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Chapter 1039 Go and join forces with Wang Mang

Chapter 1039 Go and join forces with Wang Mang

"It seems that we came to the wrong place!"

After receiving Xie Xuanjun's movements and seeing the enemy's choices, Xiao He sighed. He didn't see Xie Xuan last night, but only saw Xie An. He didn't be cheated!
Is Mrs. Liu planning to separate the family?
The Liu family of Shenyu City is known as one of the pillars of the Hongyu Empire, a top noble who truly lives with the country!As long as the Hongyu Empire and Shenyu City are still there, Liu's title of Duke of Shenyu will be passed on forever.Such a super family has no reason to rebel, unless someone can give them greater benefits!
What can King Moshan give Liu Shi?
If you want to come up with conditions that can impress the Liu family, unless King Moshan can top it, but judging from the current situation, the probability... The status of the Liu family in Shenyu City in the Hongyu Empire is already higher than that of ordinary princes , Therefore, it is impossible for the Liu family to fall to King Moshan in an all-round way, so the only thing left is to separate the family!

The new Lord Shenyu, Liu Ming, continued to support the empire, while Liu Bang, who had been driven out of Shenyu City early, became the second hand of the Liu family in the troubled times.Who can be sure that the Hongyu Empire will be able to survive this catastrophe?If the Hongyu Empire can continue to bear the mandate of heaven and sweep across all directions, then Shenyu Gong Liu Ming will be the new pillar of the Liu family, but if the Hongyu Empire collapses, then Liu Bang will inherit most of the power of the Liu family. To fight for the possibility of that line.

Sure enough, none of these big families that have been passed down for thousands of years is a fuel-efficient lamp, careless!This time it was really careless!

Xiao He was a little annoyed!The Liu family is definitely not the only big family in the Hongyu Empire who started preparing for the future in advance. He still missed too many things in his attention to the world before. Of course, this is also directly related to the weak intelligence system under Cao Cao's command.

"Let's break through!" Bad luck is bad luck, Cao Cao's determination is still there, and if he continues to delay, he will only get a bigger loss. Apart from that, there is no possibility of gaining anything.

"Xiangxi?" Cao Ren asked, standing beside Cao Cao. From the moment he entered the town, his vanguard mission had been completed.

"No! Go north!" Now Cao Cao had no choice. There was no place for him in the west, and he didn't dare to go to the east. He couldn't retreat to the south, right?Therefore, we can only go north!To be sure, it should be to the northwest. Going to the northern Great Plains is courting death.

"Then our big camp..." A temporary big camp is nothing, but most of the supplies they brought from the south are in the big camp, and the army only brought the most basic food and grass.

"No more!" Cao Cao said in an unquestionable tone, but the expression on his face was a little ferocious.He didn't know where the "cooperation" between Xie Xuan and Liu Bang had reached. If he retreated westward, he would definitely be bitten. Once Xie Xuan and Xu Da were caught between two sides, he would die.

The only thing to be thankful for now is that, perhaps for his peace of mind, Xiao He was not detained in Xie Xuan's barracks last night, otherwise, he would be equivalent to having his arm broken, which is finally a blessing in misfortune!

"Shut up and execute it immediately!"

Cao Cao couldn't be more aware of the flaws in the arms. Such flaws made him have no capital to fight against opponents at the same level. The failure of the connection made Cao Cao lose his all-or-nothing ambition. For him who has no territory yet, his strength is his greatest strength. If he can't win a piece of land where he can develop with peace of mind before all these troops are exhausted, he will be completely submerged in the torrent of this chaotic world.

"My lord, it seems that we can only go to Zhang Jiao!" Xi Zhicai walked behind Cao Cao, rubbing the center of his brows, and said in distress.

Before Cao Cao could respond, Xiao He shook his head: "No! I don't think Zhang Jiao is the best choice!"

"However, except for Zhang Jiao, no one can accept us now!"

"No! There is one more person, Wang Mang!"

"Wang Mang?" Cao Cao murmured the name in a low voice. Compared with the rising forces, Wang Mang is the most inconspicuous of them, and he is still working with Zhang Jiao to resist the Mengjia army. After showing some strength, after that... there will be no future.

"That's right, Wang Mang! Although Zhang Jiao will definitely not refuse if we come to the door, but now that Zhang Jiao's strength has swelled to a certain level, we are not relying on others when we go, and it is very likely that we will be annexed unknowingly." But Wang Mang is different, we can stand on an equal footing with him, establish a true offensive and defensive alliance, and develop together! After all, both we and Wang Mang are already far behind!" Xiao He detailed his The idea is explained again.

Zhang Jiao's power positioning makes him more tolerant than conventional powers, as long as he respects the belief of Taiping Dao, he is considered his ally.But now that Zhang Jiao already occupies the land of the three cities, why should Cao Cao sit on an equal footing with Zhang Jiao?

But Wang Mang is different. Wang Mang's apparent military strength is worse than Cao Cao's, but as long as the two join forces, it is enough to gain a firm foothold on one side!With their strength, they can't be in a hurry, so as long as they can stand still, they can develop steadily in the future.Right now, the empire's attention is all on the aliens in the north, and they don't care about them at all. If you can't seize this opportunity, you won't have another chance in the future!
"Okay! Let's go north to find Wang Mang!" Cao Cao's eyes were fixed, and his tone was full of all-or-nothing determination.

"My lord, we have to find the Marquis of Wuyi to figure out a solution in terms of supplies!" Xi Zhicai said with some embarrassment. The loss of the wrong troops in this battle is still a trivial matter, and the key lies in the loss of the supplies used for the rise. .The materials include not only food and grass, armaments, but also various resources used to develop the territory.

Now Cao Cao is afraid to go back to get these things. Now Cao Cao is not only facing the crisis of insufficient food and military equipment, and no way to make up for his troops. What's more, even if he can really occupy a territory, he will not have the capital to build up the territory quickly.It is too difficult to directly capture a third-class or above city with a deep foundation.

"Mr. Xiao, I have to trouble you to go to this matter. We don't have any bargaining chips in our hands now, but the Chosen One should like this!" Cao Cao sighed, and took out a long-shaped ring from the space ring. At this moment, Cao Cao's whole person showed a kind of fierce aura.

After Xiao He took it, he opened it and saw that there was a blue book in the wooden box. The book looked very new, and the four characters "Meng De's new book" were written on the cover in bold calligraphy.

"Haha, as long as I have this, I will definitely not have to pay a heavy trust!"

 The "word" of historical celebrities was cut off in "The Prosperous Age". The author also considered whether to change the name of "New Book of Meng De", but it always felt strange to change it, so I kept it for easy understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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