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Chapter 1034 Yingzheng's plan to "disaster"

Chapter 1034 Yingzheng's plan to "disaster"

Yunmeng City has fallen!
But in just ten minutes, the entire forum was filled with videos and topics about Yunmeng City.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"No, I died when I was guarding the teleportation array. At that time, the situation of the battle had obviously turned from bad to good. Why did the city suddenly disappear?"

"Same question! Isn't the picture of the Shenwu Formation awesome? Why did it blow up all of a sudden?"

"The defeat was too fast, and I didn't react at all. It seemed that I was pushed horizontally from Beicheng."

"Paralysis, I was blocked three times in a row."

These are the remarks of the players who participated in the defensive battle of Yunmeng City. The final period of the war was too chaotic. After the city was captured, it was impossible for players from different camps to continue to revive in the city.

The system sets three conditions for the city to be captured. First, the city defender will be beheaded or captured.Second, the city lord's mansion, government office, military camp, and teleportation array were captured.Third, the morale of the defenders was below [-] percent of normal.

As long as these three points are met, the system will change the owner of the city by default. The change of owner under this judgment has the greatest impact on the player. Once the city changes owner, the resurrection point set by the player in advance will be erased and changed to Nearest random city.

From the moment the teleportation formation was breached, the defenders of Yunmeng City were powerless to recover, but there were quite a few people who broke through from the battlefield of Yunmeng City, and the core system of the Mieyi League protecting Zhu Yuanzhang also rushed out.Although Yunmeng City fell, it had little impact on the Miebari League. Their performance in this battle was remarkable. For a new guild, this was already very good.

After collecting a lot of information from all parties, players still don't quite understand why Yunmeng City collapsed so quickly in the end, and they can only think that Kublai Khan turned his cards down.Just like Yunmeng City took out the map of the martial arts array, it is impossible for foreign races to have one or two things at the bottom of the box. Yunmeng City is more important to foreign races than to Hongyu Empire. Yunmeng City is their foothold in Hongyu Empire. The first step, they can't help but not desperately.

Unfortunately, in this battle, the Chosen One is not the protagonist, so the combat system will not prompt many things one by one.


Northwest Lost Mountains

Ying Zheng had already "truthfully" reported the news of Demon Region's regrouping of troops to the empire. It was also an excellent opportunity for him to see the foreign race going south. In this way, the empire's monitoring of him would be weakened again.

He is the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Region, and the revival of the Demon Realm naturally gave him a reason to ask the lion of the empire for money and goods. At this critical moment, would the empire dare not give it?
Seven Star City, under Yingzheng's continuous improvement, has become his old den. The eyes of those empires arranged here have long been blinded by him. He can now be said to be the uncrowned king of the entire Northwest!
Batches of food, grass, and armaments were continuously transported from the south into Seven Star City, which was regarded as an invisible addition to Yingzheng's strength.

"Marquis Zhen Mo, all the military supplies you applied for have been delivered, and you still need to worry about the Northwest matter." Wu Zhao is the chief envoy of the Emperor's Mission to Seven Star City this time, and has been here for five days.For Yingzheng's loyalty, the upper echelon of the empire has never had extravagant expectations. To him, it is like Yunlin to Calabash City. It is more about binding interests. Of course, in the northwest, the empire has prepared a lot of back-ups. The Holy Light City is just one aspect.

"Of course! Don't worry, the envoy, with this Marquis here, there is no way that the devil's cubs will wreak havoc on the northwest land again."

One is the Eternal Emperor, and the other is the First Empress. Unfortunately, this scene has not been seen by the God Chosen, otherwise, the picture of these two people in the same frame would definitely be called a classic.

"That's good. Your Majesty attaches great importance to the Marquis. Right now, the war in the north is urgent, and the empire's support for the Marquis is limited. The military means that it is best for the Marquis to be self-sufficient."

"I think so, but the envoy also saw that half of the Great Wall outside the Lost Mountain Range has not been built yet. This is a huge hole. With the current foundation of the Northwest, it cannot be filled at all."

"Master Hou, can't the matter of the Great Wall be delayed for a while?"

"How can this be slowed down? Once the Great Wall is completed, the hidden dangers of the Demon Realm will be completely wiped out. This is a major event that can consolidate the foundation of the empire."

Building the Great Wall around the Lost Mountains is also the main reason why the upper echelon of the empire is not sure about Yingzheng. If Yingzheng draws a larger circle of the Great Wall, such as including the entire Seven Star City, it will inevitably make people suspicious He has evil intentions.But building around the Lost Mountains, it really can only defend against demons. After Yingzheng took over the military in the Northwest, he did greedy for a lot of supplies, and he didn't bother to cover it up. It's not a secret. All the lost materials were invested in the construction of the Great Wall, but what is the significance of the Great Wall?Block the way of the Demon Realm's invasion of the empire!

Because of this, many high-level officials in the empire have doubted Ying Zheng's intentions, but they have not been able to really catch his tail!

Of course, the purpose of winning the government is more than that. The vast Great Wall project is just a deception. To achieve his goal, the Great Wall cannot stop!
"Okay, after returning to the imperial capital, the officer will report the truth to His Majesty."

"There is a messenger."

After seeing off the imperial mission, Yingzheng's whole demeanor changed, as if he had changed, and he looked in the direction of Kowloon City with deep eyes.

"My lord, the Prison Dragon Lord of the Demon Realm wants us to deliver the goods we negotiated before within three days, otherwise, all the conditions of the previous negotiations will be void!" Su Qin suddenly appeared behind Yingzheng and whispered.

"Give it to him! It's just some supplies. As long as they can complete the agreement, it's a trivial matter." Ying Zheng didn't look back, and turned his gaze to the north, which should be the direction of Tielin Pass to be precise.

With Su Qin around, Ying Zheng was willing to bleed, so there was nothing wrong with it.Now, Yingzheng has no energy to focus on those monster creatures. He needs to lay the most solid foundation for his future road to world supremacy. What he needs most is time. strategy.

Lead this calamity of the Demon Realm to Tielin Pass!
Tielin Pass is the gateway from the northwest mountainous area to the northern plain. Xiao Rongxuan successfully transferred from the northwest to the northern black prison city through this place.

Now that Tielin Pass and Hei Prison City are in Xiang Yu's hands, Ying Zheng gave a very high opinion of this person who was on the same level as him in the Northwest Battlefield.

No matter whether Moyu can capture Tielin Pass or not, there is no loss for Yingzheng, but some supplies are paid, which is equivalent to paying for the empire.But if Tielin Pass is really broken by the Demon Realm, then the northern battlefield will be even more lively.

"Yue Fei is really a talent, hehe, I hope he will like this great gift I gave him!" A wicked smile appeared on Ying Zheng's face looking at the north.

(End of this chapter)

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