The best lord of online games

Chapter 1049 New Specialty - Beauty Paper

Chapter 1049 New Specialty - Beauty Paper
Just when everyone on the battlefield was trembling because of the "time-space purgatory magic light", Wu Yi returned to Gourd City from the underworld, and Ning Tianhao naturally stayed in Dark Soul City, as another Gourd City in the underworld. It means that he will stay in the underworld until his strength grows to a certain level.

The Great Lord Shadow naturally agreed to this matter, so Wu Yi didn't need to worry about it anymore. Besides, there was another gain this time, which was the right to recruit soldiers from Dark Soul City, but it was limited to one type of soldier.

Dark Demon Soul:
Race: White Soul (Undead)
Level: Nine Terraces

Attack: 330
Defense: 260
Life: 5000
Skill: 5000
Feature 1: Soul Invisibility - can freely switch between stealth and semi-stealth states, stealth level +3, combat power in the dark +10%, stealth effect +50%.

Feature 2: Fear of the Undead - Make all non-undead and puppet targets' morale -25%, combat power -5% (friendly troops cannot be exempted), and have a certain chance to make them flee.

Feature 3: Special soul body - 50% immunity to physical damage, 25% increase in spell and energy damage received, and 10% of the upper limit of life can be recovered by itself every minute.

Feature 4: Enslavement Call - Enemies killed within a radius of 300 meters have a certain chance of being enslaved and turning into skeletons to fight for them. (The level of the skeleton is three levels lower than before life, and it can randomly inherit a skill from life. If it is a light-type skill, it will become mutated.)
Skill: slightly

For Gourd City, which is vigorously developing the army of undead, the Dark Demon Soul is a very outstanding unit, especially the existence of "characteristic 4", which makes it easier for the army of undead to pile up a sea of ​​skeletons on the battlefield.The level of the skeleton is three levels lower than before. If it is summoned from a ninth-level legendary corpse, the level of the skeleton can reach the eighth level, and it can also inherit a skill, which is quite powerful. It would be miserable if it was summoned from a first-order corpse. The third-order small skeleton, one level lower than the normal state, can only be cannon fodder.

The Lord of the Shadows did not limit the upper limit of the recruitment of Calabash City. The recruitment price of a single Dark Demon Soul is about [-]% higher than the training cost of the War God Guard. However, the undead troops are far lower than the regular troops. It's a pretty cheap weapon.However, the general of the undead army is a problem. Right now, except for Concubine Xuerong, there is no one who can do it. Temporarily summoning five thousand dark demon souls is about the same. After all, this is also a short-legged flying unit, floating away.

Old Taoist Mingying is still doing "scientific research" work in the corpse refining cave. Wu Yi didn't bother him. Recently, he has a lot of things on his hands. What should he do next?Yuan Tiangang's mission?Visiting Tu Shanye?Looking for the illustrated book of the Nine Great Soldiers?

Yuan Tiangang's mission always made him feel that there was a pitfall. The tomb of the King of the East China Sea was only about a hundred miles away from the Undercurrent Town under construction. If there were any problems, it might be in vain.

"Forget it, let's go have a look."

Now that the task of the national teacher has been accepted, even if it is a bottomless pit, it must be taken. Before there is any investment in Undercurrent Town, if there is any problem, I will think of countermeasures. If it is really impossible, I will change to another place The town is ready, anyway, Anliu Town is just a strategy for him to deal with Shui Dongliu. If he really waits for Anliu Town to develop into Anliu City before problems arise, then it will be a real pitfall!
However, just when Wu Yi was about to leave, a series of system messages kept him behind.

——System: After long-term research and improvement, Pan An successfully developed a new papermaking formula "Beauty Paper Manufacturing Blueprint", rewarding intelligence +10, politics +5, and reputation increased by [-].

——System: Pan An obtained part of the experience of a master papermaker through continuous research
——System: Pan An's intelligence reached [-], he won the title of "Third-rate Scholar", and his reputation increased by [-].

——System: Pan An's prestige level has reached "Famous".

——System: Calabash City obtained a new special product "beauty paper", the reputation increased by 5, and the attractiveness to scribes +[-]%.

Pan An?New specialty?

Since the completion of Zangshu Pavilion, Wu Yi has almost never asked about Pan An. He is a pure mascot in Calabash City, with [-] intelligence and [-] politics. To be honest, these statistics are really ugly. His The role is more to use titles, talents, and specialties to buff Calabash City.

I never expected that mascots will also explode, new specialties!

Beauty paper?the name...

In Gourd City, there are quite a few products that can be called specialties, such as Gourd, Yongwu Pill, Qizhiqi, Green Plum Wine, Bailizui and even Shenwei suits, but before that, only " "Gourd", and the others are the fame gained by running the caravan all over the map later. In this case, these things have also been included in the special products column of the territory attribute panel by the system one after another.

This is the first time he has encountered something like this, which is directly listed as a special product after being developed, and can also increase the prestige and attributes of the territory at the same time.

At this moment, how can Wu Yi care about other things, he just wants to see the beauty paper for the first time, the mission of the national teacher?Take it easy.

Pan An is in charge of Cangshu Pavilion, and his daily activities usually come back between the mansion, Cangshu Pavilion, and academy, but this time, Wu Yi went straight to the factory workshop in the west city.

Sure enough, Pan An was here, and all the workers in the paper mill were excited about their achievements.

"I have seen the lord!"

"You don't need to be too polite, is this the beauty paper?" Wu Yi looked at the paper with a very faint rouge red in his hands, his eyes lit up.

Beauty Paper (Purple): Special product of Gourd City, with unique beauty lotus fragrance.It can improve the quality of writing and painting, and if it is used to compile special books, there is a great chance to obtain additional special attributes.

It's really fragrant, good stuff!

This is the first time he has seen purple quality paper. The best paper he has seen before is cyan, which is a special yellow paper for writing talismans and seals.But the beauty paper is purple, the gap in the middle can be imagined, it can directly strengthen the baby's attraction to scribes.

Purple quality paper is much rarer than purple elixir. After researching the beauty paper, Pan An has not been able to become a master papermaker, which makes Wu Yi somewhat regretful.

However, the development of beauty paper is now a serious matter, needless to say to improve the quality of calligraphy and painting. Once the beauty paper is released, it will definitely be sought after by calligraphers and painters.However, what Wu Yi values ​​more is the last attribute, which can allow special books to obtain additional special attributes, and it has a great probability!
What are special books? In Wu Yi's understanding, they are books that already have attributes, such as military books, "Heavenly Creation of Things" that Song Yingxing is currently editing, and strategies, political strategies, and pharmacopoeia that Sun Simiao will write in the future. Category.Books of this type are rare in the first place, and if they are given a special attribute, if they are lucky, they may be directly upgraded to a higher level.

Isn't this baby what is it?
(End of this chapter)

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