The best lord of online games

Chapter 1047 The First Show of the Space-Time Purgatory Magic Light

Chapter 1047 The First Show of the Space-Time Purgatory Magic Light
"Ma Dan, kill that fat man for me!"

At this moment, Fuxi was filled with grief and indignation. The first game of the player conference had already been blown out, and countless spectators focused their attention on this place.It can be said that every confrontation in this battle will attract countless media attention. Obviously, the current battle situation is too ugly for the Hetu Guild.

But who could have imagined that Fatty Jin would be so bold as to drag the newly obtained giant spirit army to the north, wouldn't he be afraid that all these mythical units would be buried here?

The strength of the current player is enough to fight against the ninth-tier troops. As long as there is no blessing from the top commander, the player army will still have an advantage. However, it is still too weak to face the legendary soldiers, especially the perfect soldiers like the giant spirit.

Two thousand giant spirits are not too much, but they are enough to be one of the trump cards in the bottom of the box. Naturally, such treasures must be carefully protected. The movement speed of giant spirits is indeed not fast, but this giant spirit is tall and has long legs. , as long as you run, it is definitely not something you can catch up with at ordinary speed, otherwise how can you get in the way of Hetu, and the giant spirit has a superb range of spells.

It is true that legendary units are not invincible on the battlefield, but legendary long-range units are definitely not dangerous in a player-centered battlefield!
At this moment, Brother Jin was very proud of himself. What kind of player conference, except for the unlucky Fengyun Tianxia, ​​who would put all their strength into it?In this kind of battle, as long as his giant spirit stays behind, there will be no danger at all, plus Lu Wenlong of a holy rank, it is safe enough!
This is also the only core force that competes in the Central Plains north. Recently, he finally negotiated the conditions for the replacement of the territory with King Dongping. Right now, the army is doing its best to help King Dongping expand the land in the south.Why do you want to replace?Come on, Jiuding City has long been "surrounded" by King Dongping's territory, and there is no bordering area for him to expand.The enclave that is too far away is too much investment, it is better to replace it with Dongping King with land.

Speaking of this, Brother Jin is extremely envious of annexing May Day in Xiaguang City, which is equivalent to directly turning Laowo into a real third-class city.You must know that the player's territory does not have an affiliated city, even if it is promoted to the city level, there are very few lands that it really controls.

At this time, Fuxi didn't care about losing face or not, and immediately waved his army to retreat. No matter how strong the giant spirit was, how could it be possible to play a mobile battle with Li Guang's flying cavalry army? In front of me, it's a little unrealistic.

The number of Hetu's vanguard troops is not large, less than [-]. After being baptized by the thunder waved down by the giant spirit, they suffered heavy losses. The auxiliary priests, ascetics, water magicians and other players could not be in the first place. Pull up the blood line of teammates.In addition, Li Guang mobilized the power of the army to protect the main force, and the communication speed of some players was blocked, and the scene was chaotic. Not many people received the order to retreat.

This aggrieved battle made Fuxi want to vomit blood!If he hadn't been afraid of Li Guang being bullied, he would have let Li Guang, the holy rank, rush forward!
"Reinforcement?" Fuxi, who was retreating all the way, happened to bump into the reinforcement army led by Wu Jiutian.

Li Guang's five thousand flying cavalry is still there. As long as the reinforcements can hold the enemy in front for a while, this flying cavalry led by Li Guang is enough to cut in from the side and push to the front of the giant spirit.Even if the giant spirit is not afraid of melee combat, its output will definitely be limited after being melee.

Great opportunity to get back your face!How could I miss it!
The two armies did not meet, Fuxi and Li Guang led the army towards the south after notifying Wu Jiutian.

"This guy must be sick!" Wu Jiutian was dumbfounded when he received the news from Fuxi, "Let's block the gunhole of the giant spirit. He just went out and put his brain at home."

