The best lord of online games

Chapter 1027 The Legendary Powerhouse

Chapter 1027 The Legendary Powerhouse

The wrath of the Vulcan, the witch warriors rushing to the battle, this series of accidents is just a flash.

The coaches of both sides reacted at the first time, and the military god of war above turned his head directly, intending to destroy this arrogant guy. At the same time, Huo Qubing also accelerated the advancement of the formation, so that Zhu Rong and the three thousand witches would not leave. The big formation was too far away, and at the same time, the Huns' military force God of War had to turn around again to suppress the speed of the car suspension formation.Under the mobilization of the large formation, the power of the army was churning like a sea of ​​clouds. When necessary, Huo Qubing would definitely protect Zhu Rong!

At this time, the rear troops of both sides have not yet appeared on the stage, the Xiongnu side is not short of that force, and the Concubine Xuerong, who is Huo Qubing's rear army, does not know where it is, and it is an army of pure undead. A double-edged sword, if you don't use it well, you may pit yourself into it.I don't know where the Changshan League's troops are. As long as the war starts, the private chat will be "blocked". Some things cannot be confirmed immediately, and there is always some suspense in my heart.

The number of strong men on the side of the Xiongnu far exceeds that of Calabash City. In addition to the holy rank masters who went to "take care" of Zhu Rong, there are also holy rank generals who want to use powerful force to force them to stop and hang, but unfortunately they fail. Ning Tianhao put a lot of curses on him, and then he was hacked back by Li Siye.

Wu Yi is not worried about Zhu Rong's side. Even if she has no skill value for the time being, but with a terrifying life value close to [-], even if she is besieged, she will not be in danger, plus two incomplete domains And the passive range of flames, it can be said that where she is located is a restricted area, and enemy soldiers who are too close to her combat area will always be unable to escape the devastation of the flames.

When the army changed from defensive to offensive, Ma Yunlu, the captain of Zhao Xueyin's personal guard, also became active. Her current "Rouge Army" is only at the first level, with a staff of only one thousand, but with Zhu Rong's help and Ma Teng's opening the back door Under such circumstances, there were 3000 more reserve troops, and [-] people were pulled up!
However, the 2000 reserve troops are unable to obtain the legion flag and the skill bonus of the main general. However, is the bonus of the first-level legion important?These [-] people should be under the name of the coach.

The appearance of the Rouge Flying Rider is quite good, with a bay red war horse of one color, a light armor with a phoenix pattern, a blood-colored cloak, and a long spear to strengthen the bow.At this time, Ma Yunlu was happily taking her three thousand rouge flying cavalry mixed in the bow and arrow formation to let go of shooting, and the results were not bad.

Rouge Flying Ride:

Level: Ninth Tier

Attack: 250
Defense: 180
Life: 4000
Skill: 3000
Feature 1: Rouge Xiangyun——Dodge ability +20%, movement speed +10%, damage immunity +25, has a certain chance to cause "charm" effect on the enemy.

Feature 2: Flying Cloud Shooting——Mounting range +5, rate of fire +10%, damage +10%, penetration +30%, 25% chance with "armour-piercing" effect.

Characteristic 3: Women overwhelm men——When fighting against targets of the opposite sex, personal combat power +15%, damage +15%, and movement speed +15%.

Cavalry with "charm", this is definitely a wonderful work!
In terms of attributes alone, the Rouge Flying Rider can be regarded as a weakened version of Baima Yicong, but the movement speed, range, and shooting speed have been reduced to such a degree, can it still be as coquettish as Baima Yicong?

It is true that the feature of "women overwhelm men" is good, but the attributes are still a bit low, and it is worthy of further development.However, this unit was not developed by Ma Yunlu himself, so the follow-up may be difficult.

The singers and singers and the eight music girls have changed their songs at this time, focusing on recovery and reducing the casualties of the army.

But at this moment, a figure came from the sky above Wanjun. That figure was more arrogant than the previous Zhu Rong. The most important thing was that this person was surrounded by a light black domain.


He is a legendary powerhouse!
On the battlefield, especially on a large battlefield, let alone a legend, even a demigod is nothing, but when the strength of the two armies restrains each other, it is different!
"Not good!" At this moment, Wu Yi's face changed drastically, and Huo Qubing also frowned.

This wolf alliance outside the Great Wall, which is composed of foreign races, is equal to the Hongyu Empire. It is not surprising that there are demigods, but Wu Yi never expected that there would be a legend in such a seemingly "soft" side army. Super strong!
Zhu Rong is in danger!
Her two incomplete domains are extremely sharp against opponents under the legend, but once they hit the genuine ones, it will not be very easy to use. It is no longer her cutting others, but being cut instead.Under the suppression of the domain, no matter how high the basic attribute is, it is useless!
Zhu Rong was playing one-on-three at this time, and her three opponents were very embarrassed. Her characteristic was that the more she dragged, the stronger she became. However, it would take a lot of time to drag her opponent to death.

what to do?It is absolutely impossible for the current Zhu Rong to compete with Legendary, even if Ning Tianhao is added, it is a leap from the Holy Rank to the Legendary Rank, and the promotion obtained is far more than that of the ninth rank. Moreover, as long as there are enough resources, the nine It is not very difficult to get to the holy rank on the rank pile. Therefore, there are not many parallel saint ranks. The ninth rank with strong personal combat effectiveness may completely overthrow the holy rank.

But the holy rank thinks of the legend, it is difficult!The strength of the legend is directly reflected in the domain. Once the strongest legend domain is opened, the holy rank will be abolished directly. It is no longer something that can be defeated by numbers.I hope the one in front of me is not at Zixu's level, otherwise, unless Huo Qubing has a super command, otherwise...

Now the Che Xuan formation must be stabilized, otherwise the army will collapse directly. However, Zhu Rong has to be saved. The price of her death is too high. To put all these on her unreliable chance of resurrection, Wu Yi dare not fight.On the premise of not destroying the car suspension formation, he can only use the Tianzun Taoist soldiers and those legion magicians.

This battle is very likely to fail because of this. Wu Yi will not hesitate to exchange [-] troops for Zhu Rong, and he will definitely choose Zhu Rong!Not to mention personal feelings, the current Zhu Rong has the potential to step into the legend, and she will be one of the pillars of Calabash City in the future!On the other hand, Zhao Xueyin was equally impatient. Unlike Wu Yi who raised Zhu Rong as her younger sister, she raised Zhu Rong as her daughter!

It was too late for Wu Yi's decision to inform Huo Qubing. He could only use the power of the lord. Such an approach would be defrauding his teammates on the battlefield.

But at this moment, a thick beam of promotion light shot straight into the sky on the chaotic battlefield.

Someone got promoted on the battlefield!
who is it?

At this moment, the eyes of more than ten thousand people looked towards the direction of the promotion beam of light, and saw a witch warrior like a demon god, bathed in divine light, smashing a holy Xiongnu powerhouse with a stick .

Tu Sheng at the moment of promotion!

(End of this chapter)

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