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Chapter 1059 The Holy Angel Comes, Starts to Close the Net

Chapter 1059 The Holy Angel Comes, Starts to Close the Net

Fort No. 27, Meng Gong's extraction of the army's power has almost reached its limit. There are fewer and fewer soldiers available in the fort, and the offensive outside the fort is getting weaker and weaker. Wanyan Aguda is obviously reporting The mentality of dragging the defenders to death, this tactic is the least technical. In normal combat, almost no commander will use it. After all, if the army is crippled, there will be no chance of fighting to the death.

But right now, the two sides have maintained a high degree of "tacit understanding" and have been confronting each other on the strength of the army. Meng Gong is just delaying time, and Wanyan Aguda wants a slave!
Outside the Great Northern Great Wall, slaves are equivalent to wealth, not only can be used for labor, but also can be used for war, especially to beat the soldiers and civilians of the enemy country into slaves, and then drive the slaves to fight. This is definitely the worst blow to the morale of the Hongyu Empire best way.Of course, this is also where the greatest hatred between the empire and the alien race lies.

Wu Daozi and the others on the high platform in the middle of the military fort were already on the verge of collapse, and the imperial landscape had also lost its original edge. If the enemy hadn't slowed down their offensive, it would have already collapsed.However, even so, they can't last long.In the entire military fort, the only one whose combat power can remain intact is probably the Chosen One!

The morale of the defenders has begun to decline, and the morale of the army is unstable!

At this time, Meng Gong looked at the time, turned sideways to an old man in a golden robe beside him and said, "Master, I leave it to you!"

"Don't worry, the boss, the old man is ready." The old man nodded slightly, and if he looked at it carefully, the position where they stood was depicted with a complicated magic circle, and dozens of priests were lined up around them.

As for this old man, he is the lord of Pegasus City in the Temple of Light, legendary rank, one of the top legendary powerhouses in the world!

Meng Gong nodded, and walked out of the magic circle. At this moment, the military god of war controlled by him was about to collapse, and the power of the great war was powerless!The surrounding priests also raised their scepters and recited ancient spells.The golden-cloaked old man in the magic circle slowly spread his wings with a pious expression, as if he wanted to embrace the future.

At this moment, two pairs of golden angel wings suddenly appeared behind the old man, and then countless holy lights spewed out, forming a suit of holy light battle armor and a holy light long sword. Against the backdrop of the holy light, there was a three-point holiness.

Holy angels come!
This skill is the same as the Taoism's God's Descending Secret Art. It is a magic-inviting skill. The stronger the person's hands, the stronger the effect. Of course, the side effects are too strong to bear to look at.

The task of the palace master is naturally to break the space blockade around the military fort!
As for whether the palace master can survive the chaos, that's not what Meng Gong can care about. Speaking of which, the Guangming Temple has really spent a lot of money.

Under the blessing of the descending of the holy angel, the old hall master suddenly exuded a god-like aura. At this moment, his combat power had reached the level of a demigod!Of course, even if he was equivalent to a demigod, he would still be at the bottom of the demigod list. A qualitative change would not be achieved so easily. At most, he would be able to step into the realm of a demigod with one foot.

This is already exaggerated!
Above the ninth level, saint, legendary, and demigod, the gap between each level exceeds the gap between the first level and the ninth level.Just like the legend's symbol "field", in the field, the legend can completely abuse the holy rank.What is the sign of a demigod, the current God Chosen does not understand, after all, it is too far away from them.

The angelic old palace master spread his wings and turned into a golden light, heading towards the east. He only needs to destroy four of the 32 totem poles, which is enough to break the alien race's space blockade on the military fort.Meng Gong, on the other hand, focused on the strength of the last army in the military fort, vowing to hold back the enemy's military strength, otherwise the plan would not be successful at all.

While speaking, the fierce power of judgment had already destroyed the first totem pole, and the golden light headed towards the second totem pole. The enemy legion guarding the totem pole could not stop his actions at all. In the face of absolute power, Quantity is meaningless, which also reflects the value of the commander!
The second root, success!

At this moment, the corner of Meng Gong's mouth couldn't help showing a slight smile, and he was determined to arrest slaves?This time, let you become slaves too!
the third...

boom! ! !
With a loud noise, the golden light and bloody light intertwined in the direction of the third totem pole, covering a large area.Apparently, the old palace master was blocked at the position of the third totem pole.

Demi god! ?
Seeing the light curtain that seemed to be evenly divided, Meng Gong frowned slightly. Is it a real demigod, or a strong man who obtained the power of a demigod through a special method like the old hall master?There is an essential difference between the two!Although breaking the space blockade is not a decisive part of the plan, even if it fails, the time he dragged out is enough to get the plan on track, and the final result will not change much.

However, if the space blockade cannot be broken, the people in the No. 27 Military Fort will all be dead!

No wonder the opponent's coach is not in a hurry, it turns out there is still a backup!
Amidst a series of roaring sounds, the third totem pole was still unable to hold on, and was shattered by the sword of judgment. The angel's wings, with a golden light, rushed towards the fourth totem pole again, a bloody light The bite in the back.The distance between the two totem poles is less than five miles. At their level, this is not a distance at all.

It worked!
At this moment, Wanyan Aguda finally got anxious!He has received a large number of military reports about the arrival of enemy reinforcements. These reinforcements are composed of 4 to [-], or [-] to [-] horses, and the largest number does not exceed [-]. Swallow these scattered reinforcements.But now, if the space seal is broken and the military fort is supported by the teleportation array, wouldn't all his previous plans come to naught!

Why did he wait so long?Don't you just want to drain the strength of the opponent's army so as to receive more prisoners of war!
In desperation, the power of the army began to move towards the position of the totem pole. At this time, how could Meng Gong let him go, even if it was to drain the last ounce of strength from the defenders, he had to hold on.

It's too late, so fast!Just when the strength of the two armies, God of War, switched offense and defense, the fourth totem pole was already blown.Two strong men standing on the threshold of demigods, to be honest, if the other party ignores you, it's really hard to fight.The old hall master also paid a big price for this. He resisted two blows from his opponent, and the state of the holy angel was almost broken.Fortunately, the resilience of the holy light department is perverted, as long as it is not killed, it can spit out the opponent's milk, but...

"Death!" At the moment when the fourth totem pole was shattered, Wanyan Aguda, who became angry from embarrassment, directly manipulated the military force and rushed forward. The huge dragon spear directly nailed the old palace master in the state of a holy angel to the ground, and the ground could not bear it. He suffered a huge blow and was bombarded out of a big pit.What was even worse was that the old hall master's holy angel state was directly broken, and the side effects of the skill appeared in advance, and he died on the spot.

And at the moment when the space blockade was broken, the military teleportation array in the military fort instantly lit up, led by all Imperial Guards, and the speed of teleportation was not fast, but with the arrival of these new forces, Meng Gong The sustainable military strength of the God of War suddenly stabilized again.

 Christmas Eve!Received a call from my mother to go home for a blind date on New Year's Day, what a pain!

(End of this chapter)

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