The best lord of online games

Chapter 1030 What Kind of Unlucky One Person Can Be

Chapter 1030 What kind of unlucky person can be
At this time, Wu Yi's face was almost gloomy. The loss of [-] elites in the First World War was indeed enough to hurt Calabash City, and it was very likely that Calabash City would completely withdraw from the competition in the north.However, what really made his heart ache was Zhu Rong's death in battle. He wished he could rush forward and kill that legend.

The situation took a turn for the worse in an instant. However, except for the lord Wu Yi, no one else knew about it. They just saw the scene where Ning Tianhao was killed in seconds before, which brought back a lot of morale from the Xiongnu side.

However, when the flames in the air dispersed and Zhu Rong's body fell down, it was impossible to keep things hidden.If Ning Tianhao's death was just the beginning, Zhu Rong's death was undoubtedly an even heavier blow to Dajun.Every major event on the battlefield is related to the morale of the armies on both sides. The armor behind this legend has been completely broken, obviously resisting Wulin's attack before.

But at this moment, the dissipated flames reappeared in the air, and the billowing skyfire condensed a huge witch god ghost face in the air. A low and ancient spell suddenly sounded on the battlefield, and the angry witches suddenly After calming down, with a solemn look on his face, he looked at the huge face of the witch god who swallowed Zhu Rong's body in one mouthful. The raging flames almost burned through the entire sky.

——System: Zhu Rong was reborn in the "Witch God's Blessing" and gained a temporary state of "God's Blessing", which lasted for one hour.

so close!

Looking at Zhu Rong who came out again from the flames transformed from the phantom of the witch god, Wu Yi heaved a long sigh of relief. The resurrection effect attached to the title "Goddess of Zhu Rong" actually took effect for the first time. This is really shit luck!

Divine Blessing—Life Max +10%, Damage Immunity +10%, Death Resistance +10%.

The effect of this BUFF is mediocre, and it is not obvious in the strong battle, but it strengthens the survivability, which is beyond doubt.


Wu Yiyong looked at the legendary strongman with curious eyes, killing Zhu Rong, that would have to pay a price!

Curse of the Witch God: Luck -85%, accompanied by bad luck, lasts for three days.

A mere legend is definitely not exempt. After reducing luck by 85%, what will happen?Also, what does "bad luck" look like?
Ning Tianhao died and waited until he was resurrected. Although the loss was unavoidable, it was a blessing in misfortune that Zhu Rong could be resurrected. Now he is very curious about what "luck" can do!
Wu Lin's loyalty to Zhu Rong is nothing to say. When Zhu Rong died, he had already turned into a martyr. He knew that one-on-one could not be a legend, but he still rose to the sky without hesitation.

What is the most common on the battlefield?

No one knows when and from what direction some unknown attacks will fly over, and even strong people cannot avoid them.However, with the protection of the domain, these attacks are almost impossible to hit after passing through the domain and being weakened and suppressed. There is no threat either.


"Ah..." A shrill scream was especially loud amidst the neighing of war drums and horses.

Can this all hit?

Almost everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded. A legend was hit in the left eye by a stream arrow, and looking at the posture, the left eye was directly exploded. Although it did not directly trigger death, the damage was absolutely terrifying and crippling. The effect will also directly affect the combat effectiveness.

Previously, Zhu Rong's resurrection was covered by the sky fire, and no one saw the specific situation clearly. A legendary strong man was hit by Liu Ya and exploded his left eye. This is definitely enough to be recorded in the annals of history!
Is this "bad luck"?

Although he was blind in one eye, the foundation of the legend was still there, covering his eye with one hand and holding a big gun in the other.It can't be delayed any longer, that kid was actually able to come back from the dead in his domain before, you know, the ordinary double talisman and other death substitutes are useless under the cover of the domain.However, as long as he kills one more, his mission will be completed.

He seemed to have been hit by something just now, which gave him an extremely bad premonition. He was hit by Liu Ya in a trance, and he killed the guy who rushed up. He didn't want to stay here any longer, and a feeling rose in his heart. There was an inexplicable panic.

On his side, he stared at Wulin with a somewhat blurry right eye, intending to wait for work, but...

Amidst the hellish expressions of many people below, the corpses of the two Eagle Riders fell and landed on the head of that unlucky Legend.

This is all right?Where is the legendary perception?Even if the eyes were injured, it wouldn't be so exaggerated.

The battle in the air can be said to be like corpses raining down, and it is not unusual to be hit by corpses, but now this blind legend is cursed, and it is already a little abnormal. When he was hit by two corpses, his reaction was a bit violent and in a trance The intermediate block blocked Wulin's subsequent attack, but his entire body was knocked down from the air by a huge force, and even the domain couldn't maintain it, it exploded!
Legend's body hit the ground, because the incident happened suddenly, the soldiers only cared about the battle in front of them, who knew that a big boss would fall down?Horseshoes don't recognize people.

A legend was trampled by a horse!He was still stepped on by the cavalry on his side.

The formation of the surrounding Huns suddenly became chaotic, which was almost like stepping on the commander of their own family. What is the status of a legend in the clan?
However, as long as he is not stepped on by a group army charge, with a legendary background, it is not a big problem.But it is inevitable that his combat effectiveness will be greatly damaged by successive serious injuries. Can the field still open?Moreover, the most important thing is that this cursed state will last for three days!

What kind of unlucky person can be!

Wu Yi really saw it today. Sure enough, luck is the strongest attribute!Strength and everything are floating clouds, as long as bad luck strikes, no matter how strong they are, they will be disgraced.He finally understands now that in the state of "bad luck", it's better to stay at home, don't even go out the door, oh no, it should be to find an empty place to stay, stay at home, what if the house collapses?At least in an open place, you won't be afraid of bad luck like an earthquake.

However, since "misfortune" is so strong, the next thing is simple, win by numbers, with this luck, even the lowest probability, can become a reality!

In the battle between masters, it is unrealistic to kill anyone. Usually, they attack the vital points and trigger the lethal effect.

With the current luck of the legendary powerhouse in front of him, as long as he receives a covering shot, the probability of being hit at the vital point will be at least 50.00%, and the probability of triggering death will also be infinitely increased.

Maybe, there is a chance to kill the legend in this battle!

(End of this chapter)

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