The best lord of online games

Chapter 1026 Fighting the Strength of the 1 Clan

Chapter 1026 The Strength of the Fighting Clan

The Huns' offensive was completely disrupted!
Originally, Helian Bobo planned to charge the opponent to the ground, and then the whole army would press on and capture the prisoners, but now...

Above the Xiongnu army, a huge golden God of War was born from the power of the pale golden army. Since the offensive is disrupted, let's make a bigger move.Helian Bobo, who has four times the strength of the opponent, has this confidence. The superiority in strength means that the strength of the army he can use is far greater than that of the opponent. He can completely draw the strength of the rear army and preserve the combat effectiveness of the front army.

After seeing the Golden God of War condensed with the power of a large army on the battlefield many times, from the image of the Golden God of War, it is possible to judge the commander's ability to a certain extent.This is an ability that can only be possessed after the command value reaches first-class. The higher the command value, the image of the golden God of War will be real. The god of war on the Internet, whether it is appearance or clothing, is almost real.

The one in front of me... is at most 93, definitely less than 95.

For such an attack, Huo Qubing completely ignored it, and the effect of the command bonus was strengthened. Similarly, the power of the army he could get from the soldiers also increased, and a golden cloud covered the formation, forming a protection.The Calabash City side is indeed at a disadvantage in terms of strength, but there are no miscellaneous soldiers in the army, and the lowest rank is eighth rank. The strength of the army that Huo Qubing can mobilize is indeed not as good as Helian Bobo, but it is definitely not as bad as the other party imagined.

At this time, a flame streaked across the air for a long time, and Zhu Rong, whose whole body was wrapped in flames, left the brigade directly.After his strength soared, Zhu Rong, who was on the battlefield again, couldn't help but rushed into the enemy's formation alone.

Such scenes are not uncommon on the battlefield. As long as the commanders of the two sides restrain each other, it is the turn of the generals to perform.However, there are not many people as unrestrained as her. People like Li Yuanba and Li Cunxiao are more unrestrained than her. Can't compare to Zhu Rong.

The sea of ​​flames swept down the sky in an instant, followed by a Vulcan composed of raging divine flames walked down from the endless void, in stark contrast to the mighty God of War, the Vulcan did not stop, all the way down, Followed by Yangtian, there was a silent roar, which seemed to explode in everyone's mind.

With the roar of Vulcan, circle after circle of fire waves centered on Zhu Rong and pushed towards all directions. The terrifying scene seemed to bring people into the endless purgatory, and the flames burned the entire sky red.

Fury of Vulcan!
This is the super skill that Zhu Rong acquired when his bloodline was awakened. At first, this move could only be regarded as a sharp weapon to clean up miscellaneous soldiers. However, as Zhu Rong's force continued to improve, the damage and coverage of this move increased accordingly.Right now, Zhu Rong's force value has reached 91, and Vulcan's Wrath has become a well-deserved super skill.

Even with the double bonus of legion commander and commander, in the final big explosion, a large area of ​​the army was still emptied.However, this move is at the cost of taking time out of his whole body's skills. Fortunately, even if Zhu Rong has no skills, he is still a minion nemesis, but the range of passive flames is far less exaggerated than Vulcan's Wrath.

This effect surprised even Wu Yi. In the past, Zhu Rong often did the same thing. Before starting a battle, he rushed to the opponent's crowd to fight. As soon as the ultimate move is released, it will be "empty blue", and the opponent's auxiliary units will start to recover. It has no major impact at all, but it is just embarrassing to look at.

But now it's not what it used to be!
Such a terrifying effect had a huge impact on the morale of the armies of both sides. The morale of the Calabash City side rose a bit in an instant, while that of the Xiongnu side dropped a bit. Once it rose and fell, the difference in combat power came out.This is also one of the biggest roles of military commanders on the battlefield, which is what players call "taking rhythm"!Generals who can bring the rhythm will have a shocking performance, otherwise, how can the rhythm be brought up?

However, the way generals lead the rhythm is generally to kill the general to capture the flag or intimidate the enemy's coach. There are very few such single-handed soldiers who gain an advantage!
Helian Bobo's army is just one of the foreign races going south, and even the Huns cannot be fully represented. There are not many famous generals who can really fight, but it does not mean that there are no masters.In just an instant, several figures flew up from different directions.

Zhu Rong left the legion to "wave", and Geng Kui, the deputy general, took over the command of the wolf cavalry legion. He couldn't move around, otherwise the formation would be affected.But the Saintess Guardian Legion headed by Wu Lin didn't care about whether it was a big formation or not. All they cared about was Zhu Rong's safety!Therefore, when Zhu Rong rushed out, they also left the formation. Fortunately, there were only 3000 people. If the Che Xuan formation was broken because of this, Wu Yi and Huo Qubing would probably cry.

The mounts of the witch warriors are all strange beasts called "Sword Bone Beasts". Their comprehensive attributes are far stronger than those of war horses. Coupled with their body shapes, they are extremely eye-catching even in the army.

Zhu Rong's position was relatively forward, and the range of Vulcan's Wrath did not cover this side. Therefore, they had to move forward if they wanted to meet Zhu Rong.

Using Wulin as an arrow, three thousand witch warriors instantly killed a person in the enemy's formation, leaving no grass growing anywhere they passed.They held heavy weapons that looked like maces, and a single sweep could often sweep the enemy away. With their bodies that were different from ordinary people, the Huns cavalry were nothing more than short-legged horses in front of them.

The advantages in size and strength allow them to easily deal smashing and crushing damage, both of which are special damage systems with extremely strong instant kill effects.Because of this, the battle in this moment will appear so devastating.

As expected of a fighting clan, so fierce!

Although these witch warriors are all ninth-level heavenly ranks, facing the Hun cavalry in front of them has a level of suppression, but the terrifying slaughter speed will definitely make many people doubt their lives.

Looking at these warriors of the Wu clan, Wu Yi's eyes were extremely hot, which brought up the already sinking thought in his heart, which was to persuade Li Siye to switch to the Wu clan.The Wu Clan and the Modao Warrior are very suitable. The Wu Clan's racial abilities increase strength, attack, and damage immunity by [-]% each. These three are the core attributes of the Modao Warrior.

To be honest, under Li Siye's command, even with his expertise in military training, it is impossible for the Modao fighters to change in a short period of time, but what if all the Modao fighters were turned into witches?
 It’s not that I don’t want to write about the Chexuan formation in detail. I’ve been researching this for almost half a day today, but the information I can find is too little. It’s just a diagram of the formation, and there are many things that I don’t understand, such as iron cannons, stones, etc. The cannon next to the word, I checked for a long time, but I couldn’t figure out what it is. There is one in the outermost circle in the formation map, which is the first point of contact. It can’t be the current cannon, if If so, how could the big formation turn around and put the cannon on the face?So I had to reluctantly switch to a chariot.

  After comparing many theories, Zuojun can only understand this thing as that the mobile troops attack and kill alternately at speed in the outer circle, and the archers and the like attack in the inner circle. There must still be problems, but it can only be Make sure there are no major bugs.

  My brain is a mess now, so let's be like this today.

(End of this chapter)

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