Chapter 1031

Wu Yi is excited, kill the legend!How tempting is this?
If you want to say what is the long-range attack with the highest probability of triggering death, it is undoubtedly the bow and arrow!The basic damage of bows and arrows is lower than other attack methods, but with the blessing of this battle, archers have always been an irreplaceable unit on the battlefield, not even legion mages.

The person with the strongest archery skills here is naturally Ma Zhong. He had a field before, and his archery skills were not very useful, but now it is different. Just like the unlucky ghost is now, isn't it the "God General Killer" Da Ma Zhong who is the most powerful? Are you good at business?Killing a legend, such a record is enough for Ma Zhong to trigger growth again, right?
However, Wu Yi looked up, there was no point, the air defense line was about to collapse, Ma Zhong and Lu Xiangyun envoys tried their best to entangle, now it seems that the strength of Hulu City's army is still too weak.Whether it is the Sun Arrow Guard or the Legion Magician, neither can become the core unit in air combat, and they can't seal the front!Tianzun Dao soldiers, Tianzun Dao soldiers can go straight to the front, but it is too wasteful. With the current ability of Tianzun Dao soldiers, they can indeed fight and resist, but to exert their maximum combat effectiveness, it is more suitable to be in the rear.

The bone dragon is a good choice, but the bone dragon can't cooperate with normal arms. It can only act with undead arms.

I don't know if it is possible to combine the flying dragon knights with the flying dragons of Misty Island, but the difficulty is not generally high, and there is no suitable candidate.

Thinking far away, let's solve the immediate problem first, but right now there is no need for him to make random moves, Huo Qubing obviously noticed the strangeness over there, and brought the car Xuanzhen to press in there.

Legend got up from under the horse's hooves, and was extremely embarrassed at this time, the blood on his face was mixed with dust, forming a piece, and he couldn't see his face at all, he broke off the tail of the arrow in his left eye, and he was panting heavily Panting, he tightly held the big gun in his hand, and looked around with a somewhat blurred vision.The armor on his body was completely shattered, and his hair was disheveled.

But at this time, what he saw was a sea of ​​flames, and the reborn Zhu Rong came up again, which seemed to beat the dog in the water.

"Hey, why is the formation of the Huns so messed up?"

At this time, Wu Yi suddenly discovered that the formation of the Huns was in chaos. No, it should be said that there was a change. The army was no longer blindly suppressing the formation of vehicles and suspensions. Relieved a lot of pressure.


The deafening sound of killing came from behind the Xiongnu. Hearing this movement, how could Wu Yi and others not understand what was going on.The reinforcements have finally arrived, and just in time!
The addition of reinforcements shocked the morale of the Calabash City side, and the power of the Chexuan Formation also increased a bit.Li Siye's Modao fighters had all been killed, and he was alone at the front line tirelessly beheading the enemy, living up to the name of bravery.This time his legion made the worst sacrifice for the war, Wu Yi will naturally find a way to compensate him, there are still many reserves in the barracks, it will not take much time to rebuild the military system, but before that, Wu Yi still has to first Ask him if he has any last wish to transfer to the Wu clan. In his opinion, the Wu clan is the most suitable race for Modao fighters. It would be a pity if it can't be done.

Wu Yi didn't know how many troops came to the Changshan League at this time, but under the attack from both sides, the Xiongnu's main formation was already in chaos, and it was a bit difficult to take care of. In addition, He Lianbo wanted to rescue the legend who was in a state of "bad luck". It was more chaotic for a while.

To be honest, Wu Yi has thought about whether to let that legend go. With him mixed in Helianbo's army, even if the Huns successfully withdraw, with his current luck, he might encounter a meteorite rain halfway, which is bad luck The egg now seemed like an unstable bomb, the kind that could explode at any time.

