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Chapter 1037 The Nine Great Soldiers of the Hongyu Empire

Chapter 1037 The Nine Great Soldiers of the Hongyu Empire

After hanging up the private chat, Brother Xiao Fei sat on the back of the sea turtle demon and headed towards his small deep-sea village with the army.

"Brother Fei, tell that guy what to do, he doesn't necessarily accept our favor! When his island city is captured by the Seven Sins League, we can still watch a good show."

"What do you know! That grandson of Taotie dares to bully me, this time I have to give him a set meal!"

Hu Fei has six confidants, all of whom have been with him on the streets for many years, and there is absolutely no question of loyalty.Four of the six younger brothers followed him to the Kraken, one of them stared at the fledgling territory, two developed deeply in the Kraken group, and one followed the army.

The remaining two are for him to take care of the industry on land, to be precise, the chamber of commerce, exchanging marine resources for inland resources.It is impossible for him to be so stupid as to hand over all the logistics sources to Calabash City and the Seven Sins League. It is inevitable to lower prices in transactions with foreign forces, but he has limited channels and cannot ship in large quantities. He can only pick out the most The precious batch took the route of Hongwangju.

"This time I sold it to May [-] as a favor. In the future, it is impossible to say that the conversion quota of the Sea Clam Clan will have to be obtained from him. Weiwei thinks that the Sea Monster is too ugly, so I can only find a way to get her to transfer to the Sea Clam."

In addition to the six hard-core younger brothers, Hu Fei also has a little secretary, who is supposed to be Fa Xiao, Liu Weiwei, who helps him manage a peripheral studio.

"Brother Fei, shall we continue to attack Penglai City? This time Gan Ning has few warships left, as long as we block his gate, his new ships will not be able to launch."

"No need! The city defenses on the coastline of Penglai City have already been erected. It will cost too much to block the gates at this time. It is better to let them out."

Gan Ning's Jinfan navy is indeed very strong, but once launched, the racial disadvantage is still inevitable.After this battle, Hu Fei has gained some confidence in his strength. In the sea, as long as he doesn't face the Ganghai Clan and the East China Sea Fleet, the chance of capsizing is not high.


On the other side, Wu Yi finally saw Song Yingxing again after hanging up the private chat.

"Mr. Song, I have collected all the blueprints you need. Can you see these?" This time, Wu Yi directly submitted a full 120 forging blueprints to Song Yingxing, hoping to get extra rewards.

"Master Marquis's efficiency really amazes me!" Song Yingxing continued to flip through the blueprints with fiery eyes. "That's right! I've been squatting in Molten Fire City for more than a year, but I have received less than [-] blueprints, and the set blueprints are completely gone. Sure enough, the great lords and nobles have energy."

——System: Congratulations on successfully completing the first link of the chain mission "Assisting Song Yingxing in compiling "Heavenly Creation of Things"" "Forging the Foundation" and gaining some experience.

Only experience?

Although it is a bit regrettable, it is not disappointing. After all, this is a super chain mission that is likely to have dozens of rings. The chain mission has a characteristic, that is, cumulative rewards and stage rewards. The rewards will continue to increase, and at each stage, special rewards may also be obtained.

"Mr. Song, do you need my help collecting other materials?"

"Of course, it's not an exaggeration for the book I edited to be called an encyclopedia. With my own strength, it may be difficult to complete it in ten years." When the matter of writing a book was mentioned, Song Yingxing showed a strange feeling in his whole body. The fanaticism, followed the conversation: "By the way, have you heard of the Nine Great Soldiers of the Empire?"

The nine great soldiers of the Hongyu Empire?Do you have these things?

Wu Yi shook his head in a daze.

"The nine divine weapons of the Hongyu Empire, that's just a saying, not divine weapons. What really made them famous is their masters, the nine strongest men since the founding of the Hongyu Empire!" Song Yingxing said with a sigh.

"There is the 'Golden Armor with Dragon Pattern' of the founding emperor of the empire. Unfortunately, it is said that it was buried with him. There is also the 'Shenwu Sword' of Emperor Wu, also known as the Son of Heaven Sword. Master's "Heaven, Earth and Human Three Character Money", Tang Martial God's "Burning Spear", Dragon Slayer Luo Gang's "Dragon Lock", Bright God Judge Jin Wenjia's "Holy Angel Sword", Hammer King Yu Zhenxi's Shocking hammer', Qu Yuan sage's 'Heavenly Questions Picture', Zhu Qing Fashen's 'Empty Mirror'. It would be a pity if these could not be included in it. I hope that the adults can help me find the illustrated book of these nine great weapons! "

In this way, Wu Yi understands that magic weapons can also be said to be exclusive equipment!Things with a strong personal imprint are not artifacts, but to a certain extent they represent these celebrities themselves.For example, the Chixiao Sword and Qinglong Yanyue Sword in history...

In this way, can the exclusive equipment of those historical celebrities be reproduced in "Golden Age"?It seems that it is not impossible at all!

After all, I don't want the original, but as far as the illustrated book is concerned, this task should not be difficult, and many of the upper-class nobles should have collections.

"I will try my best."

——System: You have accepted the special part of the chain mission "Assist Song Yingxing in compiling "Heavenly Creation of Things"" "Collect the Nine Divine Weapons Illustrated Book", collect the dragon pattern golden armor, the divine martial arts sword, the three-character money of heaven, earth and man, and the burning sky gun , Sleepy Dragon Lock, Shocking Hammer, Sword of the Holy Angel, Map of Asking the Sky, and Refined Edition of the Broken Sky Mirror.Task time limit: before the writing of "Tiangong Kaiwu".Mission Reward: Unknown.Task penalty: None.

special session?No mission penalty?
This can be regarded as an additional task independent of the chain task. This time limit is really wide.

"No hurry, as long as the illustrated book can be added before the final correction, now I need to find a hundred copies of the weaving blueprint for the Marquis."

——System: You have accepted the chain task "Assist Song Yingxing in compiling "Heavenly Craftsmanship"", the second link "Weaving Basics", collect 50.00 different weaving drawings, and the time limit is five days.In the chain of tasks, if you fail any link, you will lose [-]% of Song Yingxing's favorability.The final mission reward is unknown.


Seeing the real mission of the second ring, Wu Yi's eyes lit up immediately, as expected, the hard work was not in vain.Compared with the forging drawings of the first link, the difficulty of the second link is much simpler. After all, the weaving category covers a very wide range, such as cloth, yarn, brocade and other raw materials.

For these alone, Calabash City can produce no less than [-] copies in one go, but Wu Yi is not in a hurry to hand in the task, he intends to make this assistance task perfect.He doesn't know whether overcompleting the task will bring him extra rewards, but this pre-collection task may be related to the attributes of "Heavenly Creation" after completion, so Wu Yi cannot be careless.

(End of this chapter)

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