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Chapter 1040 The Genius of the Dryad Clan——7-Colored Dryad

Chapter 1040 The Genius of the Dryad Clan——Colorful Dryad

A huge red sun poked its head out from the clouds in the east. Under the sunshine, Calabash City showed its most beautiful side to the world.

Wu Yi still doesn't know about Cao Cao's predicament, otherwise, he would definitely have to complain about it. The historically powerful Boss Cao was played as Cao Paopao in "The Prosperous Age", full of blood and tears!Four heroes of the Three Kingdoms period appeared in "The Prosperous Age". Sun Jian has already knelt down. Cao Cao has become a replica of Liu Paopao in history. Liu Bei is quite smooth, but he has not yet become independent so far. He can really be called a rise Yes, only Zhang Jiao!

"I don't know how the tree demon group is developing."

Wu Yi planned to start the task of resurrecting Ning Tianhao in the afternoon. The task of resurrecting the holy rank is not low, so it must be ensured that nothing will go wrong.

There are not a few units that can restrain cavalry, such as Modao warriors with special characteristics, and infantry formations that use combinations can also do it, but if it is said which one is the strongest, as far as Wu Yi knows, Dryad is definitely the well-deserved number one!

The defense and life attributes of the dryad are definitely the highest among the arms of the same level, especially after using the characteristic of "rooted in the earth", it is like a city wall.After the Dryad uses "Take Root in the Earth", it indicates that it will completely give up its mobility, but in the face of high-speed cavalry, does it make a difference whether the bulky Dryad has the ability to move?
The dryads rooted in the earth combined with the infantry formation can cast a wall-like defense line almost instantly, enough to block the charge of heavy cavalry!
The damage caused by cavalry charges is two-way. Just like high-speed cavalry hitting a city wall, the cavalry must die. Light cavalry does not have the ability to charge. Balanced regular cavalry also depends on the enemy's lineup during the charge. , only the charge of heavy cavalry is the most invincible.But as long as it is not light cavalry, the commander often likes to arrange the group charge as the first round of attack. Why?Because the "second kill" effect attached to the group charge is the strongest, as long as it is stepped on, no matter whether it is a famous general or a soldier, it will be trampled into a pulp by countless horseshoes. No matter how high the health value is, it will not work at this time.

Charge is the strongest trump card of cavalry!This is more directly reflected in the game than in reality.

Super arms have powerful attribute panels. When both sides have auxiliary and restorative arms, it is difficult to achieve results in normal duels except for the extremely unreliable death rate.It is true that the group charge is easy to overturn in many cases, but this is the only "unique move" that can ignore the level difference between the two sides and hit the kill!
Letting Huo Qubing fly, Geng Yan's army doesn't need to gather too many cavalry units, and Calabash City can't afford so many cavalry. When necessary, Huo Qubing and Geng Yan can cooperate with each other.Since mobility was given to Huo Qubing, Geng Yan's army needs to be as comprehensive as possible, preferably comprehensive enough to handle all battle situations!

To achieve such an effect, the dryad is indispensable.

Dryad is an extreme unit with polarized advantages and disadvantages. It is the best in terms of life and defense. The speed of movement is so sad for those who see it, and tears for those who hear it. The attack is relatively mediocre. This unit is generally used in positional warfare. Or in a defensive battle, if you want to fight a mobile battle, you will be left behind.

After a long period of development, the tea hills in Hulucheng are now full of verdant greenery. The development of new tea products has never stopped, but due to the limitation of talents, there has been no significant results.

"Patriarch Cangmu, long time no see!"

The tree demon's tribe is located in Beishan. The figure of the patriarch seems to be bigger, and his strength should not be weak.However, he couldn't see the attributes of the patriarch, and he couldn't order him. He hasn't figured out the reason for this. The tree demon is also the only group in Calabash City that has the ability to reproduce.

"It hasn't been long, I remember it's been less than half a year since we last met!"

Less than half a year...

There is no way, the life of the monster clan is generally very long, and the tree demon is the overlord among them. Half a year is really nothing to them.

"Patriarch, how are the tribes doing?" Gourd City has been recruiting troops from the tree demon tribe for more than the number of soldiers, but the number is not much, only five thousand, all of which have been assigned to the defense of the cities and camps.

"Okay, good, good! The group has developed rapidly recently, and finally, there are talented and strong people in the group."


Is it...

"Patriarch, how many talented tree demons are there now?" With talent, it means that they are no longer civilians or soldiers, but elite individuals. Isn't this what Wu Yi had dreamed in his mind before!Unexpectedly, it became a reality.

For elite individuals, the attribute panel is exactly the same, with talents, specialties, and famous general attributes. The only difference is whether they are turned on or not. This is also the most essential difference from soldiers.

"Not many, there are only two. This is still cultivated according to the previous direction of adults."

"My previous method?" Wu Yi's reaction was quick, and he immediately understood what was going on.

The growth of the dryad requires the use of demon spirit crystals. He obtained a lot of cursed demon spirit crystals from the ruined dragon lair of the Red Lotus Fire Dragon King on Misty Island. By cursing the demon spirit crystals, he successfully alienated the ordinary tree demon units into Although the Cursed Dryad failed to break through the ninth rank, its basic attributes, troop characteristics, and skills have all been greatly improved, making it a comprehensive troop that favors support.

Since then, some inexplicable things have always been added to the growth of the dryad, in anticipation of being able to cultivate a super dryad that exceeds the ninth rank.

"Patriarch, can I meet those two?"

"Of course! Wait a minute!"

The canopy-like canopy of the Cangmu patriarch shook and made a "rustling" sound. After a while, a burst of heavy footsteps came from the north, and two slender tree demons "walked" over with big strides .The leaves of the two tree demons are colorful, the other is blue-purple, which is absolutely gorgeous among the unattractive tree demons!

It was so beautiful, especially the colorful tree demon, with a kind of grace, it attracted Wu Yi's eyes unconsciously.

Yue Yingcai

Race: Variation Dryad——Colorful Dryad

Racial Abilities: Rooted in the Earth—Giving up the ability to move, upper limit of life +50%, life recovery speed +300%, skill recovery speed +200%.

Life Sucking - Each attack can convert 5% of the damage into its own life. (Not valid for puppet, undead, elemental, special souls, etc.)
Attract nutrients - in the state of "rooted in the earth", you can quickly recover by devouring corpses, and there is a certain chance to trigger growth by devouring the corpses of strong people.

Identity: Resident of Calabash City, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: 0
name: none
Talent: Rainbow Rain of Seven Colors - Each attack or skill will have a special effect of "Rainbow of Seven Colors", which will be applied to the enemy, and the Rainbow Rain of Seven Colors will instantly be transformed into a "deadly magic poison", which will act on allies. Transform the moment into "dream seven-color light", the coverage and effect are proportional to "intelligence".

Deadly Magical Poison—Causes seven special effects of "hallucination", "trance", "bleeding", "weakness", "confusion", "burning" and "death" on the target.

Dream seven-color light—bless the target with seven special effects: "Blessing of Life", "Fountain of Mana", "Clear Mind", "Will to Fight", "Rainbow Light Armor", "Deadly Poison", and "Disaster Immunity".

Specialties: Poison Expert—Toxin effect +25%, self-toxin resistance +75%, has a certain chance of being able to develop high-quality poison formulas.

Level: Ninth Tier

Command: 0
Force: 10
Intelligence: 10
Politics: 0
Skill: slightly


Really genius!
The characteristics of the three races combined with the natural ability, this colorful tree demon named "Yue Yingcai" is a super nanny!

(End of this chapter)

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