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Chapter 1029 Great Crisis

Chapter 1029 Great Crisis


The army of the Changshan League was galloping under the leadership of Su Dingfang. For this battle, Zhao Ziyun integrated all the forces of the guild and the territory. For this reason, Wu Jiutian's Lingquan City also supported half of the forces, but now there is bad news. Han Xin's army entered the Meteor City, and Lingquan City was in the Meteor City. If it was an ordinary enemy, with Ban Chao in charge, there would be no need to worry about safety.

But the opponent is Han Xin!
Ban Chao is indeed a bull, but facing Han Xin... To be honest, all players are worried!
If Ban Chao was directly overthrown by Han Xin, it would be easy, just surrender, but I am afraid that Meteor City will not be defeated, so how should Lingquan City be chosen?Is it a drop or a fight?If you fight, you will definitely die a rather ugly death, surrender, but what if you are dragged by Ban Chao?

No matter what you choose, the power of Lingquan City must return in the shortest possible time, and maybe Changshan League will be needed to support it at that time.Regardless of the reason, the current battle must end as soon as possible.

"Hurry up!"

A quarter of an hour ago, Zhao Ziyun lost contact with Wu Yi and Zhao Xueyin. Don't think that this must have started a war. There is no choice but to divide the troops.Su Dingfang led the high-speed troops to go first, and all the soldiers with short legs were thrown to Qin Liangyu.

As the great guild in the north, the Changshan League has more cavalry than Calabash City. There are two special cavalry alone. Gongsun Zan’s White Horse Yi Cong, Dong Zhuo’s Xiliang Iron Cavalry, plus a large number of elite players, they are definitely not Calabash in terms of strength. The city can be compared, but if you really want to pull it out and do a fight, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose.However, as long as a large number of players continue to enter the ninth level, the role of the players on the battlefield will also not be greatly magnified.

There was a very popular saying on the forum before, saying: "The Prosperous Age", the real start is when the level reaches the ninth level!
This sentence is correct. Before the ninth level, players are more exploring the game.The ninth level is the promotion period. It is too difficult to hit the holy level. Even if there are resources, it cannot be completed in a short time. Therefore, players can only pursue talents, specialties, titles, equipment, and famous general attributes in different directions. Wait, work hard on everything that can improve your personal strength, and widen the gap with soldiers in terms of basic strength.

Even if players are not subject to the commander's bonus on the battlefield, they will still be a force to be reckoned with due to their strong base advantage.

Looking at the exaggerated fire clouds in the sky, how can I use scouts to determine the position? Zhu Rong is the best locator on the battlefield.

"Fuck! Do you want to be so exaggerated!"


When the army of the Changshan League rushed here in a hurry, Wu Yi's situation was very good. Those three unlucky Hun holy ranks finally died of unknown AOE, and now they have truly become legends of the three jihads up.Wu Yi was completely relieved and turned his attention back to the main battlefield.

Although the car suspension array is sharp, casualties are inevitable. There are many auxiliary units in Calabash City, but the fatal damage cannot be recovered.Fortunately, the small advantage at the moment can completely make up for such a loss. Under the reward of double meritorious service, the meritorious service is soaring. Whether his title can go further depends entirely on these alien races.

The air force of the Xiongnu army is far more than that of Hulucheng. The large area of ​​eagle cavalry is the most troublesome point. Ma Zhong's [-] sunset arrow guards can't stand it at all. The air cannot be lost. All legal units can only assist .Right now, the Huns have already responded to the Che Xuan formation in terms of formation, and the effect is not as good as it was at the beginning.

At this time, Wu Yi set his eyes on those chariots. The defensive power of this batch of experimental chariots is nothing to say, but they are too cumbersome. There is a bit of speed that drags the formation, this thing must be changed!

"It seems that Huo Qubing is still not suitable for this kind of fighting style!"

As far as the current situation is concerned, Huo Qubing has done a good enough job, but if it were Wei Qing, he would definitely be able to go further. Xiao Huo's talent and specialties make him unsuitable for this type of combat.After this growth, his ability is enough, it is better to let him go out to fly solo, the coach of the Chinese army still has to let a more stable person.

Just as Wu Yi was observing and venting his output, a message of combat power immediately brought his attention back to the battle circle of the strong.

——System: Unfortunately, Ning Tianhao was fatally attacked and died in battle.

what's the situation?
Why did Ning Tianhao die suddenly?That guy's fighting style has always been based on wretchedness, even if there is an accident, he shouldn't be the one who died!
When Wu Yi looked over again, he saw that the legendary strongman of the Huns had already rushed to a position very close to the Calabash City army, obviously forcibly breaking through the blockade of Zhu Rong and Wu Lin. The cursed shaman was killed.

At the moment of Ning Tianhao's death, the power of the army churning above the Che Xuan Formation began to gather together, but the legendary man followed and chased away like lightning, not intending to confront the power of the army head-on at all.But at this time, Zhu Rong was a little bit over the top, maybe it was the Ningyin people who always had an image of a good old man who died in battle stimulated her.

The two-headed devil dog quickly chased after it with flames in its four claws. The two big dog heads opened their mouths wide, and a huge devouring vortex appeared beside the legendary strong man. At the same time, the halberd in Zhu Rong's hand carried The roar of the dragon swept across.

However, before the three of Zhu Rong were just holding each other back, now without Ning Tianhao's curse weakening, how could such an attack work!
Seeing this scene, Wu Yi was in a hurry, this is too reckless!
The legend of the Huns uses a large chain gun with a retractable black chain at the end of the gun.After Zhu Rong turned into a witch clan, his own power has been strengthened to a certain extent, but this power is not enough to threaten Legend. Legend has swept away Zhu Rong's offensive with a big spear, and the devouring of the two-headed devil dog has no effect on him. , the chain at the end of the gun was rolled, directly tied the head of the right side of the double-headed demon dog, and continued to extend, and locked half of Zhu Rong's body.

Then, people and dogs were thrown into the sky, like a big fireball rising into the sky.At the same time, a huge blood-colored wolf shadow appeared around the legendary strong man, chasing after him like a shooting star.


——System: Unfortunately, Zhu Rong suffered a fatal attack and died in battle.


Two consecutive system messages directly confused Wu Yi, how could this happen!Wasn't it good before, why so fast...

Sure enough, that sentence was imprinted, the rabbit will bite when it is anxious, not to mention it is a legend, no matter how watery it is, it is still a legend!Must work hard, just like this.

Great reversal!

Lost!Two of the holy masters disappeared in an instant, and no one could restrain that legendary strong man. He was afraid that he would not be able to wait for the reinforcements from the Changshan League.

(End of this chapter)

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