The best lord of online games

Chapter 1033 Yunmeng City Falls

Chapter 1033 Yunmeng City Falls

Victory, big victory!
However, it was a pity that Helianbo could not be blocked in the end. Helianbo led the remnant army, gathered the rear army that was one step late, and retreated towards the north.Calabash City and Changshan League didn't dare to pursue them deeply. There were too many alien races in the north, so it was easy to get caught if they chased all the way.The two sides just bit off a group of the Huns' rear army and began to clean up the battlefield. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts between the two armies, the spoils of war will be counted uniformly and distributed later.

The materials obtained in this battle are not many, and most of them are still meritorious. The rest are horses, captives, standard armaments, basic medicines, and a small amount of coins.It is not easy for foreign captives to become citizens. It is better to be directly slaved or handed over to the empire to become a hero.

"Haha, this battle was great! It's a pity that Helian Bobo didn't die, otherwise he would definitely be broadcasted on the system!" Zhao Ziyun rode his flamboyant white tiger and walked up to Wu Yi. He had a ride in this battle , Gained a lot, but lost little.However, the effect is also not small. It is precisely because of the urgent appearance of the Changshan League army that the Xiongnu army lost their will to fight again and chose to break through. worn out.

"It's not enough, the video of this battle is posted on the forum, it's enough for you to brag about it for a while."

At the moment when the City of Desire surrendered, the victory in this battle was enough to set off a wave of rhythm on the forum. While brushing up their alliance's reputation, it secretly stomped on the Seven Sins Alliance.

"Talk about me, you stole the limelight in this battle, okay?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you this opportunity next time!" Wu Yi glared at this cheap and cute guy. The loss of Calabash City in this battle is not small. There were not many dragon-slaying legions left, and the other legions also suffered losses, even one of the holy rank masters died.

Of course, the harvest behind the tragedy cannot be ignored. Huo Qubing, Ma Zhong, and Ma Chao have all achieved key growth. Although Wu Lin is not a person from Calabash City, his growth is also of great help to Calabash City.In the end, it is the feats and levels he has obtained himself. The lord can share part of the experience of the army. This battle directly promoted him to the third level, reaching the eighth and seventh levels. At most, there are two battles of this scale. , is enough for him to rush to the ninth step.

It's a pity that with his current title, relying on merit is no longer enough to make him go further.The title of Marquis is already equivalent to a duke to a certain extent, and one step further, that is, the title of duke, or the title of "Long Xiang" is continued, or one more point is added to this title.No matter which one it is, it is enough to make Wu Yi a member of the top nobles of the Hongyu Empire.

With Yunlin's help, Wu Yi is not worried about this!

"By the way, how about what I mentioned to you earlier?" Wu Yi was talking about forging blueprints, which was the first task Song Yingxing gave him. Of course, what he wanted was far more than forging blueprints, and carpentry. Various basic drawings such as blueprints, robe drawings, jewelry drawings, etc., prepare for the follow-up tasks in advance.

"It's easy to say, as long as I'm willing to bleed, there's no problem on my side." Zhao Ziyun smiled as if he was stabbing his brother's ribs.

"It's my sister's blood, I only want ordinary goods, you dare to charge a low price, be careful, brother, hire someone to smash the glass of your house, believe it or not!"

"It doesn't matter, whoever we are with whoever we are, we can smash it casually, you hire someone to let me know, and I will help you get rid of the security team in advance." Zhao Ziyun narrowed his eyes and smiled even more.

"Get out!" Wu Yi was speechless, the friendship between men is like this, the closer the relationship is, the more shameless it becomes.

"Don't worry, I'm not a black man. Here's a hundred Martial Arts Pills. I'll give you a copy of Chang Shanmeng and Wu Jiutian's studio from top to bottom. Regardless of whether it's high or low."

"One hundred copies of martial arts promotion pills, why don't you grab them, and you are not black, tell me, how can you call them black?" One of the indispensable rare resources is still monopolized by Gourd City because of the formula. Besides, there are only a few special tasks that are possible to obtain.

Calabash City only sells the inferior Yongwu Pill, and the rarer Shengwu Pill, Shenwu Pill, and Tianwu Pill. Since there is no fixed formula, Sun Simiao can only rely on Sun Simiao to fight.The Tianwu Dan and Wu Yi are not enough for themselves, and the Shengwu Dan and Shenwu Dan are only a small amount as gifts, which are given to allies who are closely related to Calabash City, such as the time when Liu Bei accepted Liu Yu as his adopted son.

"I don't want Shenwu Pill, it's a bit dark if I want Shenwu Pill!"

"I don't have one hundred, fifty at most, and it has to be paid in batches, and it should be paid within three months. For this price, if you don't want it, I'll go to the market to collect it."

"Come on, fifty is fifty, you're holding Sun Simiao like this!" Zhao Ziyun hurriedly pulled Wu Yi, fifty, not too little, after all, this thing can't be eaten infinitely, fifty is enough for a Approved generals will skip the most difficult period of growth.

"What a ghost, doesn't your future wife also have Chunyu Tiying in her hand? If you try to study in this direction, you will know how difficult it is."

"Are you kidding me? Can Ti Ying compare with the Medicine King?"

Lingquan City has developed rapidly since it acquired Chunyu Tiying. The medicinal materials produced by the lord have been perfectly utilized. Now it has become one of the largest medicine merchants in the north. Make it up.

Just when the two were tearing each other down, a series of three identical system messages shut them down at the same time.

——System: Yunmeng City was captured by Kublai Khan.

"Yunmeng City?"

Wu Yi has been to Yunmeng City many times, but they were all diverted. Zixu’s purple bamboo forest is on the Tianzhu Mountain next to Yunmeng City. Yunmeng City is just lost, which will have an impact on the Tianzun Temple ?With the location of Yunmeng City, it is very likely that foreign races will use it as the rear for invading Hongyu Empire. Doesn't this mean that Zi Xu's old nest is placed in the encirclement of foreign races?

It is very difficult for people from the imperial camp to go to Tianzhu Mountain. The teleportation array is no longer available, so they can only take a detour, and they may encounter a large number of alien patrols along the way.

"Why did you lose it so quickly!" Zhao Ziyun complained with a depressed face, if it is said that the fall of Yunmeng City, to Wu Yi, it is just that there will be some changes in the master's school, it is not a big problem, the big deal is to move!But for the Changshan League, the preparations should be said to have a great impact on Lingquan City. Once Yunmeng City is lost, it means that the empire has lost in the first battle. Next, the attention to alien races will increase again. It will be difficult for the city to get more support from the empire, which directly reduces the security of Lingquan City by several levels.

"Who knows! But I'm sure there will be an answer on the forum soon."

(End of this chapter)

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