The best lord of online games

Chapter 1041 Totem - World God Tree

Chapter 1041 Totem - World God Tree

Seven-color rainbow rain!

This talent is definitely the strongest status talent that Wu Yi has ever seen. There are a total of [-] positive and negative statuses. In addition to the super high basic panel of the tree demon, she can assist an army by herself!This is definitely a strategic talent, as long as the intelligence attribute is brushed up, she will be the best on the battlefield!
Such an attribute is definitely the best self-made famous general template, and it is definitely worth putting all your energy into. At least, her role, in Wu Yi's opinion, will definitely not be inferior to that of space magician Lu Xiangyun.

The colorful tree demon is really a perfect unit!If it is possible to mass-produce the units of the colorful tree demon...

With a superb product, Wu Yi looked forward to another tree demon with blue-purple leaves.

Lei Qianyue:
Race: Variation Dryad——Thunder Dryad

Racial abilities: take root in the earth, suck life, attract nutrients

Identity: Resident of Calabash City, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: 0
name: none
Talent: Mastering Thunder—Thunder-type skill effect +25%, skill consumption -25%, duration +25%, paralysis effect level +1.

Features: none

Level: Ninth Tier

Command: 0
Force: 0
Intelligence: 10
Politics: 0
Well!The gap is a bit big!

If Yue Yingcai is a battlefield-type genius, then this Lei Qianyue can only be regarded as an enhanced version of the Thunder magician, a profiteering output point, if it is more outstanding, it is not, and the talent attributes are also very simple , if you can't transform in the future, it can only be regarded as mediocrity.However, with the strong foundation of the tree demon, he must be more valuable to cultivate than ordinary human thunder magicians. After "taking root in the earth", this is an out-and-out turret!

"Patriarch, are the Colorful Dryad and Thunder Dryad able to produce now?" Wu Yi asked urgently.

Now all those serving in the Calabash City army are cursed dryads, and these two new types of dryads, one for powerful support and the other for huge profits, can perfect the combination of troops in Calabash City to the greatest extent.How to let the army burst into maximum combat effectiveness on the battlefield, this is the key to dominating the battlefield!This is the same as the sea of ​​corpses and bones of the undead. The number does make one's scalp tingle, but the number is one thing, and the combat power that can be exerted is another. No matter how many skeletons there are, they can only be lined up. The team dies!

What is most lacking on the battlefield are auxiliary arms. The conventional auxiliary arms are only Holy Light priests, Taoist soldiers, and three-line legion magicians such as wind, water, and earth.

"Not yet. Now this matter has been handed over to the two of them. It's hard to say when there will be results."

Both the Colorful Dryad and the Thunder Dryad are mutants of the Dryad, and the mutation process is obviously more difficult than cursing the Dryad. It is hard to say whether there is a fixed "recipe". up!

It is a good decision to leave it to Yue Yingcai and Lei Qianyue. Maybe it can also cultivate the specialties of the troops. After countless verifications, the specialties of the troops are praised by the players as one of the top specialties.For example, Gao Shun and Ju Yi are based purely on the mix of arms, and there are also command bonuses for exclusive arms.

"Since this is the case, if you need any resources, the patriarch can go to the Lord Kou to get them."

As there are more and more special races and special arms in Calabash City, the May Day lord's collection habit has become more and more serious. Create a super army of the monster race, and then find a way to attract the witch race to settle in. In this way, Daomen, The monster clan and the witch clan, the three branches of the same lineage are all together!
Wu Yi happily went down the tea mountain. This time it was really an unexpected harvest. Due to the restriction of the cursing demon spirit crystal, the cursed tree demon may be out of print in the future. The colorful tree demon and the thunder tree demon have become Wu Yixin's thoughts.Moreover, since the colorful dryads and thundering dryads can appear, more different mutant dryads may appear, and a group of dryads may evolve nearly ten different arms.

Of course, what Wu Yi values ​​more is those elite individuals who can be cultivated into famous generals in the ethnic group.

After the surprise of the tree demon, Wu Yi also developed a deep interest in other races of the demon race. The human race's arms have basically been finalized. If you want to pursue changes, it is easier to start with special races.But if you want an army to truly take root in the territory, the right to recruit troops is far from enough. You can only introduce an ethnic group and reproduce in the territory.

But it is too difficult to do this!

"Don't worry about this, my lord. From time to time, officials here will come to ask for warmth. However, there is still one thing missing for the tree demon group to truly grow."

"What?" Wu Yi hurriedly asked. The troop production efficiency of the tree demon group has always been his biggest headache. He has recruited five thousand cursed tree demons in half a year. There is no continuity at all. As long as the group is destroyed once, In terms of the current size of the tree demon group, see you in at least three months, how dare he send the tree demon under the iron hooves of the cavalry?

"Totem - World God Tree! This thing can greatly increase the reproduction and growth speed of our race."

There are two kinds of totems in "The Prosperous Age", one is a special type of building, and the other is a spell-casting utensil, such as the totem pole used by the priests of the alien races in the north, and it is also found in the monster and witch tribes.

"Does the patriarch have any clues about the totem of the World Sacred Tree? Where should I find it?"

"Your Excellency, don't be nervous. High Priest Tu Shanye should have blueprints in his hand. You can go and find him."

drawing!Then this totem should be a special type of building, but it is not so difficult to get something from that old fox Tu Shanye!

Since the Yaozu tribe in Longxiang Mountain moved away, the relationship between Wu Yi and them has gradually faded. After all, there is no possibility of annexing the entire tribe, and he has a lot of things. Tribal Raiders.Tu Shanye, this is definitely the most difficult NPC that Wu Yi has ever seen, none of them, a dignified legendary master, who can care about trivial matters for a long time, to deal with him, you have to become the aunt of the vegetable market, otherwise, then The tricks of the old fox can definitely make you vomit blood!

The current Yaozu is so low-key and terrifying, it's almost as if they are invisible, they don't make troubles, they don't make troubles, and all their needs are earned from the chosen ones, just like a "three good people".But low-key does not mean weak chicken, a monster tribe has at least one or two legendary strong, not to mention the holy rank, how many monster tribes are there in the world?No one knows this, but it is definitely not less. This combination will definitely not be weaker than the power of a branch of the Temple of Elements. Once it explodes, it will definitely be enough to shock the world.

"I hope that old fox won't be too difficult this time!"

 The third update, it's past 0 o'clock, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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