The fact that players are not affected by morale does not mean that they have no morale. They know they are being cannon fodder, but they can still rush to die?Unless there is compensation!But who will pay for it?The group of people she brought together were all put together, and they were definitely a typical example of going with the wind and waves against the wind.Evenly matched, can you fight to the death?hehe……

"It's Fatty Jin's giant spirit, hehe, it's a good target, I'll leave it to you." Zhao Xueyin smiled like a fox who stole a chicken.

"Are you sure? That's two thousand giant spirits!"

"It shouldn't be a big problem. Even if you can't kill him, it's definitely okay to bluff people." Zhao Xueyin was also a little uncertain. After all, this was just an experiment. Who knows what effect it will have.

"It's all here, tell me a little bit first, what is the secret weapon?" Wu Jiutian's hair was covered with black lines. At this moment, she felt that she was a villain.

"Intercontinental missile!"

"Get out! I don't care, if you get caught this time, you and I will take the blame together." Wu Jiutian gritted her teeth and said, she knew very well that if her 5 people go up and collapse again, then the players from the empire camp will be the ones in this battle. Really lost face.

"Small things, small things!" Zhao Xueyin didn't feel any pressure at all, and Calabash City didn't rely on such fame for a living.But during the fight, she unconsciously looked towards the south. From Kou Xun's eyes, she should be able to seize the best opportunity, right?
Wu Jiutian bit the bullet and led 5 players to move forward. Without the protection of the army, it is impossible to resist the damage of the two thousand giant spirits head-on. Therefore, in order to reduce the damage of the first wave of contact as much as possible, the army scattered widely. open. The [-] people are divided into five large armies, and each army is a war zone. The city of Meteor Star City is an endless plain, let alone an important place that can be used to defend, and even a rolling slope is rare.

The Alliance of Seven Sins and the Allied Forces in the Central Plains are advancing steadily, but the speed is not fast. They are also waiting for reinforcements from other routes. With them alone, going to Feiyu City is completely courting death.For the second batch of enemies sent to the door, there is no hesitation, just do it!
After experiencing a small victory, the player's passion has fully exploded, there is nothing to say, just do it!

With a height of 12 meters, holding two thunder swords, the bright silver giant spirit is particularly conspicuous in the player group.However, I don't know if it was because they were afraid of scaring their opponents away, these giant spirits did not attack immediately.

However, if they don't make a move, it doesn't mean that other people will wait.

At this moment, when the armies of the two sides came into contact, a huge magic eye suddenly appeared above the battlefield, just like the eyes of gods and demons peeping at the lower world in the god world. The huge eyeball makes people feel shuddering .At the same time, circles of white light on the surface of the eyeball continuously converge toward the center.

"That eye seems to be focusing light, am I wrong?"

"Why does it feel a bit like the prelude to the laser cannon launch in a sci-fi movie?"

"What the hell is this? Is the god coming down from the God Realm? Or is it a big move held back by some force?"

This giant eye appeared very suddenly, attracting the attention of many people. Voices of doubt, curiosity, and exclamation came and went on the battlefield. No one had ever seen such a strange scene. Driven by curiosity, many people stopped. Under the hand attack.However, the next moment, the white light on the eyeballs condensed to a critical point and exploded violently.Countless jet-black beams of light blasted into the position of the giant spirit army, like thunder falling from the sky, like dragons and snakes dancing.


 The BUG of the golden corpse has been revised, and a total of three revisions have been made.

  Chapter 728, the introduction of the level of the zombie system appeared for the first time. It was written a little vaguely before, but it has been revised now. The highest level of ordinary zombie arms is the ninth level, the ninth level of the copper corpse, the ninth level of the silver corpse, the ninth level of the golden corpse legend, and the golden corpse level. The corpse needs to be refined with the corpse of a legendary unit.

  In Chapter 828, the golden corpse was changed to the silver corpse, because there are not enough legendary corpses in Calabash City in this time period.

  Chapter 1032, same as above, the golden corpse is changed to the silver corpse.

  Thanks again for the reminder of the rules here.To be honest, after writing so much, the author doesn't remember some things very clearly. I didn't expect someone to remember it, and I was moved.

(End of this chapter)

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