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Chapter 1032 The True Master of War——Undead

Chapter 1032 The True Master of War——Undead

In the northwest of the battlefield between Calabash City, Changshan League and the Xiongnu, Ma Chao is fighting hard here. He has only [-] cavalry. This is the most essential part of Mayi Town before. Before Mayi Town was merged into Calabash City, Ma Teng He handed it over to Ma Chao. Although it was selfish, Wu Yi didn't say much.

However, now Ma Chao is blocked by Huns cavalry who are twice as many as him. If it is just that, it is not a big problem, but the opponent's general...

Hu Chuquan!
Also as a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period, Hu Chuquan is unlikely to be Ma Chao's opponent, but Hu Chuquan is at his peak at this time, holy rank!But the current Ma Chao is still a long way from his peak.

The main general was suppressed and his troops were at a disadvantage. Even if his subordinates were more elite, it was not enough to open the situation under such circumstances. It can be said that Ma Chao was in crisis.

Huchuquan is no different from ordinary holy ranks. With Ma Chao's current combat power, it is easy to hold Huchuquan back, but it is almost impossible to defeat him.This battle seems to have been dragged into a situation of generals against generals and soldiers against soldiers.

Ma Chao's campaign in "The Prosperous Age" is similar to that of Sun Ce, summed up in one word, bumpy!
The biggest defeat Sun Ce experienced in his life was the battle where Sun Jian died in battle. After that, he was defeated again in the first battle after apprenticeship.Ma Chao was not much better, he was hanged and beaten by Bai Ma Yi all the way, until the family territory was annexed by Calabash City, he never won, what a miserable word.

As one after another, his carefully trained subordinates died in battle, the spear in Ma Chao's hand became more and more fierce, and the whole person was like a tiger descending the mountain.The man with a fierce mount under him stood up, and Ma Chao took advantage of the situation and shot out like a dragon coming out of the abyss, giving people an irresistible momentum.At the same time, a thick pillar of promotion light diffused from Ma Chao's body, and shot straight into the sky in an instant.

In the soaring beam of promotion light, Ma Chao's spear like an angry dragon directly pierced Hu Chuquan's throat, blood spattered, instant kill!


——System: Ma Chao gained enough growth in the battle, successfully promoted to the holy rank, and his reputation increased by [-].

——System: Ma Chao successfully killed the enemy's holy general, Hu Chuquan, and was rewarded with +1 strength and [-] prestige.

——System: Ma Chao's prestige level has reached "Thunderlike".

Three consecutive system messages immediately put Wu Yi's heart into his stomach. In this way, there will be another holy-ranked powerhouse in Calabash City. It's a pity, Ning Tianhao, after that guy's resurrection, his combat effectiveness will be reduced The water is gone, I have to think of a way to make it up, the curse priest is still quite sharp in the team.

After the fall of that unlucky legend, no one can resist the two points of Zhu Rong and Wulin. It is impossible for the breakout Huns to waste the power of the army to suppress this point at this time. Commander-in-Chief, the pressure is overwhelming.

However, the Xiongnu soldiers are fast, and it is unrealistic to completely surround and kill He Lianbo. The rear army of the Changshan League has not arrived yet!None of the rear troops from the three parties arrived. This kind of victory will not gain much in terms of materials, and the main thing is meritorious service.

At this moment, a strange sound of dragon chant came into the battlefield, and in the high sky in the south, a terrifying existence flew towards the battlefield.White bones, broken bone wings, hideous head, dark green soul fire like stars.

Bone Dragon!

The strongest air combat unit of the undead system, ranging from the ninth level to the legendary level. Although the attached dragon power is a weakened version, far inferior to the real dragon, but the dragon is an elite individual that is not a unit. The dragon power of the bone dragon is in the Among the arms, it can already be regarded as a major killer.

Looking at these bone dragons, Wu Yi smiled slightly, the rear army led by Concubine Xue Rong arrived after a long time, and finally arrived at this last moment.Undead units are not absolutely unable to cooperate with conventional units, but the timing of entering the field is very particular.It is unavoidable for the undead to weaken the morale regardless of the enemy or the enemy. Because of this, there was a catastrophe of the undead in the history of the Hongyu Empire. At that time, the undead was called the real master on the battlefield. The army of the Hongyu Empire has not seen the undead, and the morale has already been let down.

But as long as it can be guaranteed that when the undead army enters the field, the enemy's morale will drop far more than ours, that is an advantage!
In this case, if the coach does not have the ability to "fight to the death without retreating", "destroy the boat", and "fight to the last stand", in a disadvantageous situation, once the army of undead enters the field, his side will inevitably collapse first.

With the appearance of the bone dragon, a dark cloud suddenly gathered, covering the clear sky above. In this way, the weakening of the fighting power against the undead during the day can be minimized.This is the effect of the military master's technique - the change of wind and clouds, and it is naturally from the hands of Li Zuoche.

The Bone Dragon did not come alone. The blood servants hung behind the Bone Dragon. The frontal power of the highly poisonous Bone Dragon was not comparable to that of the Sunset Arrow Guard. The addition of the Bone Dragon and the blood servants immediately strengthened the air power of Calabash City. For a while, corpses rained down from high above the sky.

The army of undead led by Concubine Xuerong is not only the bone dragon and blood servants, but also corpses from Taoism. Tianzun watched the first batch of silver corpses in the corpse refining cave, and they have all been incorporated into Concubine Xuerong's army.The silver corpse is somewhat similar to the walking corpse in the underworld, but its speed is far faster than that of the clumsy walking corpse. It belongs to the warrior system, the ninth-level heavenly rank, and its refining is extremely time-consuming. After such a long time, there are only five thousand.

Difficult to return, but the silver corpse also has the benefits of the silver corpse, the silver corpse does not need to pay the military salary!Originally, he wanted to refine more advanced golden corpses in batches, but the golden corpses needed the corpses of ninth-tier legendary units, and he had no "goods" for the time being.

The soldiers of the undead department are paid lower than the regular soldiers of the same rank, but low does not mean that they are unnecessary. As long as there are no "human rights" skeleton soldiers at all, the corpse refining of Taoism can be regarded as a creative soldier, which is different from the puppet soldier It's a truth.Although the initial cost is high, but the military salary is waived, and overall it is still a fairly cost-effective unit.

By the way, a legend was killed in this battle. The corpse used for refining the corpse is directly related to the quality of the corpse. A legendary corpse should be enough to refine an elite individual, right?However, the Taoist priests in the Corpse Refining Cave may not have this level, so they may have to ask Mingying for help.

The horror of the undead army does not lie in the high-level units, but in the endless stream of corpses. There is no shortage of corpses on the battlefield, and there is no shortage of spellcasting materials for undead professions.It's a pity that only one Concubine Xuerong is not enough to support such a vast project. During this time, Calabash City is also vigorously recruiting necromancers, but the monopoly power of the Underworld Temple is too strong. These retail investors have limited strength. Chengyuan couldn't do the shocking scene of waving hands and laying bones on the ground in the Temple of the Underworld.

At this point, you can't start from the Temple of the Underworld, or you can only find a way from the underworld. With such a powerful force, Wu Yi will not give up.

(End of this chapter)

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