Chapter 1038

——System: God's Chosen "Hong Tian" brought the Frozen City and surrendered to Murong Chui, and the Frozen City's affiliation automatically shifted to the Wolf League outside the Great Wall.

Another informative system message appeared as the night fell. This was already the second player city that surrendered today.

In just one day, the battles between the empire and the foreign races on various fronts were fierce, and there were victories and losses, but in general, there were more losses than victories. After all, Yunmeng City was lost, and the impact was too serious.At this stage, as long as there is a little strength, the territory of the Lord of the Chosen who was not targeted too much in the early stage can be raised to the city level.

But the gap between cities is not so big!Can a fifth-class city that can barely step on the imperial examination standard line compare with the original Calabash City?

However, as long as it is at the city level, it is enough to serve as a temporary foothold for a foreign army, or a springboard for invasion.No matter how scumbag the city is, there are city walls, magic towers, and barriers. These are enough. As for other things such as population, commerce, industry, agriculture, animal husbandry, etc., they are just exploitable.

But the momentary success or failure does not mean anything, at least the foreign races have not been able to break through the blockade area designated by the empire. As long as the war continues in this area, even if there is no advantage in the frontal fight, the powerful background of the Hongyu Empire is enough to overwhelm them. Aliens dragged to death!With a large number of foreign troops, can it be more than the Hongyu Empire, which can continuously increase its troops?Not to mention the gap in materials, if the blockade cannot be broken, even if the casualty ratio on the frontal battlefield can reach one to one, or even one to two, it will not change the situation of a defeat in the end.

Therefore, this initial record seems rather ugly, but the Hongyu Empire is not in a hurry.


Western part
Due to Zhao Kuangyin's betrayal, the pace of Moshan City's attack was completely delayed. At this time, Cao Cao finally led a large team of troops and supplies convoy around thousands of mountains and rivers, and was about to enter Shenmu City.

On both sides of the Shenmu City battle, Xie Xuan and Liu Bang represented King Moshan on the one hand, and the Liu family of Shenyu City on the other, representing the empire.As Cao Cao who has raised the anti-flag, he has no choice but to assist Xie Xuan in attacking Liu Bang!Cao Cao, who came from afar, urgently needs a piece of territory. Whether it is to recuperate or stabilize the army, if there is no stable rear, his ambitions may become unrealistic daydreams.

The next battle is crucial!
In the night, Cao Cao set up a temporary camp at the border of Shenmu City, in the direction of Motu City. At the same time, he summoned all the civil and military personnel to discuss matters in the commander's tent again.

"Is there still no response from King Moshan?" Cao Cao looked at Xiao Hexun and asked.

"No, King Moshan didn't show up at all, and he didn't give us any response. I'm afraid..." Xiao He also just returned. He went to Moshan City as an envoy before, but was rejected.

"After all, what happened in Xihai City just happened, King Moshan probably doesn't want to accept foreign forces, but as long as our goals are the same, then it's not a big problem. Anyway, we are not here to attach to King Moshan." Xi Zhicai took over Xiao He said.

"Then according to your opinion, we should go directly to Xie Xuan?" Cao Cao nodded silently. If he wanted to attach himself, why did he leave Zhenhai City in the first place?He is indeed in a mess now, but the troops in his hands are not weak.

"Yes! This subordinate has studied Xie Xuan, and he can be regarded as a rare famous general in the world. Our arrival is an opportunity for him, and he will definitely not miss it." Xi Zhicai did not analyze in depth. None of them are idiots. Now that Moshan City is held back by Zhao Kuangyin, the support that should have been given to Xie Xuan is now gone. Xie Xuan can only rely on them if he wants to open up the situation.

"Then it's settled, Mr. Xiao, Xie Xuan has to ask you to go again."

"A matter of duty!" Xiao He got up and accepted the order. After Xi Zhicai arrived, he had already given up the position of the army's military adviser, and Cao Cao often had no territory, so his existence was a bit embarrassing.

The situation of Cao Cao in "The Prosperous Age" is really similar to that of Liu Bei in the Romance, miserable!

"Cao Ren, Cao Chun, and Yuchi, you will be the pioneers tomorrow!"

"As ordered!"

The core of Shenmu City is on the main city, and he has no intention of attacking the city. As long as he cooperates with Xie Xuan, one side sweeps the south of the city, and the other sweeps the north, forcing Liu Bang who is defending the city. If Liu Bang never leaves the city, then we can join forces Before the siege, he could at least get a few big towns that could be used as a foothold.

When it was just dawn that day, Cao Jun's entire army was dispatched. Except for a few people guarding the camp, a combined force of 15 pressed into the southern area of ​​​​Shenmu City.

The main purpose of Cao Cao in this battle is to borrow the power of Moshan City, so he is not the main force. Of course, he will not be able to grab Shenmu City with Xie Xuan after the war, but as long as he helps Xie Xuan pull out Liu Bang's nail, his The road ahead will be smooth, and the script has already been written.


When Cao Cao was occupying Huofeng Town, the largest town in the south of Shenmu City, Liu Bang's general Xu Da led an army out of Shenmu City, blocking him directly in Maple Leaf City was a brutal beating.On Cao Cao's side, apart from the relatives and generals of the Cao family and Xiahou family, there are also Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong, Xi Zhicai and Xiao He. The upper-level power is really not weak, but the arms have fatal flaws.

The organization of Cao Jun's arms is almost the ancient version. Cavalry, infantry, archers, and almost no legal arms. This is also directly related to his lack of a stable rear. The legion magician he abducted from Zhenhai City It's almost dead long ago, but there is no place to make up.His current military strength is not bad, but this combination of troops is really unbelievable.

And what about Xie Xuan?Xie Xuan, who sent troops one step later, didn't even look at Cao Cao who was being beaten violently, and led the troops straight to Shenmu City!Xu Da also had no intention of returning to the army to save the city.

The enraged Cao Cao kept cursing in his heart, but Xie Xuan was obviously not a fool, nor was he blind. At this moment, both Cao Cao, Xiao He and Xi Zhicai understood.

I was cheated!

Motucheng and Liu's are just acting for the world to see!Lied to everyone in the world, Cao Cao can't be sure now, Liu Bang represents only an individual, or the entire Liu family. He and Mo Shancheng fought to death on the surface, but they colluded in secret to seek common interests. Was he a replica of Calabash City when he was in Baoyue City?
It's just that the acting between him and Calabash City is too fake, and he is reluctant to pay the cost. As long as he is not blind, he can see the tricks with a few more eyes. go in.He is the opportunity that both sides are waiting for. Once he appears, it is tantamount to giving Liu Bang a military exploit. Following Liu Bang, he "sends" the main city of Shenmu City to Xie Xuan. This is a proper win-win situation. Take it!
As for Cao Cao?He is a cannon!
If someone interviews Cao Cao at this time, he probably just wants to say: MMP!

(End of this chapter)

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