Chapter 1024

The surrender of the City of Desire is just a common news to Wu Yi, as long as he knows it, it will not have any impact on his power and layout, and naturally he does not need to deal with anything specially.

In order to hide more perfectly, the [-] troops in the state of "crossing the sea from the sky" did not march at full speed. The speed of the three cavalry was not slow, but more of them were moving vertically.

Soon, the reconnaissance cavalry of the three cavalry discovered the enemy's situation "unintentionally" one after another, and began to evacuate one after another when they were "obviously" defeated.The speed of evacuation is quite normal, but the so-called "normal" is the speed without the bonus of a powerful commander. This speed can naturally run past He Lianbo's pursuit.

"Haha, I'm going south, and I just need slaves. I didn't expect them to be sent to my door! Chase, let me take them all!" He Lianbo laughed while standing on the car.

The army finished speeding up in an instant, and the roar of horseshoes covered all the surrounding sounds.

After chasing for a while, a strange ray of light flashed in the eyes of the strategist standing behind Helian Bobo, followed by a slight change in his expression, he stepped forward two steps, and reported to Helian Bobo: "There is a situation ahead, Your Majesty, there is something hidden. enemy!"

"How many?" Helian Bobo's face darkened.

"It should be less than fifty thousand!"

"Fifty thousand? All of them add up to less than [-], just right, all of them were captured as slaves!"

The military master bowed back and didn't continue to say more. His responsibility had already been taken into account. Moreover, he didn't think the other party was capable enough to "see through" so easily.The troops are crushed and their abilities are not revealed, so what if they are "hidden"?Under the charge of the army, could it still disappear out of thin air?

Although Helian Bobo was arrogant, he was still cautious. He just divided up two partial troops of [-] people to pursue the two enemies with fewer troops, and he himself led the large army to bite the enemy with the wolf horse. And a legion composed of a special race.

At this time, the main army led by Huo Qubing was already waiting in front of Zhu Rong. However, as the distance between the two sides narrowed, under the "exploration" of the opponent's military division, the army could no longer maintain the concealment effect of "crossing the sea". The army formation was exposed on the vast plain.

The number of chariots in Huo Qubing's army increased from [-] to [-]. These chariots are all made of magic materials, and their defense is higher than temporary stone walls. line of defense.However, at this time, the front row of the army was not those demon chariots, but Li Siye and his Modao team.

The Modao team has only 3000 soldiers. These nine-level Modao fighters wear the "Sixth Heaven Demon King's Mask", hold the exaggerated "Sacred Destroyer Knife", and wear heavy armor blunt suits. , with flesh and blood, facing the sea-like cavalry regiment, built the first line of defense!
When Zhu Rong led the Wolf Cavalry Corps and the Saintess Guardian Corps back, they spread out to the two sides immediately. Their next task was to protect the two wings of the army.Not to mention the [-] witch warriors of the Saintess Guardian Legion, the Wolf Cavalry Legion is a sixth-level legion, with Geng Kui as the lieutenant general, and Huo Qubing's commander bonus, the combat effectiveness far exceeds that of cavalry at the same level. Unfortunately, in the plain terrain, The "mountain warfare" characteristic of the golden wolf cavalry cannot be triggered, otherwise it will be stronger.


The Xiongnu cavalry did not slow down, and when the army of Calabash City emerged from hiding, Helian Bobo's heart was completely relieved, but it was only about [-] troops. Want to block the impact of four times the troops?

A pale golden light curtain shrouded the Huns' army. Adjusting the formation of the army with the power of the army can reduce the casualties while strengthening the impact of the army.The foreign races going south seem to have extremely terrifying troops, but their sources of troops have fatal flaws. There are many cannon fodder, and the supply line is so long that there is no supply. Only by quickly opening up the situation in the north of the Hongyu Empire can this hidden danger be eliminated. This is why Temujin didn't have any reason to fight Yue Fei.

As the Xiongnu cavalry approached closer and closer from the end of their field of vision, a burst of sonorous music and solemn singing rose from the army formation of Calabash City. With the shot, the large-scale deceleration effect is immediately released.

Slowing down is the strongest weakening for the charging cavalry!Similarly, speed is also the strongest weapon for cavalry!

It was getting closer, the enemy army was getting closer and closer, the roaring sound coming from the ears, and the shaking of the earth made people feel a sense of terror in their hearts.Not everyone dares to put themselves under the horseshoe. Even in the game, such a situation has an extremely serious impact on morale. If the commanding ability is insufficient, the army may collapse directly.

However, obviously these had no effect on the Modao fighters in front of them who revealed their resolute eyes. They were as immobile as a mountain, which was best reflected at this moment.

A piece of white mist condensed in front of him in a blink of an eye. This is the "Frost and Cold Mist" of the water magician, with deceleration effect and continuous damage effect.Shui Dongliu and his Undercurrent Temple are not completely useless, at least, he can make the water-type legion mages in Calabash City stronger than those in other cities in terms of basic attributes. Unfortunately, the power of faith accumulated in the temple is still too little Otherwise, you can consider switching to a stronger, exclusive unit of the Undercurrent Temple.

After the Frost and Cold Mist came the Gravity Technique of the Earth Legion Magician.

Quadruple deceleration!
It's a pity that even if Ning Tianhao is a saint-level powerhouse, the coverage of his skills cannot be compared with that of the legion, otherwise the effect would be more perfect.However, under this quadruple deceleration, not only is it equivalent to erasing the speed bonus of the enemy commander, but also cutting off a portion of the base speed, so that the enemy is far from being able to play the role that the legion charge should have. power.


After entering each other's range, both sides began to suppress salvos. The first to attack was naturally the air force with the superior range, the eagle cavalry from the Xiongnu side, Ma Zhong's sunset arrow guard, and Tianzun Dao who had already been promoted to the heavenly rank Soldiers!
The four to five rows of cavalry in front of the Xiongnu side did not move, maintaining a charging posture, while the cavalry in the rear showed their cavalry and shooting skills, and the armies on both wings pressed forward to both sides, intending to seal the side of Calabash City.


When the cavalry in the first row stepped forward, the shouts of the Modao warriors went straight to the sky, and the movements of their hands were uniform, swinging their sabers from upper right to lower left, followed by the mournful sound of war horses.In an instant, these cavalrymen seemed to have crashed into a wall of swords. The men and horses were shattered, blood and corpses flew everywhere, as if the blue sky and the ground under their feet were dyed red.

People and horses are afraid of being broken, this is the real people and horses are afraid of being broken!Too scary, too bloody!However, as Paoze, these Modao fighters are definitely the most morale-boosting.

 Embarrassing, it seems that the third is still a bit late, and I will try to be earlier tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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