The best lord of online games

Chapter 1045 The Ambition of the Great Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 1045 The Ambition of the Great Lord of the Underworld
In the corpse refining cave under the view of Tianzun
"Monastery, are you sure?"

In a coffin in front of Wu Yi lay a male corpse in tattered cloth. This was the legend of the unlucky Huns!The elite tree demon can grow by devouring powerful corpses. This is the first legendary corpse he got. Wu Yi also considered it, but finally decided to use it for refining corpses. After all, this is very likely to create a powerful corpse. fighting power.

Legendary corpses are hard to come by, and after this time, I don't know if it is possible to get a second one.

"Just kidding, even if the old Taoist is in the holy mountain, it is still a prestigious existence. Don't use your lack of imagination to speculate on the ability of the poor Taoist!" , his eyes were a little bright, even for a person of his level, legendary corpses were still a rarity.

"Then... I will leave everything to the Lord!"

"Go, go, leave everything here to me!"

Is it really okay?

However, in the entire Gourd City, only Mingying has the ability to move this legendary corpse.

Back in the center of the Corpse Refining Cave, Ning Zaihao was already waiting in front of the "Gate of the Underworld". The current "Gate of the Underworld" is different from the original one. Although Zixu is strong, he is still not a demigod after all, but the gate of the underworld god in front of him gathers the power of the four major demigods!
This gate of the underworld is enough to support the powerhouses of the holy order to travel between the underworld and the main world.

"My lord, I am ready."

"Then let's go!"

This time Wu Yi did not pull Concubine Xuerong, the battlefield is a paradise for the undead race, and it is also the best place to grow. As the little secretary of the Great Lord of Longling, Concubine Xuerong's potential is beyond doubt, since If there is potential, then naturally it cannot be wasted.

The scene in front of him changed, and Wu Yi and Ning Tianhao appeared in an empty hall. This was the second time the gate of the underworld was established, and it was his first time to return to the underworld.

"Huh? Didn't the caravan from Calabash City leave yesterday? Why is it here again?" At this time, a translucent white soul that looked like a boy floated in front of the two of them, and continued to stare at the place in the underworld with "囧囧" eyes. Door.

After all, it is smuggling. It is impossible for the underworld to allow the caravans of Gourd City to buy special products in the underworld. The goods are prepared in advance by the people of the underworld. Every time, the caravans of Gourd City will directly bring the goods to exchange OK.This branch hall of the Hall of Thousand Souls has been used as a warehouse. The caravan from Calabash City just left yesterday, so naturally there won't be any goods here.

"No! We are not members of the caravan. I am Wu Yi, the lord of Calabash City. Please meet the Great Lord Shadow!"

The current Calabash City is nominally cooperating with the four great lords of the underworld, but the only one he has ever met is the great lord Longling. Since this is the Dark Soul City, it is normal to meet the great lord of shadow up.

"May Day? Lord of May Day in Calabash City? Is it true?" The white soul's movements were exaggerated and funny, and his expression and movements were like a bad comedian.

"This can still be false!"

"Please wait a moment, I will report here!"

The white soul family in the underworld is the closest to the "ghosts" of the Taoist system. However, when this white soul floated out of the hall, it was bounced back at a faster speed. At the same time, a group of pale "ghosts" Flames" floated in.

"No need, you stay here honestly, Lord Wuyi, please, the Great Lord is already waiting in the main hall."

Wu Yi nodded, but his eyes kept on the "flame", and Ning Tianhao did the same. The white soul race is very strange, the weaker it is, the more human-like it is, the more it looks like a ghost. Conversely, the stronger the strength, the weirder it is.

A fist-sized, continuously twisting pale flame, coupled with the unique gloomy environment of the underworld, will definitely scare many little sisters to tears.

In the main hall of Wanhun Temple, the decorations on the four walls and the dome are extremely luxurious, but there are no decorations inside the hall, not even the most basic tables and chairs.
"Lord Wuyi, welcome to my Hall of Thousand Souls!"

"The Great Lord of the Shadow?" Wu Yi looked around. The voice seemed to come from all directions, and he could not even catch the source of the sound. As for the Great Lord of the Shadow, he didn't even see the shadow.

"It's me, I'm sorry, there is nothing in my Hall of Souls that can entertain the human race."

At this time, there was a white mark constantly twisting in front of Wu Yi. Is this the main body of Lord Shadow?It is indeed known as the race with the most hidden talent after the battle of the gods.

"The great lord is being polite. This time, I have a hasty visit to ask for something."

"What's the matter?"

"I want my subordinate to gain more power in the underworld, and I hope the great lord can help." After seeing the strange ability of the white soul, Wu Yi became more and more interested in this race.

"Holy rank! Curse the priest! It's a pity that my potential has been exhausted, and the road ahead is cut off." The Great Lord of the Shadow clearly pointed out Ning Tianhao's plight at this time. Every word made Ning Tianhao feel like falling into an abyss. Could it be that even the demigods are helpless?

"I can help you, but in exchange, I hope you can promise me one thing." The last words of Lord Shadow Shadow made Wu Yi and Ning Tianhao feel as if they had seen the sun in their hearts, as long as there is a chance.

"Speak, my lord."

"I hope Lord Wuyi can stop the Underworld Temple in the main world!"

Block the Temple of the Underworld! ?

Wu Yi was shocked, what does this great lord want to do?Or what do these great lords of the underworld want to do?However, the current Calabash City is not at the same level as the Temple of the Underworld. Blocking the Temple of the Underworld is completely courting death!At this time, the Taoist sect will definitely not break out a jihad between him and the Temple of the Underworld.

"Lord, I really want to promise you, but I don't have the strength, at least not now!" Wu Yi was annoyed in his heart. He didn't dare to respond indiscriminately on such a big matter. The other party is a demigod. If he can't finish it, Revenge afterwards is definitely not something he can bear.

It seems that the way for the White Soul Clan is dead, and we can only see if we can make a decision in the Vampire Clan. Apart from the White Soul, his favorite is the vampire, and the remaining bone dragons and skeletons are not considered.

"Sorry, I didn't make it clear. We, the undead in the underworld, have heard about the news of the main world. I'm not asking the lord to go to war with the Temple of the Underworld now, as long as the Lord can disturb the Temple of the Underworld within his ability. Of course, if the lord can kill the masters of the Temple of the Underworld, he can also take the heads of these people to me to receive additional rewards."

——System: The Shadow Lord of the Dark Soul City of the Underworld issues a mission to you "Stop the Temple of the Underworld" to harass the layout of the Temple of the Underworld. If you kill the masters of the Temple of the Underworld, you will be able to get additional rewards. The stronger the strength, the higher the reward you get.

this task...

It seems that the ambitions of these great lords of the Underworld Temple are getting bigger and bigger!As long as the Temple of the Underworld is blocked in the main world, the monitoring of the underworld will naturally be reduced accordingly. Are they going to revolt?

However, for Calabash City, this is indeed a matter of great benefit and no harm. He and the Temple of the Underworld are not in the same mind, and the smuggling incident has created a gap between the two sides. Sooner or later, the two sides will have a battle.

"Okay! I will do my best in this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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