Chapter 1048


The two thousand giant spirits gathered together were instantly swallowed by the black beam of light. However, it seemed that a figure flew out of it, and most of the people on the battlefield were stunned by the scene before them.

"What the hell is this? God's punishment?"

"This... this is too exaggerated!"

Irregular black beams of light kept falling continuously. Can the giant spirit resist such terrifying damage?
At this moment, no one is optimistic about those giant spirits who were invincible before!Almost everyone was wondering where this sudden attack came from, whether it was from player forces or aboriginal forces, whether it was out of print or could be launched multiple times.

"This... what is this?" Wu Jiutian pulled Zhao Xueyin, pointed at the Eye of Time and Space above the sky and shouted a little messily.One of them is a fire magician and the other is a war music priest, both of them are professions that can only be avoided in the rear.

"Secret weapon!" It was also the first time Zhao Xueyin had seen this trick "Space-Time Purgatory Magic Light", it was really shocking!
"I know it's a secret weapon. This thing is too high-tech. Such an exaggerated thing can appear in "The Prosperity"!" Wu Jiutian said calmly, what kind of secret weapon is this, so exaggerated!Plug it in!
"High-tech? It should be magical!" "The Prosperous Age" has a strong mythological background, and the time-space purgatory magic light is very bluffing at first glance, but it is definitely far from unacceptable.

After a full minute, the time-space purgatory magic light's attack finally ended, and the scout magic eye also slowly disappeared.

"Can't disclose? What is it, so fierce? One-off version or something?" Wu Jiutian asked excitedly. This kind of attack is not only bluffing, but also full of force. Judging from this posture, it should be no The shooting range is limited, as long as I am happy, I can shoot at your old watou at any time.

"It's not that we can't reveal it, it's just that it takes a long time for this thing to come out, and the effect..." Zhao Xueyin pointed to the big hole that was blown out in the distance. But ran away. "You saw it too."

The momentum is indeed exaggerated, but the result is really not very good!
The attack method of Time-Space Purgatory Magic Light is multi-stage. It seems that the output is very exaggerated, but each time the damage is not enough to kill the holy order. As long as the reaction of the holy order is enough, it is enough to drag the seriously injured body out of the attack range.

This time, Ze Kou Xun personally sat on the side of the Eye of Time and Space. Since he did not move the continuous attack and expand the attack range, it can be determined that once the attack of the Time-Space Purgatory Magic Light starts, it cannot move.The range of this attack is not too exaggerated. Since the attack cannot move, the effective damage it can cause is extremely limited.

Moreover, the limitations of this seemingly invincible move are also not small. The time-space purgatory magic light needs to be used in conjunction with the scout magic eye, that is to say, as long as the magic eye is broken at the moment the scout magic eye appears, the time-space purgatory magic light cannot fall down.Although it is not yet known whether the reconnaissance magic eye can resist being beaten, it should not be too difficult for a top commander who has the power of a super one hundred thousand or more army.

Now it seems that this trick is best to be taken by surprise, or simply used to attack the barrier of the city defense. The barrier of the city defense will not move, so the output can be maximized.It’s just that I don’t know how long the CD time of the time-space purgatory magic light is. The main purpose of showing this move this time is to test, test the power, and test the interval time. Anyway, it will be taken out sooner or later. It’s better to find out the details as soon as possible. It can also be more flexible in use.

I think after this time, the enemy will tremble with fright as long as they see the Scouting Eye. This is an unexpected gain. As long as the Scouting Eye is not broken, there will be no CD. A good choice.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Wu Jiutian's face: "That means it's not a one-off secret weapon?"

"Yes, I took it out this time to determine the CD time." The exact time will not be known until we return to Calabash City. Moreover, this news must be vigorously publicized to increase the deterrence of Calabash City and put invisible pressure on the enemy. .

Hmph, when you make dirty tricks, you have to think carefully first, be careful that when I'm fine, I'll throw it on my head and ask you if you're afraid!
"Thigh, please cover me, please support me remotely in the future." Wu Jiutian hugged Zhao Xueyin, making a pitiful look.Let's not talk about how much effective damage this thing can cause in one shot on the battlefield, but the blow to morale should not be underestimated.

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk, as long as you make my sister happy, you can talk about anything."


——System: Unfortunately, you were killed by the "Magic Light of Time and Space Purgatory" in Calabash City, level -1, and you were affected by the special state "Reaper's Concentration", which lasted for 15 minutes.

Before Brother Jin could react, he had already been revived in the City of Rage of the League of Seven Sins. In addition to dropping one level, his equipment exploded, and his pretentious golden tiger-striped cloak also exploded.

"Calabash City! May Day! Shit!"

At this moment, Brother Jin felt his chest tight and panicked, and he had the illusion of vomiting blood. He thought that he took two thousand giant spirits to the north with confidence this time, just to gain a wave of fame for the guild, but now... the level, equipment, None of this is a problem, the important thing is that the news of the destruction of the giant spirits in the battle information did not leave a single one for him, and the entire army of two thousand giant spirits was wiped out.

"By the way, Lu Wenlong!"

At this time, Brother Jin's heart tightened, and he quickly began to search for news of the battle. Lu Wenlong is now the number one combat force under his command. If he dies, then...

so far so good!There was no news of Lu Wenlong's death. Brother Jin, who had been searching for a long time, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Before he knew it, his back was warmed with cold sweat. This shit is really a blessing in misfortune. Then I really have the heart to cry.For a top-notch holy general, the price of one death... I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it.

"Space-time purgatory magic light? What the hell is this?"

He himself and all the giant spirits died under the magic light of this time-space purgatory. The damage was too terrifying. He really wanted to find out the secret behind this attack. Zhulu Central Plains and Calabash City are sworn enemies!If he doesn't figure out the secret behind this, he might not be able to sleep well at night, this attack method is too sudden!

This revenge must be avenged, two thousand giant spirits!This was custom-made by him in Xiaoyue City at a high price, and it was wiped out just after entering the door of pretense. Brother Jin's mood at this time can only be described in one sentence: This hatred will last forever!
(End of this chapter)

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