However, it doesn't matter what he thinks now, that unlucky legend has already been pursued by Zhu Rong and Wu Lin and has been cut further and further. If it weren't for Zhu Rong's flame positioning, Wu Yi would have no idea where their battle circle would go went.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. At this time, Helian Bobo has no intention of fighting anymore. Although he still has a large number of rear troops to gamble on, even if he puts all his family fortune together in the end, his remaining troops are not enough to continue going south. Now, he can only find a friendly army to take refuge temporarily and live a life of being dependent on others, which is absolutely unacceptable to him.What's more, if you put all your eggs in one basket, the whole army may be wiped out!

The work of blocking the Xiongnu's breakout route was naturally joined by Changshan League. Calabash City had already paid for it before, and now it was their turn to pay. Huo Qubing's task now is to expand the results of the battle and harvest meritorious service.As soon as the Xiongnu army broke through the siege, the air pressure on the side of Calabash City also came into contact in an instant. Ma Zhong and his dragon slaying army, which suffered heavy losses, were finally liberated and boldly pressed over.

Looking at the soaring merit points, Wu Yi narrowed his eyes. The result of this battle was enough to raise his reputation in the high-level circle of aboriginal people, and it was also an explanation to Yunlin who was protecting him.

——System: Ma Zhong successfully shot and killed a legendary strong man in the battle, rewarding force +2, reputation increased by [-], titles "God Slayer" and "Sharp Shooter" gained growth.

——System: Ma Zhong successfully shot and killed an enemy whose strength was far superior to his, and was rewarded with 3 points of strength rewarded by the talent "God Killing".

Lying down!

Seeing these two sudden system messages, Wu Yi was dumbfounded. He hadn't noticed just now, but now that he thought about it, wasn't the direction that Ma Zhong pressed past was the direction where Zhu Rong's flames were churning? yes.In the "bad luck" state, even if there is a domain, it is difficult to avoid Ma Zhong's tricks, let alone the domain exploded.

The effects of Ma Zhong's titles, talents, specialties, and skills are superimposed, and the opponent is bad luck, so he must be lucky if he shoots down this arrow. Can he not die?
Forget it, dying at the hands of Ma Zhong is better than dying at the hands of Wu Lin. After all, he is one of his own. Originally, Wu Yi thought that the head could be given to Zhu Rong so that Zhu Rong could go further.However, what is embarrassing now is that Ma Zhong's head-grabbing behavior failed to get him into the first class, and the force was just 89, stuck on the threshold!
This is so simple, wait until the next time the CD of God of War is ready, just give him a chance, it's all up to this point, it's impossible not to let him be top-notch.Calabash City needs a master of archery, but Ma Zhong's ability to fight his face is strong now, but when it comes to archery, he is really not as good as Ji Chang.

Ma Zhong received a big gift package this time. In addition to five points of force, the growth of the two titles can also be regarded as a good improvement.

Godslayer——Injury +15%, each attack has an 8% chance to cause a one-hit kill to the target, if it hits a vital point, the probability of triggering a one-hit kill is doubled, and the damage to targets with the "God" attribute is +30 %, resistance to domains +10%.

This title is considered to be the most suitable for Ma Zhong's talent. The attributes have risen in a straight line from the original foundation. The resistance to the field is an additional gain. This attribute is not very useful to him now. He now has to face the legend There is absolutely no way out.

Marksman - Accuracy +100, Range +30%, Damage +20%, Arrow Speed ​​+10%, 8% chance to kill the target with one blow.

Take it easy!
This is Wu Yi's current positioning of Ma Zhong. With his current potential, unless he can keep picking up this kind of big gift package, he will basically be in a daily limit state, but if Ma Zhong has the opportunity to become a demigod in the future, then with his talent , then he is really a well-deserved godslayer.

At this time, Shi Wansui also led his army to kill from the northeast. The number of his army was less than [-]. Obviously, he had experienced a tragic battle before.

Shi Wansui is back, why hasn't Ma Chao arrived yet?
Wu Yi didn't think that the current Ma Chao would be weaker than Shi Wansui. Could it be that he had encountered some difficult enemy?

(End of this chapter)

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