The best lord of online games

Chapter 1050 Subsequent Development of Cangshu Pavilion

Chapter 1050 Subsequent Development of Cangshu Pavilion

"That's right, it's the beauty paper. It's all thanks to the blessing of Goddess Luck to research this kind of paper!" Pan An proudly waved the self-made folding fan in his hand.

"Mr. Pan, if we try our best to produce, how much can the output of this beauty paper reach?" Wu Yi doesn't care whether it is the credit of Goddess Luck, what he cares about is whether the output can increase.Of course, there are few ways to sell, and many ways to sell. No matter what, this is a huge treasure.

"Beauty paper is made from the lotus leaves and flowers of the beauty lotus. Although the process is complicated, it mainly depends on the raw materials."

Beauty lotus?
Wu Yi knows that beauty lotus is a horticultural crop in Gourd City. It can not only improve the environmental index of the territory, but also increase the production of fish farming. At the same time, lotus and lotus root can also be used as food. When I was in Xiaosha Village, I bought it from a traveling merchant.After Zhu Tianshan grew up, Calabash City already had the ability to breed by itself.

Increase the production of fish farming!
Because of this attribute, the amount of beauty lotus planted on White Shark Island and Ghost Crab Island far exceeds that in Calabash City. The raw materials are not many, but they are enough to maintain the necessary output of a special product.However, continuing to expand the planting scale of the beauty lotus is the most important task right now.

"Mr. Pan An, you don't have to worry about the raw materials. You need to worry about the production of beauty paper!"

With the beauty paper, Wu Yi has another trump card in his hands. Great works such as "Heavenly Creation" and "A Thousand Golden Prescriptions" will be upgraded to a higher level. At the same time, one of Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing, Zhang Xu, Wu Daozi, and Gu Kai Such characters must have a lot of appeal, not only for these famous people who have left a strong mark in history, but also for all famous people who like to write and draw!
"This is the next task!" Even if Wu Yi doesn't ask for this task, Pan An will take it upon himself. Don't think that only players have good "names", and the same is true for aborigines.As the beauty papers spread all over the world, his name, Pan An, would also be known all over the world.

"Sir, there is one more thing!"

"What's the matter?" Wu Yi was a little curious. Pan An is a mascot, what else can he do?

"The previous plan to collect the books in the Library Pavilion has reached a bottleneck period. Now it is difficult to receive them in the market, and the lord needs to think of other ways!"

"How many books are there in Zangshuge now?"

Cangshu Pavilion, this cannot be underestimated. Its importance is no less than that of War God Palace, but the importance of the two is different.

Cangshu Pavilion: Strengthen the effect of enlightening the minds of the people in the territory, increase the attractiveness to scribes, strengthen the teaching effect of the academy, and strengthen the success rate of the research and development of new formulas in the territory.The higher the collection of books in Zangshu Pavilion, the wider the scope of the collection and the stronger the bonus effect.You can get extra attribute bonuses by depositing great books.

The attributes of Zangshu Pavilion are completely supported by the collection of books in it. Without a collection of books, there is no attribute. It can also be said that the attributes of Zangshu Pavilion have no upper limit. In addition to the four basic bonuses, more attributes can be developed.But, a masterpiece, what can be called a masterpiece?Anyway, Wu Yi has never seen it before, but "Heavenly Creation" should be enough to reach the level of a masterpiece, right?

"Four thousand eight hundred, less than five thousand!"

There are many books in the Hongyu Empire, including history, travel notes, humanities, geogovernment, poetry, story books, illustrated books... These books have no attributes, but they can be used to understand the background stories, legendary figures, and even the history of the Hongyu Empire. Some regional tasks and copies.

When players usually do some tasks, they may also get some book rewards. If it is not the library, these books will be useless after reading, after all, no attributes will be added.Books collected by Zangshuge do not look at the quality, but only at the quantity, but the repeated collection of each book does not count.It is very rare to receive nearly [-] different books in the market.

But the attribute bonus that this little book can bring to Zangshu Pavilion is quite effective.

"I see, I will pay attention to this personally."

Where the Hongyu Empire has the most books, it is undoubtedly the Royal Library of the Empire. This can also be counted as one of the foundations of the empire. It is completely impossible to get books from here.The second class is the collections of the major gods. Wu Yi should be able to get a batch of Taoist classics from Zixu. In addition, he should be able to exchange a batch of books from the nobles with the beauty paper. Whether it can break through [-] depends on how strong Wu Yi's connections are.

Zangshu Pavilion and Academy, these two are the most important development links in Hulu City at present. As long as the reputation of Academy can be established, there will be a steady stream of students coming to study or travel, and only one tenth of them can be used Talent, in the future Calabash City will not have to worry about the problem of talent.However, there is still a long way to go before Calabash Academy can reach the level of a famous imperial academy. First of all, teacher resources are a big problem.

The first batch of beauty papers only produced [-] sheets, Wu Yi took away [-] sheets, and only [-] sheets remained. Anyway, the production will continue in the future, and internal personnel will open the supply, which can be regarded as a kind of welfare.

Before Wu Yi left the paper mill, he was approached by Kou Xun's guards.

"My lord, Lord Kou, please move to the Eye of Time and Space!"

The eye of time and space?

He was so busy these two days that he didn't know anything about the north, so he naturally didn't know why Kou Xun asked him to go to the Eye of Time and Space.


The Eye of Time and Space is also a secret to the interior of Calabash City. Not many people know about it. The strangest eye of the Eye of Time and Space is hidden in the sea of ​​clouds above. get any accurate information.

"My lord, just now my subordinate cooperated with Madam to test the effect of the time-space purgatory magic light!" Kou Xun and his two guards were the only ones in front of the demon above the sea of ​​clouds. The demon eyes moved left and right from time to time, as if monitoring the whole world.

"Oh? What's the result?" Wu Yi has long wanted to try this trick, but he has not found a suitable opportunity. Before, he wanted to use it on Helian Bobo, but he was afraid that the magic eye of reconnaissance would be directly broken by the power of the army.

"The deterrent effect is pretty good."

"Deterrent effect?"

"It is difficult to behead powerful masters. It is suitable for attacking fixed targets. It can also be used to destroy the enemy's core army by surprise, but the probability of success cannot be guaranteed."

After listening to Kou Xun's explanation, Wu Yi basically understood. After all, he understood the shortcomings of the time-space purgatory magic light, that is, the preparation time before launching. It is very useful before the enemy has figured out the details, but after getting familiar with it , it will be difficult to work.

Wu Yi opened the properties of the Eye of Time and Space to check, and a countdown appeared behind the magic light of Time and Space Purgatory, 119 hours, 53 minutes and 22 seconds.

Calculate the time, it should be five days!
Up to six rounds can come in a month!This shit is more deterrent than practical!

Wu Yi opened the reconnaissance magic eye again, intending to take a look at the location where the time-space purgatory magic light bombarded before.

(End of this chapter)

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