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Chapter 1053 Chen Tang's Choice

Chapter 1053 Chen Tang's Choice

In the middle of the night, the fire was flickering in the camp area. In the commander's tent, the generals and military advisers were sitting together. Chen Tang was sitting on the main seat, a little lost in thought. The scene was silent, and no one spoke for nearly a quarter of an hour.

The current Chen Tang is the third commander of Xuerong City after Bai Qi and Han Xin. Although his military strength is far from comparable to the previous two, his reputation has already been spread all over the world, and he is recognized as a famous general!
"General, we are all listening to you, you say it! Everyone will follow you!" The burly general sitting second on Chen Tang's right finally couldn't help but said.Chen Tang was able to govern the army well, coupled with his outstanding ability, so the generals he commanded were very convinced of him.To be honest, unless these generals have outstanding abilities, they are nothing in Xuerong City. Only by clinging to the commander's thigh tightly can they have a bright future.

"Yes, General! We all listen to you!"

With No.1 speaking, the rest of the generals spoke one after another, and all of them chose to support Chen Tang.

Chen Tang, who was sitting on the handsome seat, looked at the group of military advisors on the left. The ideas of the advisors were much more complicated than those of the generals. Now that the showdown was over, no matter what the final result was, Chen Tang would not change. He will naturally treat those who continue to follow him generously, and he will not directly show his butcher knife to those who oppose him, but he must definitely control them.

"The commander-in-chief wants to turn back to the empire?" The military adviser on the left looked at Chen Tang, his eyes were dull, and he couldn't see any real thoughts in his heart.

These counselors are not in the same system as the generals. Their status in Xuerong City is higher than all the generals except Chen Tang.With this status, he shouldn't be in Chen Tang's army, he asked for his order.

"That's right! I can't accept His Highness's behavior!"

Chen Tang, who made up his mind, finally made a decision. He had no psychological burden to rebel with King Xuerong. After all, it could only be regarded as a civil war of the royal family. If King Xuerong succeeded, he would be able to gain a higher status. Chen Tang, whose family background is not obvious, is undoubtedly an opportunity to reach the sky in one step!But now joining forces with a foreign race, this is absolutely unacceptable to him.

"His Royal Highness may have such an idea to join hands with other races to oppress the empire, but the one who can do it so directly must be the black hand of the Temple of the Underworld." Compared with Chen Tang, Bao Zhijie knows more about the inside story. King Xuerong's conspiracy is not bad, But after all, Xiao Chenguang's method of ascension to the throne is a little unclear. In this matter, many people in the royal family are neutral. The same is true for King Dongping.

But teaming up with other races, this is the lack of righteousness, this point cannot be passed within the royal family!In this matter, if it was Xiao Hongming himself, he would definitely not be so decisive. Even if he did, he would be more careful and sneaky.In this matter, it is obviously completely controlled by the Temple of the Underworld, or in other words, the current King Xue Rong is completely a puppet regime pushed to the fore by the Temple of the Underworld, and he has no right to speak on major matters.

There are many people under the rule of Xuerong City who are dissatisfied with this matter, but so far there are no people who really jumped out to oppose it.

"Then how does the commander-in-chief of the army plan to deal with it?" Bao Zhijie didn't express his opinion, but asked a completely irrelevant question.

There was a sudden silence in the handsome tent, yes, how should relatives deal with it?Not only the generals present, but also the soldiers in the battalion, at least [-]% of them are not alone, they may have fathers, wives and children, and these relatives are all within the sphere of influence of Xuerong City.Rebellion is not so easy to rebel. Even if the upper echelons can unify their opinions and forcibly suppress the army, the blow to morale will definitely be fatal, and it will also plant a huge hidden danger in future wars.

"It's better to leave this matter to the old man, Commander, let's wait for a few more days." Bao Zhijie smiled.

"Military teacher, you..." Looking at the old man Bao's smile, Chen Tang felt a little creepy. In his heart, this person was definitely King Xuerong's confidant. The circle is banned in the handsome account.

"Is it strange?"


At this moment, everyone in the handsome tent looked at Bao Zhijie, and no one spoke, but they all had the same thought in their minds. Could this be the old guy's plan to delay the attack?After he stabilized their side, he would secretly report to Xuerong City. At that time, no matter whether it was Bai Qi or Han Xin, he would only need to draw a team of partial divisions, and with the hidden dangers of Chen Tang's army, they would definitely be defeated without a fight.

"Then it's better for the commander-in-chief to personally monitor the old man's actions." Bao Zhijie didn't explain much, he knew that it would be useless to explain more at this time.He became famous very early. He was an official for a period of time when he returned to the emperor, and later he became an official and returned to Xuerong City to raise ghosts, but he would never have thought that he would meet Xiao Hongming, a cheater, to rebel!He is over seventy years old, but even if he doesn't think about himself, he has to think about his family, so he has no choice but to become an official again.

However, as the war continued, one after another of the heavenly wizards also appeared on the stage, which made Bao Zhijie sigh that "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves before die on the beach", and his previous pride was swept away.This is the first time he felt that there are so many monsters in the Hongyu Empire!
"Military teacher, can you tell me why?" Chen Tang naturally didn't understand these things, his experience was somewhat similar to Yue Fei's, he was capable, and met a great world, so he rose like a comet.But rising is rising, but the foundation is too weak, except for this bit of military power in hand, the others simply cannot meet the standard of a nobleman.

"Why? Could it be that you, Chen Tang, are the only ones who are righteous? Why can't I, an old man, have the same idea?"

"No, no, no! I don't mean that, it's just..." Chen Tang wanted to explain with some embarrassment. He couldn't understand Bao Zhijie's ability very well. Don't look at him as a bad old man, but his ability is definitely his military advisor. First, even if he is the coach, if he is not careful, he will be played miserably.

"Okay, before the matter comes to an end, you still watch the old man carefully. How can you be shaken by just a few words for a handsome man?" Bao Zhijie interrupted Chen Tang's words with a stern expression.Why did he choose to join Chen Tang's army instead of Bai Qi and Han Xin?It's because the two people in front are too perverted!

However, this time Chen Tang's choice really suits his eyes.

"Okay! When we get our relatives, we will vote for Marshal Yue Fei and follow him to fight the aliens! Civil war, civil war, we don't care anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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