The best lord of online games

Chapter 1044 Zhang Jiao sells the city?

Chapter 1044 Zhang Jiao sells the city?

"My lord, this subordinate is deeply aware of his own weakness, and he is unable to help you any more right now. Please allow this subordinate to go to the underworld to find a way to become stronger!"

"Underworld?" Just as Wu Yi was thinking about how to arrange Ning Tianhao, he was a little surprised to hear Ning Tianhao's request.

To be honest, the value of Ning Tianhao, who died once, to Calabash City is quite limited. If he only relied on the Goddess of Wisdom statue, it would take three months to bring Ning Tianhao's intelligence back to [-].Right now, there are a lot of people in Calabash City who need to strengthen their intelligence attributes. Giving up all the three-month quota to a pure fighter who has been cut off in potential and is likely to stop at the holy rank, the price/performance ratio is too low. If he is a counselor, he can still consider it.


"Have you considered it?" The curse priest is indeed a unique profession belonging to the gods of the underworld, and it may be a good choice to go to the underworld.

"Think about it, the underworld is the only choice for subordinates right now!"

"Alright then! In the underworld, we have cooperated with the four great lords. You were indeed a good choice in the past."

The loss of attributes is a trivial matter, the real trouble is the problem of potential, lack of potential means that normal growth will stop.Ning Tianhao's original potential was not very good. When he settled in Calabash City, his intelligence was ninety, holy rank. It has been a long time, and he participated in many wars, but during this period, he did not appear even grow once.

Perhaps, switching to a special race can help, whether it is bone dragon, skeleton, white soul or vampire, in Wu Yi's view, they are all very suitable for the profession of curse priest, not to mention that there are four major demigods over there, which can make this Ning Tianhao became the basis for their further cooperation!It's just that the human race wants to turn the bone dragon, which is not very reliable, and the other three still have some hope.

The more Wu Yi thought about it, the more he felt that this was a good way. He was already developing the undead army, and there was a serious shortage of generals and elites in the undead department. Isn't this the best opportunity!
"I will take you to Tianzun Temple to break the seal first, and then I will take you to the underworld to meet the great lord of Longling." He has only seen Longling among the four great lords of the underworld, and the cooperation between the two parties is also based on Longling. Talking about the relationship, there must be no way around Longling.

"Thank you for being perfect!"

Washing the level seal with the power of faith, the old man Mingying seemed a little unhappy about such extra expenses. It took about an hour to wash the seal. Taking this opportunity, Wu Yi also inquired about Xu Negative's situation. There is also a grade seal on his body, it would be best if he could wash it off with the power of faith, a genius fortune teller of the holy rank, the effect is beautiful even if you think about it.

It's a pity that Xu negative's situation is completely different from Ning Tianhao's. She is a sequela of using skills, and she can only rely on herself to break the seal.

During the boring waiting, Wu Yi waited for a person who surprised him, Xiao He!

"Mr. Xiao, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. Is Brother Cao doing well in the west?" Wu Yi still doesn't know Cao Cao's current situation at this time, and the studio has already reported the information, but as long as it is not urgent Nothing will be passed on to him immediately.

"It's not going well. I'm here because I want to exchange some supplies with the Lord Marquis." Having dealt with Wu Yi several times, Xiao He understood the character of the other party very well, so he didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

Taking an unremarkable wooden box handed over by Xiao He, he opened it with a glance: "Meng De's new book?"

Meng De's new book (special) - command bonus effect +20%, army morale +20%, resistance to enemy strategist skills directly acting on our army +10%, army morale decay speed -10% when defeated.

Before that, there were only two people in Calabash City who had military books, and one was Huo Qubing's "Nine Saints Military Book", which was his reward for winning a military battle at the Military Theological Academy.The other is Geng Yan's "Suppression of Rebellion and War", which was handed down by the ancestors of the Geng family.

The attributes of "The Book of Fighting the Rebellion" are not as good as the "Book of the Nine Saints of War", and the attributes of Cao Cao's "New Book of Meng De" are stronger than the "Book of the Nine Saints of War". This is definitely one of the essential equipment for a commander ah.

Wu Yi, who is currently assisting Song Yingxing in editing "Heavenly Creation of Things", was not surprised that Cao Cao produced "Meng De's New Book". Got it.

"What supplies does Mr. Xiao need?" Wu Yi silently put "Meng De's New Book" back into the wooden box. It was indeed a good thing, and it was enough to tempt him, but he didn't know how big Cao Cao's appetite was.

It's not that Wu Yi didn't think about detaining people's books. Compared with "Meng De's New Book", he is more attracted to Xiao He!But this method is too despicable. Not only will it seriously affect the prestige of himself and the territory, but it is impossible for Xiao He to surrender. In the end, he can get at most one "New Book of Meng De", which is not worth the loss.

"Enough food and grass to support 20 people for three months, plus a batch of supplies that can upgrade a town to a city!"

With such an offer, Cao Cao had already planned that if he could not win a city in the short term, he would choose a large town with a good location as a temporary foundation.

"Mr. Xiao, I really like this art of war, but the price..." It's like a lion!The grain and grass that can support 20 people for three months is enough to pile up several mountains. Right now, the empire is searching for grain and grass everywhere, and the price of grain and grass keeps rising. If it was before the war broke out, Wu Yi would agree to this price without saying a word , now... huh!
But what happened to Boss Cao?He searched a lot in Treasure Moon City, and it was unimaginable that there would be such a big shortage of supplies so quickly.

"My lord, my lord is just out of luck right now. Zhang Jiao in the west has agreed to sell half of Mingfeng City to my lord. As long as my lord rises, he will definitely be your strongest ally!"

"What? Selling the city?" Wu Yi was a little dumbfounded. What kind of plane is Zhang Jiao doing? Selling the city?When did the Yellow Turban become so embarrassing that it could be sold?
"Yes, our army is currently stationed in Mingfeng City together with General Wang Mang, but the shortage of supplies is too large, so we can only ask for assistance from adults."

Zhang Jiao is very interesting. Before Wang Mang and him jointly resisted the Mengjia army, they directly gave the main city of Mingfeng to Wang Mang, and the remaining corner areas in Zhang Jiao's eyes were sold to Cao Cao.Of course, the belief under the rule of these two people can only be the way of peace.

"Let's do this! Brother Cao's ability is unquestionable, but now Calabash City is also fighting everywhere, and the consumption of supplies is like running water. I really can't afford that much at the moment. The food and grass for 20 people a month, plus the needs for building the city Supplies, that's all."

Cao Cao's luck was bad, that's right, only Boss Cao could see the heroes of the Three Kingdoms period.Of course, it was not because of this that he offered to help, but because "Meng De's New Book" was worth the price, and with this military book, Wei Qing's strength could be further improved.Even if you invest in Boss Cao along the way.

"Thank you, sir!" Xiao He was overjoyed, it was beyond his expectation to get so much.

"I will transport the supplies to the west as soon as possible. If you really can't get rid of the pot, go to Zhang Jiao. I will guarantee it and go back to supply him."

"My lord's kindness is deeply appreciated by our army. Calabash City will be our eternal ally." Xiao He stood up and thanked him again.

Wu Yi smiled and didn't speak. Boss Cao might remember his affection, but it's hard to say for an eternal ally.However, even if Cao Cao's relatives and generals can't dig out the favor of Cao Jun, Xiao He, Shuangshenshuang generals, and Xi Zhicai can still be thought about.If Boss Cao's bad luck continues like this, then something will happen.

(End of this chapter)

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