has become Wei Qing's military adviser, so Ning Tianhao has become Huo Qubing's bodyguard , However, he is only a purely high-level combat power, and his role in war is not as good as that of generals, but due to professional reasons, he can play a role far exceeding other professions in war.

Kunming protected Huang Yueying and went to Xiaoyue City, Xiao Mahe needed to sit in the south with Wei Qing.Adding Zhu Rong, Huo Qubing's army has two holy rank experts, and there are also two who can enter the holy rank at any time, Ma Chao and Wu Lin, the head of the Saintess Guardian Legion. I got a lot of benefits from the Tenjin Festival.

"Zhao Ziyun? For this plan, one party must hold Helian Bobo down first!" After hearing Zhao Xueyin's detailed introduction of the next plan, Wu Yi pondered.

"Yeah, this kind of thing can only depend on luck. Whoever arrives first will go first. The opportunity for fighting is fleeting. There is no way for the opponent to wait for us to set up the formation before fighting." Zhao Xueyin waved her hand and said.This time Wei Zifu, Li Shishi, and Aunt Gongsun did not show up, so she arranged for the female soldiers of singing, dancing, and music.

"It's not bad, double merit, whoever comes first will not lose!" Having said that, whoever fights first will inevitably suffer higher casualties, but he doesn't want to haggle too much between allies.He is different from Changshan League and Cao Cao, he and Cao Cao are just a temporary alliance of interests, and Lao Cao is not a good person, he is soft-hearted, maybe Lao Cao will swallow him back at some point.

With Zhao Xueyin and Wu Jiutian as the link, the relationship between Hulucheng and Chang Shanmeng can be called iron!

The foreign races are quite confident in their fighting power on their own plains. As long as there is not a big difference in the strength of their troops, they have all faced head-on.Whether it is Calabash City or Changshan League, they are far inferior to Helian Bobo in terms of military strength. It is believed that Helian Bobo has no possibility of taking the initiative to back down.

However, when Ma Chao was in the vanguard, Huo Qubing had already confessed that as long as there was a head-to-head encounter, Hulucheng's family property was there, and a one-to-one exchange would definitely make Wu Yi vomit blood.

——System: You are blessed by Huo Qubing's talent "surprise victory", movement speed +30%, stamina consumption -45%, attack +20%, each attack has a 10% chance to cause a blow to the target whose life is less than 60% Kill (ineffective against non-military targets), damage immunity +15%, 8% chance to be completely immune to area damage (damage caused by war equipment cannot take effect), and obtain the special status "Crossing the sky".

At this moment, Huo Qubing activated the active effect of his talent. Unfortunately, with Huo Qubing's current ability, the active effect of his talent can only cover 3 people. With the current total force of 5 people, there are still 2 people left to expose the enemy's investigation. under.But it doesn't matter, Zhu Rong's Wolf Cavalry Legion and Saintess Guardian Legion are 5000, including Shi Wansui's [-] million-year-old army and Ma Chao's [-] vanguard army, it is enough.

Let the three of them march in the form of a patrol, and the enemy's scouts will not be able to see the clues. Even if the talent effect exerted by Huo Qubing's command value of 88 can't be hidden from the eyes of a first-class strategist, it still has a range. Possibly as a scout!

After hiding, the three cavalry were separated from the central army by ten miles. At such a distance, with the speed of the ninth-level cavalry, the battle plan could be easily completed.

Sure enough, there are gains and losses. When the three cavalrymen were exposed to Helian Bobo's scouting range, they followed and led the army to turn around and charged towards them with billowing dust and smoke.If nothing else, the two parties should meet within half an hour.

The three of Ma Chao, who had received the order a long time ago, have always been moving in the direction of the Changshan League army. Since the result cannot be changed, at least they must ensure that the Changshan League can enter the field in the shortest possible time!
However, at this time...

——System: God's Chosen "King of Desire" brought the City of Desire to surrender to Borjijin Temujin, and the City of Desire's affiliation automatically shifted to the Wolf League outside the Great Wall.

This system message was swiped three times in a row, and the world was shocked. No one expected that the first surrenderer would appear so soon. It can be expected that there will be another vigorous war of words on the forum.However, it is completely impossible to say how miserable the king of desire will be. After all, the foreign race is only relative to the Hongyu Empire, and Temujin has a lot of fans.

At the beginning, the Seven Sins Alliance wanted to dominate the north, so all seven cities were piled up in the north. This has both advantages and disadvantages.The advantage is that the resources and influence they occupy in the north are incomparable. As long as the forces of the seven cities are combined, at present, except for the empire and the few princes, they can face all other forces.

The disadvantage is that once one link collapses, it is very likely to collapse completely!Moreover, it is impossible for all of their seven forces to be combined. Don't you want your own territory?Therefore, at most one-third can be used to support other people. If there is more, then you have to carefully consider the consequences.

This piece of system information has also been transformed into telling all the chosen ones that this battle will not enter the final stage too early. It is very difficult for foreign races to attack the important cities of the Hongyu Empire, but it is easy to incorporate the cities of the chosen ones However, there is far more than just the City of Desire under the vanguard of alien soldiers.With the territory of the chosen one as the basis, the foreign race can gain a foothold in the north ahead of time, and there will be no such thing as being dragged to death by logistics as some counselors said at the beginning.

Compared with the heavily fortified city of the Hongyu Empire, God's Chosen indeed has an extra way to surrender, and the foreign race will definitely accept it, but what about after surrender?It's not just a change of camp, the logistics and military pay of the alien army will definitely be part of the pressure on the surrender.

You don't need to agree, in the current situation, it is not uncommon for the territory to be dominated by customers, let alone looting.

Facing the foreign races moving southward, there will be several or even dozens of confrontations every day, and just now, Han Xin also led an army to press into the city of Meteor Star City, completely restricting Ban Chao's actions.

The emergence of the camp outside the Great Wall has formed a three-legged situation in today's world, just like the Three Kingdoms in history, the foreign race and the rebels are equivalent to the weaker Wu and Shu, and the Hongyu Empire is the strong Wei!
(End of this chapter)

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