Chapter 1051
Northeast of Feiyu City, the first battleground of the Players' Conference.

After the bombardment of the time-space purgatory magic light, the players on both sides were dumbfounded, and because of this, there were countless distractions, and it was not uncommon for them to be hacked to death due to distraction.

"What happened to you?" Fuxi walked a little far away, but he also saw the black beam of light pouring out from the sky for a full minute. He was a little unclear, so he tried to ask Wu through private chat. nine days.

"Good thing, follow the original plan, hurry up, don't go around!"

The time-space purgatory magic light just wiped out two thousand giant spirits, but the deterrence is still there, and now is the best time to attack.After Wu Jiutian notified Fuxi, he also hurriedly asked those United Front Regiment Leaders under his command to work, why are you so dumb, come on!A big battle with nearly [-] people has been fought until now, and there are many who are looking at the sky, and there are also a lot of people who are looking at the big hole, and not many are really fighting hard.

What are you doing, be serious!


Under the greetings of the United Front Workers of both sides, the two sides fought again in full swing. Without the suppression of the giant spirit army, the reaction of the players to the battle was more interesting. At least there was no one-sided massacre, and the two sides fought very stalemate.It is also an army, but the player's battle does not have the sense of unity of the aboriginal army.

It is difficult for the players in the brigade to command the aboriginal soldiers like a famous general. It is good that the communication system is not blocked. Once blocked, the players can only use the oldest command method.But obviously, players are completely different from aboriginal soldiers. Therefore, the simplest tactics are used in large-scale player battles.

MT withstands, the output keeps up, assists the state, adds blood, high-attack and high-speed occupations such as assassins and swordsmen, look for opportunities to cut in from the side, and attack the opponent's back row output.

The player's occupation is far more abundant than the arms. There are nearly ten types of light-time shield occupations, which have advantages and disadvantages.The advantage is that the diversification of occupations can complement each other in the battle, making the overall combat effectiveness stronger, which is the same as the lord's pursuit of diversification in arms.But the disadvantage is that the player's occupation is too diverse, which will weaken the integrity in a large-scale war. Can tower shield warriors and shield spear warriors be the same?

The inconsistency of skills and the slight difference in effect will cause a lot of flaws in the formation.

Jin Ge and his giant spirit army were destroyed, but Lu Wenlong was still there!Lu Wenlong is invincible without the strength of an army and opponents of the same level to deal with!Coupled with the support of a large number of players, Lu Wenlong of the holy rank is too scary.

The sound of horseshoes is approaching, and Li Guang's flying cavalry army is coming. Like the previous giant spirit army, the flying cavalry army led by Li Guang is also not something that current players can resist.Originally, Fuxi planned to play with some technical content, but was told that Fatty Jin and his army of giant spirits had been wiped out, so it was a bit embarrassing to play!

At this moment, a huge magic eye appeared above the battlefield again, causing an uproar from below.

"Fuck! Are you still here?"

"What the hell is this? No CD!"


The previous space-time purgatory magic light gave everyone a deep impression, and this kind of attack seemed to be obliterating and irresistible in their hearts.

Originally, it would not have collapsed directly, but Lu Wenlong ran away directly, which immediately collapsed the coalition forces with their own ulterior motives.It's nothing to lose one level after being killed in battle, as long as you can play passionately, it's fine.But Lu Wenlong ran away, who is going to stop Li Guang?Not to mention the weird magic eye above that may strike again at any time, Li Guang alone is a big trouble, so he should withdraw first.

Once the hearts of the people are scattered, no one wants to be cannon fodder, and the speed of collapse is much faster than that of the aboriginal army!Some want to fight, but many more want to run.

The escape speed of the players is far from that of the aborigines. Everyone has mounts, and those who can fly fly away. Those who have the opportunity to summon the mounts also run fast, leaving only some unlucky guys.

The first battle of the hotly copied first player conference ended in this somewhat dramatic scene, and the imperial camp won a small victory!
Although this battle was somewhat anticlimactic, there were many things to watch, especially the strange magic eye hanging in the sky, which was the target of all the media's inquiries.Soon, they all received a notification from Zhao Xueyin that the magic eye came from Calabash City!


Wu Yi, who clearly saw this battle from the Eye of Time and Space in Calabash City, was in a good mood. He was not happy for the small victory of the players from the Empire camp, but because of the effect of the Magic Eye of Time and Space!

The time-space purgatory magic light can only be used as a deterrent force, the real killer of the time-space eye should be the "reconnaissance magic eye", with the vision ability like a spy satellite, it is simply an artifact of voyeurism!However, the risk of using it to spy on the battlefield is not small. Once the Scout Magic Eye is broken, it will have a CD of 24 hours.

Of all the functions of the Eye of Time and Space, only the strength of the Scouting Eye has not yet been tested. You must find a chance to try it out, and you can't just use it because of the risk.Only after confirming the strength of the scouting magic eye, can it be guaranteed not to make mistakes at critical moments.It is true that the Scouting Eye can be destroyed, and all the functions of the Eye of Time and Space can only be used based on the "Scouting Eye", but how much damage is needed to break it?
Only when this is confirmed, can all the functions of the Eye of Time and Space be used more flexibly.

However, in the recent period, all the enemies of Calabash City will probably feel restless under the threat of the magic eye!

"My lord, there is one thing I haven't been able to report to you in a hurry recently."

"What's the matter?" Wu Yi hadn't asked about the government affairs of Calabash City for a long time. What he did was all important matters in his eyes, or things that had to be handled by him, the lord. All other issues were entrusted to the major city lords.

"Shi Achuan, who was in charge of the intelligence network before, returned a letter with a letter of introduction."

"Letter of introduction? What did he say?" Shi A was in Dongping City, and if it wasn't an important matter, he wouldn't send news to Calabash City in this way.Originally, he thought that Dongping City had made some big moves, but a letter of introduction was attached, which made him completely confused.

"This is a letter, my lord, please read it!" Kou Xun took out two letters, one was Shi A's own handwriting, and the other was a so-called letter of introduction.

On the envelope of the letter of introduction, there is a place name: Dengtianya.

Does Hongyu Empire have such a place?Is it a special secret realm?
Wu Yi read Shi A's letter carefully, and after reading it, his face was full of joy.

Hermit, Fei Wei!
It was Fei Wei!That sharpshooter known as "Shooting Without Shooting", Ji Chang's master!
Wu Yi was overjoyed at the moment, this Shi A really gave him a big gift!With this letter of introduction, he can go to Dengtian Cliff to learn archery from Fei Wei. Before that, he thought that Ma Zhong's archery level was a little insufficient. Isn't this the best opportunity to strengthen Ma Zhong!

(End of this chapter)

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