Chapter 1052

Dengtianya, located on the west sea, on the fox cliff of an unnamed island, is indeed a secret place.In addition to the letter of introduction, you also need to pass the test before you can enter Dengtianya and learn archery from Feiwei.Cross out Hou Yi, Fei Wei can be regarded as one of the strongest sharpshooters in history, a hermit, he should be like several in Wu Zun's space.

However, there is a problem. Once Ma Zhong left, the air force of Calabash City entered a vacuum again. After all, legion magicians and Taoist soldiers could not replace the status of the real air force.At this point, Calabash City has always had a huge disadvantage.The territory's air force must be expanded. If it weren't for the undead's nasty characteristics, it would not be so troublesome if it doesn't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

To research new arms by themselves, I have no idea, obviously unrealistic, if you want to be fast, you can only start with special races.

As soon as Ma Zhong left, the legion could only be joined by deputy general Sun Chuanting for the time being. Fortunately, the Dragon Slaying Legion had reached level six, after all, it was one of the earliest legions in Calabash City.

"I don't know where Shi A got this letter of introduction."

The opportunity to learn from Fei Wei is definitely no less valuable than a letter of recommendation from the Military Theological Academy!


As night fell, the Lost Mountains in the northwestern border were dark, and the demon army intermittently attacked Yingzheng's Great Wall defense line, leaving a large number of corpses outside the unfinished Great Wall almost every three to five days.If you only read the battle report, everyone would think that the war here is no worse than that in the north. Only those on the northwest front line know that it is not the case at all!

The seal of the cross-boundary space gate of the Demon Realm has not been resolved. Even if two demigods tried their best to wear down the seal, they were extremely slow, or made no progress.

Most of the cross-boundary space gates that have been sealed away, let alone demigods, can't even pass through the legends, and the highest can only pass through the holy ranks.Take the Hongyu Empire as an example, even when Emperor Wu was in power, how many saint-level powerhouses did the Hongyu Empire control?Up to seven or eight hundred!Most of them are the guards of the members of the royal family, the guards of the imperial tomb, the guards of the imperial city, etc. Those who can really be sent out, I am afraid that they will be able to reach the top of the sky.

One or two hundred holy ranks, as long as there is no problem with IQ, it is no problem to destroy an army of 20 or [-], but in the war between the two worlds, it is not enough to fill the hole!
The previous defeat did not make Moyu give up the idea of ​​​​invading, and it still used the half-disabled cross-border space gate to continuously transport the army and accumulate strength.Those who were sent down the Great Wall to die were nothing more than cannon fodder, and these cannon fodder were not much more valuable than skeletons in terms of controlling the Demon Realm.

However, in this Lost Mountain Range, apart from Yingzheng and Moyu, there are also unknown third-party forces!

"Foreign races are coming south, the world is in chaos!" A mummy wearing a torn general's armor looked to the north in the ancient battlefield of the Lost Mountains, surrounded by tens of thousands of mummy soldiers and a bright yellow tiger flag.

King Tiger Army!
Tiger King Army of Master Yue Yuzhe!However, now it can only be said to be the remnants of the Tiger King Army. This remnant army is a rootless duckweed. Fortunately, the mummy army does not need food and grass, otherwise it would have starved to death, but even if it does not die, it is just lingering.

"It's not the time, it's really not the time! If my king was not disturbed by those stinky people and forced to resurrect early, but was resurrected at this moment, hegemony would be possible!"

Tian Mingjing, he is one of Shi Yuzhe's four major lieutenants, and the only remaining general of the Tiger King Army. He is the only spark of the Tiger King Army, a soldier?Mummy soldiers have no thinking at all.

The last batch of magicians in the King Tiger's army also sacrificed their lives when they opened the cross-border space gate of the Demon Realm.

"Your Majesty, what should the last general do?" Tian Mingjing growled in grief and indignation. The Tiger King Army was defeated. The Tiger King Army who was forced to be resurrected in advance is far from reaching its peak. Otherwise, how could it be so unbearable? It was wiped out without seriousness.The transformation of the Tiger King Army is a higher-end method than the existing corpse refining methods of the Taoist sect.What can the rest of his remnants do now?He is a general, not a strategist. If he is asked to plan the world, it will be really embarrassing for him.

With less than [-] soldiers, with this amount of troops, as long as they walk out of the Lost Mountain Range, the entire army will be wiped out within a day!
However, Tian Mingjing was not reconciled!The shocking situation arranged by Shi Yuzhe was destroyed just after the tip of the iceberg was lifted. This made Tian Mingjing, who was absolutely loyal to Shi Yuzhe, completely unacceptable. This is why he still spared no effort after Shi Yuzhe's defeat. He attracted the army of Demon Realm, and he did it for revenge!
But the Demon Realm is too useless, almost completely blocked the way back, but, although there are some discrepancies, the troubled times that Shi Yuzhe was looking forward to have finally arrived, but Shi Yuzhe can no longer see, Tiger King Army There are only a few remnants left.

"No! The Tiger King Army must not disappear in my hands. I want the Tiger King Army to see the world again!" Looking at the Tiger King Army's flag, Tian Mingjing vowed secretly.He is Shi Yuzhe's lieutenant general. After Shi Yuzhe and the other lieutenants are all killed, he will naturally inherit the legion, but the rank of the legion will drop by two levels.

At the beginning, Shi Yuzhe had prepared a lot of backers in order to achieve supremacy in later generations. The mausoleum was only one of them, and it was also the core, and the others had not had a chance to be opened yet.But to open these treasures, one must have the strength to gain a foothold in the Hongyu Empire, and the current King Tiger Army is definitely impossible.

Tian Mingjing, who was trapped in the Lost Mountains, now has only two choices, one, surrender to the Demon Realm!Second, surrender to win the government!

The Tiger King Army was no longer human from the moment they fell asleep in the tomb, and Tian Mingjing was afraid that he would be wiped out if he couldn't reach the Great Wall. He didn't dare to take the risk. Therefore, surrendering to the Demon Realm was his only choice right now. !

The problem of Moyu's cross-boundary space gate has not been resolved for such a long time, which also indicates that this problem cannot be handled by two demigods at all. There is a sea of ​​soldiers.The creatures in the Demon Realm are not undead, they also need logistics. When they can't get more support from the rear, they can only find ways to rely on the existing strength and be self-sufficient on the land of Hongyu Empire!
Under such circumstances, the value of the Tiger King Army to the Demon Realm is irreplaceable. To be sure, it should be the treasure held by the Tiger King Army!

The demon army can't farm on the land of Hongyu Empire, can it?When plundering cannot meet the needs of the army, opening a treasure is undoubtedly the fastest and most effective way.


PS: Sorry in advance, I was sick yesterday and forgot to send a notification.The author seldom mentions subscriptions. The number of subscriptions has dropped offline in the past week. In recent days, he has not even kept [-] subscriptions per day. This number of subscriptions is about the same as when it was first launched, when the number of favorites was less than [-]. But now that the collection is [-], it has dropped to this number again, which is quite shocking.It just so happens that the nose has been running a lot for the past two days, and it has been slow for two days. Sorry for not updating yesterday, it is really uncomfortable.

Tomorrow is the winter solstice, I wish you all a happy winter solstice.

(End of this chapter)

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